"Front Matter". In: Organosilanes in Radical Chemistry - Index of

"Front Matter". In: Organosilanes in Radical Chemistry - Index of "Front Matter". In: Organosilanes in Radical Chemistry - Index of

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22 Thermochemistry 2.2.2 PHOTOACOUSTIC CALORIMETRY Photoacoustic calorimetry is a thermodynamic method to determine a bond strength in solution [8]. Indeed, this technique has been used to quantify the enthalpy change occurring in a photoinduced reaction of di-tert-butyl peroxide with a silane (Reaction 2.7). Few bond dissociation enthalpies of silanes have been measured by this technique. In the original reports [9,10], the absolute values of DHs were underestimated by ca 20 kJ/mol due mainly to the reaction volume changes and the change in solvation enthalpies [1,8]. Therefore, relative data by this technique should be reliable since solvation correction is not necessary. Table 2.2 reports the relative bond dissociation enthalpies (DHrel) for a few silanes. The data demonstrate that silicon–hydrogen bonds can be dramatically weakened by successive substitution of the Me3Si group at the Si w H functionality. A substantial decrease in bond strength is also observed by replacing alkyl with methylthio groups. It is worth mentioning that in the analogous experiments with other group 14 hydrides, the bond strengths decrease by 27 and 69 kJ/mol, going from Et3Si w H to Bu3Ge w H and to Bu3Sn w H, respectively [11,12]. t-BuOOBu-t þ 2R3SiH ! hn 2 t-BuOH þ 2R3Si: (2:7) The relative bond enthalpies from the photoacoustic calorimetry studies can be placed on an absolute scale by assuming that the value for DH(Et3Si w H) is similar to DH(Me3Si w H). In Table 2.2 we have converted the DHrel values to absolute DH values (third column). On the basis of thermodynamic data, an approximate value of DH(Me3SiSiMe2 w H) ¼ 378 kJ=mol can be calculated that it is identical to that in Table 2.2 [1]. A recent advancement of photoacoustic calorimetry provides the solvent correction factor for a particular solvent and allows the revision of bond dissociation enthalpies and conversion to an absolute scale, by taking into consideration reaction volume effects and heat of solvation [8]. In the last column of Table 2.2 these values are reported and it is gratifying to see the similarities of the two sets of data. Table 2.2 Relative and absolute bond dissociation enthalpies (kJ/mol) a Silane (R3SiH) DHrel b DH(R3Si w H) c Et3Si w H 0 398 402 Me3SiSiMe2 w H 20 378 381 (MeS) 3Si w H 32 366 364 (Me3Si) 3Si w H 46:5 351.5 351.5 a At 25 8C. b From References [9,10]. c Estimated based on the DHrel (see text). d Revised values taking into consideration solvent correction factors [8]. DH(R3Si w H) d

Bond Dissociation Enthalpies 23 2.2.3 THEORETICAL DATA The continuous development and implementation of molecular orbital theory ab initio methods have enlarged the applications to this area too. Indeed, the impact of theoretical calculations in thermochemistry is substantial. Experimental groups often use calculations as a supplement to the interpretation of their results. In this section we will mention a few recent and representative studies that are directly associated with the bond dissociation energies of silanes. Early theoretical investigations of the Si w H bond strength in silanes have been summarized [13]. The most reliable calculations so far are relative bond dissociation energy studies by means of the isodesmic Reaction (2.8). DH2:8 can be reliably calculated even at modest levels of theory because errors arising from deficient basis sets and incomplete corrections for electron correlation largely are canceled. The DH2:8 for R ¼ Me and n ¼ 0 is calculated as 13.5 kJ/mol at the MP3/6–31G * level in excellent agreement with the experimental finding [14]. MP4SDTQ/6–31G * level of theory was used to study the effects of substituents on DH(XSiH2 w H) by means of the isogyric reaction shown in Reaction (2.9) [15]. The results indicated that electropositive substituents with low-lying empty orbitals (Li, BeH, and BH2) decrease the Si w H bond strengths by 30–50 kJ/mol. A 12 kJ/mol decrease in bond strength from H3Si w HtoH3SiSiH2 w H and a difference of 34 kJ/mol between H3Si w Hand(H3Si) 3Si w H were also computed. R3 nSiH1þn þ H3Si: !R3 nSiHn: þ H3SiH (2:8) XH2Si: þ H4Si !XSiH3 þ H3Si: (2:9) Phenyl substitution was calculated to decrease the Si w H bond strength by 6 kJ/mol using the isogyric Reaction (2.8) for R ¼ Ph and n ¼ 2 at the HF/STO- 3G * and MP2/STO-3G * levels [16]. These calculations further indicated that the presence of a second phenyl group, i.e. Reaction (2.8) with R ¼ Ph and n ¼ 1, has no additional effect. UB3LYP/6–31G and ROMP2/6–311þþG(d,2p) methods were used to calculate the Si w H bond strengths of 15 para-substituted silanes p-Z w C6H4SiH2 w H and no significant substituent effect was found in DH(Si w H), while DH(Si w X) in the same series for X ¼ Cl, F, Li showed such effects [17]. Calculations on the enthalpy change for Reaction (2.1) were also reported. DFT methods substantially underestimate the absolute bond dissociation energies, whereas the relative ones are reliable enough and allow the rationalization of substituent effects. Indeed, the substituent effect on the Si w H bond strength was addressed at the BLYP/6–31G * level of theory and indicated that successive Me substitutions strengthen the bonds, while successive SMe and SiH3 substitutions weaken the bond in excellent accord with experimental data [18]. Good absolute DH(XSiH2 w H) were obtained for relatively small molecules, using the G3(MP2) method for calculating the enthalpy change of Reaction (2.1) [17]. The

22 Thermochemistry<br />


Photoacoustic calorimetry is a thermodynamic method to determ<strong>in</strong>e a bond<br />

strength <strong>in</strong> solution [8]. <strong>In</strong>deed, this technique has been used to quantify the<br />

enthalpy change occurr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a photo<strong>in</strong>duced reaction <strong>of</strong> di-tert-butyl peroxide<br />

with a silane (Reaction 2.7). Few bond dissociation enthalpies <strong>of</strong> silanes have<br />

been measured by this technique. <strong>In</strong> the orig<strong>in</strong>al reports [9,10], the absolute<br />

values <strong>of</strong> DHs were underestimated by ca 20 kJ/mol due ma<strong>in</strong>ly to the reaction<br />

volume changes and the change <strong>in</strong> solvation enthalpies [1,8]. Therefore, relative<br />

data by this technique should be reliable s<strong>in</strong>ce solvation correction is not<br />

necessary. Table 2.2 reports the relative bond dissociation enthalpies (DHrel)<br />

for a few silanes. The data demonstrate that silicon–hydrogen bonds can be<br />

dramatically weakened by successive substitution <strong>of</strong> the Me3Si group at the<br />

Si w H functionality. A substantial decrease <strong>in</strong> bond strength is also observed by<br />

replac<strong>in</strong>g alkyl with methylthio groups. It is worth mention<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>in</strong> the<br />

analogous experiments with other group 14 hydrides, the bond strengths decrease<br />

by 27 and 69 kJ/mol, go<strong>in</strong>g from Et3Si w H to Bu3Ge w H and to<br />

Bu3Sn w H, respectively [11,12].<br />

t-BuOOBu-t þ 2R3SiH ! hn 2 t-BuOH þ 2R3Si: (2:7)<br />

The relative bond enthalpies from the photoacoustic calorimetry studies can<br />

be placed on an absolute scale by assum<strong>in</strong>g that the value for DH(Et3Si w H) is<br />

similar to DH(Me3Si w H). <strong>In</strong> Table 2.2 we have converted the DHrel values to<br />

absolute DH values (third column). On the basis <strong>of</strong> thermodynamic data, an<br />

approximate value <strong>of</strong> DH(Me3SiSiMe2 w H) ¼ 378 kJ=mol can be calculated<br />

that it is identical to that <strong>in</strong> Table 2.2 [1]. A recent advancement <strong>of</strong> photoacoustic<br />

calorimetry provides the solvent correction factor for a particular<br />

solvent and allows the revision <strong>of</strong> bond dissociation enthalpies and conversion<br />

to an absolute scale, by tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration reaction volume effects and<br />

heat <strong>of</strong> solvation [8]. <strong>In</strong> the last column <strong>of</strong> Table 2.2 these values are reported<br />

and it is gratify<strong>in</strong>g to see the similarities <strong>of</strong> the two sets <strong>of</strong> data.<br />

Table 2.2 Relative and absolute bond dissociation enthalpies (kJ/mol) a<br />

Silane (R3SiH) DHrel b DH(R3Si w H) c<br />

Et3Si w H 0 398 402<br />

Me3SiSiMe2 w H 20 378 381<br />

(MeS) 3Si w H 32 366 364<br />

(Me3Si) 3Si w H 46:5 351.5 351.5<br />

a At 25 8C.<br />

b From References [9,10].<br />

c Estimated based on the DHrel (see text).<br />

d Revised values tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to consideration solvent correction factors [8].<br />

DH(R3Si w H) d

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