ARISTOTLE AND THE EARLIER PERIPATETICS vol.I by Eduard Zeller, B.F.C.Costelloe 1897

MACEDONIA is GREECE and will always be GREECE- (if they are desperate to steal a name, Monkeydonkeys suits them just fine) ΚΑΤΩ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΔΟΤΙΚΟ "ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΤΟΞΟ"!!! Strabo – “Geography” “There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace which borders on it and extends as far as the mouth of the Euxine and the Propontis. Then, a little further on, Strabo mentions Cypsela and the Hebrus River, and also describes a sort of parallelogram in which the whole of Macedonia lies.” (Strab. 7.fragments.9) ΚΚΕ, ΚΝΕ, ΟΝΝΕΔ, ΑΓΟΡΑ,ΕΚΚΛΗΣΙΑ,ΝΕΑ,ΦΩΝΗ,ΦΕΚ,ΝΟΜΟΣ,LIFO,MACEDONIA, ALEXANDER, GREECE,IKEA

MACEDONIA is GREECE and will always be GREECE- (if they are desperate to steal a name, Monkeydonkeys suits them just fine)


Strabo – “Geography”
“There remain of Europe, first, Macedonia and the parts of Thrace that are contiguous to it and extend as far as Byzantium; secondly, Greece; and thirdly, the islands that are close by. Macedonia, of course, is a part of Greece, yet now, since I am following the nature and shape of the places geographically, I have decided to classify it apart from the rest of Greece and to join it with that part of Thrace which borders on it and extends as far as the mouth of the Euxine and the Propontis. Then, a little further on, Strabo mentions Cypsela and the Hebrus River, and also describes a sort of parallelogram in which the whole of Macedonia lies.”
(Strab. 7.fragments.9)



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2P3<br />

objects of knowledge, and there<strong>by</strong> the multiplicity ot<br />

the special sciences would disappear. 1<br />

Finally we may<br />

ask whether this single science is to relate only to substances<br />

or to their qualities also. The first alternative<br />

seems inadmissible, because it would be then impossible<br />

to say what kind of science had to do with the qualities<br />

of Being. The latter seems untenable, because substances<br />

cannot be known <strong>by</strong> the same method of<br />

demonstration as qualities. 2<br />

Aristotle answers these questions <strong>by</strong> remarking<br />

that not only that which falls under the same conception;<br />

but a!so that which relates to the same object, belongs<br />

to one and the same science. 3 This, he says, is the case<br />

as regards Being. Only that which is itself Substance,<br />

or is somehow related to substance, can be named Being!<br />

All those conceptions which are in question denote<br />

either that which is Substantial, or else qualities, activities<br />

and circumstances of Substance, and in the end they<br />

all lead up to certain elementary pairs of opposites, and<br />

opposites fall under the same science. 4 For these<br />

reasons he concludes that it is one and the same science<br />

which has to deal with all Being as such. 5 The difficulty<br />

1<br />

Metaph. ibid. 995, b, 10, c. • Metaph. iv. 2, ]003, b, 12:<br />

2, 997, a, 15. ov yap fi6vov tuv Kaff %v Aeyopcvtov<br />

* C. 1, 995, b, 18, c. 2, 997, a, eirioT^ujij eVi-l Sexpqirai fiias, aXKa<br />

25. Among the o-vfj.$efSii]K6'ra rais Kal tuv irphs fiiav \eyofiivwy (pvffiv.<br />

ovalcus must be counted also the Ibid. 1. 19, 1004, a, 24, cf. note 1<br />

concepts of rairbv, erepov, o/Motov, and as to the difference between<br />

ivavTiov, &c. enumerated in 995, ko8' %v and irphs %v, see Metaph.<br />

b, 20; cf. iv. 2, 1003, b, 34 sqq. lii. 4, 1040, a, 34 sqq.<br />

1004, a, 16 sqq. The furtl er * On this point see p. 221,<br />

Apories of the third book, which supra.<br />

are concerned not only with the s<br />

Metaph. iv. 2 : ri 8c 'ov<br />

concept of the First Philosophy \eyerai fiiv woWaxas, aWa irphs<br />

but also with its contents, will %v Kal p av ru/a v<br />

wpbs T^jvoi/fflav Keyofi4vwv,tiTovTwv<br />

Ttvbs K7ro(/>aVeis % ovoias • Sib Kal to<br />

iiH/u" thai fj.T)"ov

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