from oscar.delgadillo More from this publisher

T<br />

here is a story about a faraway land,<br />

where the king did not like the joy, the<br />

colors, the sun and much less the<br />

children. For that reason, the king created<br />

a magical spell so that when the kids were<br />

playing outside the palace, it starts to rain<br />

and the sun disappears immediately. One<br />

day when all the kids were playing, the<br />

king was going to spread his magic spell<br />

but he dropped the jar where he had the<br />

magic spell. At that time, the king<br />

despaired of the kids’ cries and began to<br />

2<br />

have a severe headache.

The next day the king made a call for the magicians. The king<br />

said<br />

- Gentlemen magicians: I'm going to give a great fortune to<br />

anyone who can create a magic potion ¡to silence the kids!.<br />

Unfortunately for the king, no wizard wanted to perform a magic<br />

potion with such bad intentions. From that moment every time the<br />

king heard that the kids were happy, the king threw stones at<br />

them and said indecent words to them.<br />


One Saturday morning the kids were<br />

playing and shouting as they always<br />

did. The kids noticed with surprise that<br />

the king had not told them anything and<br />

the kids were sad because they missed<br />

the king. When the kids saw that the<br />

king did not throw anything at them,<br />

they decided to enter the great palace.<br />

The kids entered the palace below the<br />

door and silently managed to enter the<br />

back of the palace.<br />


The kids walked through the rooms, the<br />

kitchens, the dining room and they did<br />

not see the king. When the kids see<br />

main room, the kids decided to enter the<br />

king's room. When they entered, the<br />

first thing they saw was the king lying on<br />

the ground.<br />


When the kids saw the king lying on<br />

the ground, the children said - we love<br />

you very much and we missed you so<br />

much.<br />

After a while the king woke up very<br />

scared to see the kids in his palace.<br />

The king told them the following:<br />

- I do not want the kids because my<br />

ex-wife took my children and every<br />

time I listen you playing outside the<br />

palace, I remember my children<br />


From that day, the king and the kids became very good friends<br />

and every afternoon they played different games. The king<br />

understood that the kids had very good feelings. From that day,<br />

the main objective of the king was to recover his son and<br />

daughter. And the king learned to be happy next to the kids and<br />

their children.<br />



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