Sheep magazine Archive 2: issues 10-17

Lefty online magazine: issue 10, May 2016 to issue 17, November 2016

Lefty online magazine: issue 10, May 2016 to issue 17, November 2016


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The British response was merciless. “We burnt down rebel villages and<br />

shot their goats and cows,” one officer wrote. “Any enemy corpses we<br />

recovered were propped up in the Salalah souk as a salutary lesson to<br />

any would-be freedom fighters.” Another officer explained that unlike<br />

in Northern Ireland, where soldiers were anxious to avoid killing or<br />

wounding non-combatants, he believed that in Dhofar there were no<br />

innocents, only adoo: “The only people in this area – there are no<br />

civilians – are all enemy. Therefore you can get on with doing the job,<br />

mortaring the area and returning small arms fire without worrying about<br />

hurting innocent people.”<br />

In their determination to put down a popular rebellion against the cruelty<br />

and neglect of a despot who was propped up and financed by Britain,<br />

British-led forces poisoned wells, torched villages, destroyed crops and<br />

shot livestock. During the interrogation of rebels they developed their<br />

torture techniques, experimenting with noise. Areas populated by civilians<br />

were turned into free-fire zones. Little wonder that Britain wanted to fight<br />

this war in total secrecy.<br />

47<br />

There was no need to resort to the Official Secrets Acts or the D-notice<br />

system in order to conceal the Dhofar war, and the ruthless manner in<br />

which it was being fought, from the outside world. Two simple expedients<br />

were employed: no journalists were permitted into the country, and<br />

nobody in government mentioned the war. When Wilson published<br />

his account of the Labour government of 1964-70, for example, he<br />

mentioned the war that the US was fighting in Vietnam almost 250 times.<br />

His own government’s war in Oman was not mentioned once.<br />


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