Magazine NOVIT MODELS™ №3/2018

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS. Fitness on fresh air. BEAUTY & CAREER: Mini Top Model "Images of Russia"™2018 in Novokuibyshevsk. Opening new faces - Mariya Bolonina. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": photographer – Yury Ivanenko, model: Katia Maslihina. NEWS. Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ.Фитнес на свежем водухе. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: Конкурс Мини Топ Модель “Лики России”® -2018 в Новокуйбышевске. Открываем новые лица – Мария Болонина. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов": фотограф – Юрий Иваненко, модель – Катя Маслихина. НОВОСТИ.

En: FITNESS FOR MODELS. Fitness on fresh air. BEAUTY & CAREER: Mini Top Model "Images of Russia"™2018 in Novokuibyshevsk. Opening new faces - Mariya Bolonina. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": photographer – Yury Ivanenko, model: Katia Maslihina. NEWS.
Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ.Фитнес на свежем водухе. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: Конкурс Мини Топ Модель “Лики России”® -2018 в Новокуйбышевске. Открываем новые лица – Мария Болонина. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов": фотограф – Юрий Иваненко, модель – Катя Маслихина. НОВОСТИ.


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In issue:<br />

9 Fitness for models. Fitness on fresh air.<br />

25Beauty & career<br />

Mini Top Model "Images of Russia"<strong>2018</strong> in Novokuibyshevsk. Opening new faces - Mariya Bolonina.<br />

55 Photo Gallery "20 hits"<br />

80News<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 5

To become a successful model and to conquer international<br />

podiums, it is necessary to take care of your health from your<br />

childhood, that in the future you could easily cope with the<br />

physical loads associated with the work of a professional<br />

model.<br />

Yury Ivanenko<br />

6 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>


www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1590181<br />





Yury Ivanenko<br />

novitmodels@zoho.com<br />

skype: novitfilm<br />


novitmodels@zoho.com<br />


www.novitmodels.com<br />

vk.com/novitmodels<br />

facebook.com/NovitModels/<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong> "<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS" is the corporate<br />

and produced in electronically in Internet.<br />

© <strong>2018</strong>, <strong>NOVIT</strong> Ltd. All rights reserved.<br />

Reprinting of materials or fragments thereof is permitted<br />

only by agreement with editorial in writing.<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 7

8 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>


Our magazine knows what to do in the summer: move<br />

your workouts to fresh air! Take advantage of the good<br />

weather, to had a good walk, run and swim.<br />

You will spend more calories, strengthen your muscles<br />

and give yourself a beautiful body! Outdoor sports is<br />

a great alternative to the usual gym.<br />

On the street,, nature itself acts as your fitness<br />

instructor, and you burn more calories thanks to<br />

the strength of the wind, natural heights and great<br />

weather - against the background of all this, sports<br />

loads become a sheer pleasure.To inspire you, we<br />

offer four programs to choose from.<br />

Each of them allows you to burn at least 500 kcal per<br />

hour and sharpen the contours of the whole body. But<br />

at the same time to return the forgotten feeling of the<br />

game. And just like in childhood, you will actively move<br />

not because it is good for your health, but because<br />

movement is really great! By the way, you do not need<br />

to give up your favorite workouts in the fitness club -<br />

just add one of the classes we offer to them.<br />

10 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

Burn more calories and<br />

strengthen your muscles<br />

while exercising in the<br />

fresh air!

12 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

“Living stairs”<br />

TIME: 40 MINUTES<br />


Running on the steps forms a strong slim legs and elastic ass.<br />

Plus, this is a great option cardio. A large number of steps (in<br />

the stadium, near bridges and high-rise buildings) makes you<br />

give everything in full. In principle, any staircase will do, just<br />

have to rise and descend more often if there are few steps.<br />

Study our workout plan.<br />

00.00-05.00<br />

Jog on neighborhood to warm up your muscles.<br />

05.00-09.00<br />

Run up on steps at medium speed, and back, down in steps (about 60-80 steps<br />

per minute). Continue until the end of the interval.<br />

9.00-11.00<br />

Run a light jog around the neighborhood.<br />

11.00-14.30<br />

Run up, through one step at a fast pace and step back down (about 90-120<br />

steps per minute). If it is difficult, slow down.<br />

16-30-33.0<br />

Run a jog around the neighborhood.<br />

16.30-33.00<br />

Repeat minutes 11.00-16.30 3 times.<br />

33.00-34.00<br />

Run up the stairs; at every tenth, jump up and land in a squat.<br />

34.00-35.00<br />

Step up the step sideways and lift the locking leg through the side. Change legs<br />

(turning the other side) every 10 steps.<br />

35.00-40.00<br />

Finish running at an easy pace.<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 13

14 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

City hills<br />

TIME: 1-2 HOURS<br />

ELIMINATES: 450-900 KCAL<br />

Vigorous walking in any case will allow to work out the legs and<br />

body, and if you treat the walk as a full-fledged workout, you<br />

can burn even more calories. We offer a fat burning route that<br />

will help you move to a new cardiovascular level.<br />

00.00-05.00<br />

Walk a light step to warm up the muscles.<br />

05.00-15.00<br />

Go over a moderate speed.<br />

15.00-20.00<br />

Increase your speed and incline (look for nearby hilly terrain).<br />

20.00-35.00<br />

Step in at a moderate pace.<br />

35.00-37.00<br />

Add speed.<br />

37.00-37.30<br />

Step slowly.<br />

37.30-39.30<br />

Add speed.<br />

39.30-40.00<br />

Step slowly..<br />

40.00-55.00<br />

Шагайте в умеренном темпе. Step in at a moderate pace.<br />

55.00+<br />

Repeat the entire workout first (or only the most favorite intervals).<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 15

Running in the water is<br />

suitable for everyone. This<br />

kind of training is called<br />

intermittent.<br />

Combining loads will help to<br />

comprehensively work out<br />

almost all muscle groups<br />

and will make a variety in<br />

classes.<br />

16 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

Running in the pool<br />

TIME: 40 MINUTES<br />


Running in the water invigorates and enhances your mood in the<br />

same way as running through the park, only without unnecessary<br />

stress on the joints and with a more noticeable toning effect in<br />

the muscles. Legs and hands are forced to overcome the force<br />

of water resistance, and the muscles of the body - to coordinate<br />

movement. In this cardioprogram we suggest alternating jogging<br />

with swimming along the paths of the pool. Exercising 1-2 times<br />

a week, you will increase your endurance. You will need aqua<br />

belts and swimming goggles.<br />

00.00-05.00 Wear a belt and start with light jog. Slide your feet back and forth (start<br />

moving from the hip), while pushing the water.согнутыми в локтях руками. Тяните<br />

носки на себя.<br />

05.00-06.00 Start with a slow run, then add speed.<br />

06.00-06.30 Increase the amplitude move of the elbows and lift the legs slightly<br />

higher, simulating a run uphill.<br />

06.30-07.00 Lower the arms below, shorten the step and lean forward slightly.<br />

07.00-09.00 Repeat minutes 5-7.<br />

09.00-12.00 Take off your belt and swim (in any style) at a fast pace.<br />

12.00-13.00 Wear a belt and run.<br />

13.00-13.30 Increase the range of motion with your elbows, lift your legs higher and<br />

run at high speed.<br />

13.30-13.45 Run at an easy pace.<br />

13.45-14.15 Lower the arms below, shorten the step and lean forward slightly.<br />

14.15-14.30 Run at an easy pace.<br />

14.30-22.00 Repeat minutes 12.00-14.30 three times.<br />

22.00-25.00 Take off your belt and swim (in any style) at an easy pace.<br />

25.00-25.45 Wear a belt and run in water at high speed.<br />

25.45-26.00 Run at an easy pace.<br />

26.00-28.00 Repeat minutes 25.00- 26.00 twice.<br />

28.00-30.00 Finish your session by light jogg.<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 17

We sculpt, run, play.<br />

TIME: 20-30 MINUTES<br />

ELIMINATES: 200-250 KCAL<br />

Go back to time in a tender age!<br />

On the playground, instead of kulichik, we will sculpt muscles.<br />

When performing a complex, add 1-2 cardio after each<br />

movement: jump with a real or imaginary rope or make a<br />

"raznozhku" (jump - legs wider than shoulders, arms above<br />

head, jump - feet together, hands at the seams).<br />


Are working legs, buttocks and body.<br />

Stand with your back to the swing, transfer the weight to your right leg, with your left<br />

foot lean on the swing seat. Extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height and<br />

drop into a lunge so that your right knee forms a right angle with your shin (see photo).<br />

Do 10 repetitions. Change sides.<br />

18 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

2. LADDER.<br />

Are working legs and buttocks.<br />

Place your left foot on a low bench or log and lift your right foot behind you, arms<br />

above your head (see photo). Get off the ground and change sides. Repeat 1 minute<br />

at a fast pace, then jog in one place for 1 minute.<br />

3. PUSH UP.<br />

Are working chest, arms and body.<br />

Put your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, put your socks on any high place<br />

(bench, ladder, etc.). The body should form a straight line from crown to heel. Bend<br />

your elbows and lower your chest to the ground (in the photo). Perform a pushup and<br />

repeat the exercise from the beginning. Do 10 repetitions.<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 19


Are working abdominal muscles.<br />

Climb up the steps of the slide quickly, slide down and land on both feet. Sit back<br />

slightly and pull your knees to your chest (in the photo). On weight straighten legs and<br />

repeat. Do 10 times, then climb the hill again. Run this chain twice.<br />

5. PULLING UP.<br />

Are working the muscles of the arms and back.<br />

Jump up and grab the highest step of the horizontal<br />

bars; palm on yourself, chin above the crossbar (in<br />

the photo). Hold this position for as long as possible,<br />

then slowly sink to the ground. Repeat 2 times.<br />


"Ladder", attacks, plyometric squat<br />

require caution when varicose veins,<br />

back problems. Push-ups, pull-ups are<br />

not recommended for problems in the<br />

elbow and shoulder joints.<br />

20 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>


Are working quadriceps muscles of the thigh.<br />

Sit on the swing, feet on the ground. Lift the right leg, grasp the handles and straighten<br />

the left leg, pressing the heel into the ground, the sock on yourself (in the photo). Hold<br />

for a few seconds, straining the quadriceps, and return to the starting position. Do 10<br />

repetitions and change sides.<br />


Are working legs and buttocks.<br />

Stand in front of a bench height of 20-25<br />

cm, feet shoulder-width apart. Swing your<br />

arms back, at the same time sinking into a<br />

deep squat. Then swing your arms forward,<br />

jump onto the bench and get down in the<br />

squat (in the photo). Get off on the ground<br />

and repeat. Do the exercise 10-12 times.<br />

Plyometric movement implies<br />

rapid elongation and contraction of the muscles.<br />

NM<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 21

24 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

Fashion for children has firmly entered<br />

our life, and without the participation of<br />

little models-girls and models-boys on<br />

the podium does not manage neither<br />

international exhibition, associated with<br />

the fashion industry is.<br />

On September 9, <strong>2018</strong> in<br />

Novokuibyshevsk, will held for the third<br />

time the Children's Model Competition<br />

Mini Top Model "Images of Russia" -<br />

<strong>2018</strong>.<br />

The main objective of the contest is<br />

to popularize the children's model<br />

movement, identify the most gifted<br />

children and assist in their promotion<br />

in the field of cinema, television and<br />

advertising and modeling business,<br />

and promote professional growth in the<br />

Russian and international markets.<br />

The competition is held in order to<br />

identify the talents in children and<br />

create conditions for the support and<br />

development of their artistic-aesthetic<br />

education.<br />

To participate in the contest Mini Top<br />

Mini Model "Images of Russia", need<br />

have appropriate training: the skill to<br />

move along the podium, work before<br />

the photo and video camera, know the<br />

rules of etiquette, be able to explain in<br />

English, which considered the main one<br />

in the international model business.<br />

Not the last place occupies is the<br />

appearance of the model.<br />

Age categories of contest: girls and<br />

boys 5-7 years, 8-10 years and 11-12<br />

years.<br />

Grand Prix - free education in the<br />

Children's Model Studio of the Model<br />

Agency "Faces of Russia"<br />

28 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

Grand Prix - free education<br />

in the Children's Model<br />

Studio of the Model Agency<br />

"Images of Russia"

Founder of the competition:<br />

Model Agency "Images of Russia".<br />

Partners of the contest:<br />

<strong>Magazine</strong>s "Images of Russia", "Novit<br />

Models", "Novit Models Kids",<br />

International Model Agency "Novit<br />

Models Int".<br />

The contest will held in september, 9, in<br />

30 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

Literary Drawing Room of the Central<br />

Library named after A.S. Pushkin of<br />

Novokuibyshevsk.<br />

Especially for the holiday of fashion<br />

and beauty in the hall will be installed<br />

9-meter podium, which will be a real<br />

gift for the little models.<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 31

32 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

MARIYA BOLONINA, 8 years.<br />

Novokuibyshevsk, Russia.<br />

Model agency "Images of Russia"<br />

growth -142 sm<br />

clothing size - 36<br />

size of footwear - 35<br />

eyes - green-gray<br />

hair - light blond, long<br />

Participant<br />

Participant in photo shoots for the magazines "Images<br />

of Russia", <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS , <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS<br />

KIDS , for the photo advertising of the Athletic and<br />

health complex "Oktan" (Novokuibyshevsk), Salon<br />

of evening dresses "Little Fairy" and the Kids Model<br />

Studio of Professional School of models of Model<br />

agency "Images of Russia", participant Kids New<br />

Year's and Spring's "Models Show"-<strong>2018</strong>.<br />

From 3 to 5 January 2017, Masha took part in model<br />

contest Top Model "Images of Russia" -2017, where<br />

she took third place in the nomination "Little Photo<br />

Model of "Images of Russia ""-2017. And May, 30,<br />

Mariya took first place in the contest Mini Top Model<br />

"Images of Russia " -2017 at Novokuibyshevsk (age<br />

category 5-7 years).<br />

In the spring of <strong>2018</strong>, Masha becomes the face of<br />

an advertising campaign for the children's model<br />

competition Mini Top Model "Images of Russia"<br />

-<strong>2018</strong> at Novokuibyshevsk.<br />

In November 2017, was puplished calendar <strong>NOVIT</strong><br />

MODELS KIDS Novokuibyshevsk <strong>2018</strong> with Mariya's<br />

photo on cover.<br />

Now Masha is preparing for a trip to Italy for the Milan<br />

Fashion Week.<br />

34 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

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On May 1, a new issue of the magazine <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS (№2/<strong>2018</strong>) was published.The<br />

cover is decorated with a photo of the model of the Model Agency "Images of Russia"<br />

by Yury Ivanenko .<br />

https://likiross.wixsite.com/novitmodels/novit-models-2-<strong>2018</strong><br />

http://online.pubhtml5.com/sghx/hmmu/<br />

https://issuu.com/novitmodels/docs/nm2_<strong>2018</strong><br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/62561892/magazine-novit-modelstmno2-<strong>2018</strong><br />

You can order a magazine at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1589094<br />

NM<br />

80 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

On May 1, a new issue of the magazine "Images of Russia" (№2/<strong>2018</strong>) was published.<br />

The cover is decorated with a photo of the model of the Model Agency "Images of<br />

Russia" by Nastia Vinnik.<br />

http://likiross.wixsite.com/magazine/lr-2-<strong>2018</strong><br />

http://online.pubhtml5.com/wrzx/blii/<br />

https://issuu.com/novitfilmstudio/docs/lr2_<strong>2018</strong><br />

https://www.yumpu.com/xx/document/view/61865653/-r-no2-<strong>2018</strong><br />

You can order a magazine at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1464543<br />

NM<br />

<strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong> 81

On May 1, a new issue of the magazine <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS KIDS (№2/<strong>2018</strong>) was<br />

published.The cover is decorated with a photo of the pupil of Kids Model studio of the<br />

Model Agency "Images of Russia" by Masha Bolonina.<br />

http://likiross.wixsite.com/novitmodels/novit-models-kids-2-<strong>2018</strong><br />

http://online.pubhtml5.com/hbkl/uyms/<br />

https://issuu.com/yandex3985/docs/nm_kids2_<strong>2018</strong><br />

https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/61382685/magazine-novit-models-kidstmno2-<strong>2018</strong><br />

You can order a magazine at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1487527<br />

NM<br />

82 <strong>NOVIT</strong> MODELS MAY-JUNE <strong>2018</strong>

In early May, in Simferopol (the Republic of Crimea, Russia) began preparations for<br />

Kids Models Show Autumn - <strong>2018</strong> with the support of the glossy magazine <strong>NOVIT</strong><br />


The purpose of the event is to help reveal, see new faces, show the peculiarity and<br />

uniqueness of every little person!<br />

The show will take place in one of the best places in Simferopol - Restaurant "Garden"<br />

- this is an excellent institution that harmoniously combines style, quality of service and<br />

excellent cuisine!<br />

The general producer of the contest is Anna Burina ( vk.com/id40159667 ) , who is the<br />

official representative of Model Agency "Images of Russia" in Simferopol.<br />

Watch the news of Kids Models Show Autumn - <strong>2018</strong>, on the official pages of the social<br />

networks: vk.com/public165381907 , facebook.com/groups/958438574281255//<br />

NM<br />

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