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Striking<br />




Welcome!<br />

We are Generation Z! Twelve students<br />

from all over Europe, fighting for an uncompromised future.<br />

To ensure a sustainable future, we fight for our climate by<br />

1) confronting global institutions with their objective failures,<br />

2) publishing our knowledge and findings and by<br />

3) creating climate change adverts<br />

This is our Striking Dictionary.<br />

Read it, react to it. Spread the words!<br />


First run: Feburary 2019<br />

Published by Fysio Educatief in coöperation with ChildPress.org<br />

Copyright ©2019 Childpress.org<br />

Design: www.thisissaf.com<br />

This publication is part of the Another Uncommon Dictionary series.<br />

Another Uncommon Dictionary suits the deed to the word!<br />

It reveals topics that matter to children in a straight forward<br />

A-Z manner and supports children to actively explore their<br />

skills, broaden their knowledge and obtain their universal rights.<br />

Fysio Educatief • Groenburgwal 59 • 1011 HT Amsterdam<br />

www.fysioeducatief.nl • office@fysioeducatief.nl

Striking Dictionary<br />

This Striking Dictionary is meant for all those who are or want to become<br />

involved in the wave of student strikes for the climate circulating the globe.<br />

We admire all of you so much. We have to join together in action to stop<br />

catastrophic climate change, and safeguard our future.<br />

This Striking Dictionary is written to aid everyone involved in the strikes,<br />

by defining the key terms and concepts. The basic demand is to reduce<br />

emissions to a safe level - this is what common sense tells us is necessary.<br />

In this short booklet are the words that will help us get that result in democratic<br />

debate. This Dictionary does not pretend to say everything, it is simply<br />

a handbook to the language we need when discussing a strike for the climate.<br />

Our actions matter - and so do the words we frame them with.

Table of contents!<br />

Action<br />

Banners<br />

Collapse<br />

Demands<br />

Emissions (gap)<br />

Future<br />

Greta<br />

Horseshit<br />

Increase<br />

Justice<br />

Knowledge<br />

Law<br />

Mr Pye<br />

Julie Ward<br />

Generation Z<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Ole Eikslund<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Greta Thunberg<br />

Matthew Pye<br />

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Table of contents!<br />

Numbers<br />

Objectives (or objective failure)<br />

Prize (eyes on the*)<br />

Quality, not quantity<br />

Responsibility<br />

Strike<br />

Truth, target, transparency<br />

Unity<br />

Voice<br />

Worry, world<br />

Xtinction<br />

Youth<br />

Zero (emissions)<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Nils Gauslaa<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

Name Lastname<br />

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Action<br />

Action is the act of doing something to achieve an aim. The aim is to stop<br />

catastrophic climate change, by reducing emissions. For 50 years we have<br />

known the dangers of man-made climate change and for 50 years nothing has<br />

been done about it: greenhouse gas emissions - the cause of climate change<br />

-increase year on year on year, and if we do not take action, will keep on<br />

increasing to well after 2030.<br />

Non violent action is a very powerful tool to to achieve the revolutionary<br />

changes that are required to stop climate catastrophe. Different types of<br />

action like strikes, protests, petitions, marches and public debates or meetings<br />

brought success to the movements led by Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther<br />

King, and more recently Leymah Gbowee.<br />

Now we have an opportunity to demand that climate change be stopped.<br />

It allows us to show our fear, our determination and our will to fight<br />

for our future.

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Banners<br />

A visual way of expressing the main message. There are no limits to creativity while<br />

making a banner. Cardboards, badminton rackets and T-shirts - anything can be used.<br />

However, the text has to be short, simple and most importantly clear - it must carry<br />

the message. In all their variety, the banners have to communicate one big central<br />

message. With coherence and unity the impact of the message becomes massive.<br />

For example, women in the 1920s went out into the streets with banners “Votes For<br />

Women”. In the Civil Rights Movement it was a demand for “Equal Rights Now!”.<br />

Their message was obvious, and the government knew what was demanded.<br />

For climate actions, the obvious message is to demand ‘Cut Emissions Now’, so that<br />

the government knows exactly what we demand from them to stop catastrophic climate<br />


“Cut 11 percent,<br />

No Planet B,<br />

The right to know!”<br />

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Collapse<br />

Humanity is on a verge of a fragile tipping point. If no efficient action will take place<br />

in the near future we will witness a total systemic, civilizational and environmental<br />

collapse. In order to avoid such a catastrophe, ordinary civilians must put pressure<br />

on politicians and lawmakers which are in charge of creating the necessary climate<br />

policies and introducing restrictions on carbon emissions.

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Demands<br />

Demanding change isn’t anything about aggression, or alarmism. Were the East Germans<br />

wrong to demand that the wall came down? Was Martin Luther King wrong to<br />

demand equality? What we are demanding is just as reasonable and achievable.<br />

We have the right to demand a safe future, we have the right to demand a cut in emissions,<br />

we have the right to demand - #cut11percent<br />

Please don’t talk to us about “being realistic”, or “alarmist”. If you are not prepared<br />

to act on these demands you are the ones who are being unrealistic, and you are the<br />

ones who are really alarming us.

Action!<br />

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11% PER YEAR<br />

NOW!<br />


Emissions (gap)<br />

Currently, the global temperature has risen by 1.1 degrees Celsius. If we continue to<br />

not take any serious action, at the rate at which we are emitting, 1.5 degrees will be<br />

blown in just 8 years time. If we continue like this even longer, we are on track for a<br />

temperature rise of around 4.5 degrees by 2100.<br />

Even if we follow the goals set by individual nations to tackle the problem (NDCs),<br />

the global temperature is still on track to rise by 3.5 degrees.<br />

To be honest, a 1.5 degree rise is already effectively locked in, the Greenhouse Gases<br />

are already pretty much up there for that. We need a miracle breakthrough in technology<br />

or a miracle in climate laws to avoid it. This temperature rise is a tragedy for<br />

many communities - and a tragedy for amazing bits of nature like The Great Barrier<br />

Reef. However, if we take the necessary steps, we can limit the global temperature to<br />

a level compatible that could still be workable for most human communities as they<br />

are today.

Action!<br />

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Future<br />

Adults repeatingly say that it is up to our generation to battle climate change - as if it<br />

is some distant threat. They are totally wrong. By the time we are their age, if emissions<br />

have not already been dramatically curved down all we will be able to do is pick<br />

up the pieces - and battle the runaway climate change that will be playing havoc with<br />

our civilisation. Our lives will be lived more in the future and we will have to face<br />

most of the worst consequences of inaction.<br />

Whether it’s directly or indirectly everybody will be affected either by food scarcity,<br />

water shortages, rising sea levels, natural disasters or the influx of incoming climate<br />

migrants. It is up to the youngest generation to fight for a future and the wellbeing<br />

of humanity altogether. That future is not far away. There are already severe signs of<br />

climate change present today. Stop wishing for distant future generations or future<br />

technologies to sort things out. We are striking because everything has to start happening<br />

immediately. This is the end game, now.

Action!<br />

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Greta<br />

Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old activist and our role model. Since August 2018,<br />

she has been striking for climate change and for a stable future. Greta is inspirational<br />

because she is not scared to get out there and fight for what she knows is<br />

right. She states that her Asperger condition allows her to see our world from a<br />

different perspective, a perspective that cuts out all the rubbish. For her, climate<br />

change is black and white.<br />

“Some people say that we are not doing enough to fight climate change.<br />

But that is not true.<br />

Because to “not do enough” you have to do something.<br />

And the truth is we are basically not doing anything”.<br />

Greta you are simply amazing.<br />

Thank you for being so clear, so transparent, so correct.

“We have to understand<br />

the emergency of the<br />

situation. Our leadership<br />

has failed us!”<br />

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Horse shit<br />

Horseshit. Despite being so much bigger in volume than, for example, dog shit, it<br />

manages to surprise you every time you come across it, by the weird lack of smell.<br />

This is, of course, due to how delicately the inside of a horse works; producing massive<br />

amounts of, well, dung, that goes blissfully unnoticed by anyone who doesn’t<br />

know what they’re looking for.<br />

Politics is largely the same. We live in an era where nobody knows what to believe,<br />

who to believe, and as a result, a lot of horseshit goes unnoticed right in front of<br />

our faces. We have a ‘Not-too-bad-smelling’ set of percentages and statistics thrown<br />

around in the media with promises that “we are increasing our commitments” or<br />

that there is “hope in the future” - all to mask the steaming pile of horseshit that is<br />

reality; that things are only getting worse with every passing day.<br />

We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it more.

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Increase<br />

As we live in the 21th century everything is constantly increasing. Our knowledge<br />

about space and time, our technological abilities, and even the number of garden<br />

gnomes (shout out for garden gnomes!). But as we live in the 21st century the world<br />

population and the habit of consumption is increasing too. Such an increase naturally<br />

leads to the increase of resource extraction and our carbon footprint. All of this ends<br />

with increase of CO2 concentrations (or equivalent) in the atmosphere.<br />

We need to know and respect the laws of physics and chemistry, which demand that<br />

governments increase their efforts. To end the climate crisis the EU needs to cut<br />

emissions by 11% starting today.

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Justice<br />

We have to deal with two main injustices with climate change.<br />

The first one is generational injustice. Older members of society don’t seem to understand<br />

the damage they are causing, by ignoring the overheating of the planet, for the<br />

younger generations. Young people deserve the same chances that past generations<br />

have had.<br />

Secondly, there is a huge economic injustice. Developed countries are the most polluting.<br />

The demand for resources is continuously rising in highly developed countries,<br />

which leads to an oversized carbon footprint. Yet perversely, less developed<br />

countries are the first ones who are affected by it. This is unfair.

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Knowledge<br />

Currently the bare facts and the pure science regarding climate change are not clearly<br />

known by or shown to the public. If people do not know a problem exists, logically<br />

they are not going to solve it. The lack of knowledge and information about our<br />

highly unsustainable emission and resource extraction rates is one of the core reasons<br />

for humanity’s inaction to solve these problems. How many people really understand<br />

the deep trouble we are in? How many people think that a strike is an over-reaction?<br />

How many people still think that recycling and being a bit careful is going to fix the<br />

problem?<br />

We are demanding the facts, transparency and clarity because we have a right to<br />

know.<br />

We need the media to report on these strikes properly. This is not about some rebellious<br />

youths, this is not a trend. We are asking adults to take our points seriously. Climate<br />

Change has not been taught properly in schools for decades - how would adults<br />

know the truth?<br />

We are here to fix the problem.

+3<br />


ESSAYS<br />

> P. 262<br />

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Law<br />

Climate change is the largest challenge ever posed to the human race. As we have<br />

stated before, individual action - recycling, showering less - is just not going to cut it.<br />

What is needed are laws. Fact-based, robust, restrictive legislation which demands<br />

of companies and governments to reduce carbon emissions. It is really a no-brainer.<br />

We have laws which protect us from speeding in front of schools, from food poisoning<br />

in restaurants, from robbery. Why should we not have laws which protect us from<br />

climate system collapse? Legislation is, in the end, all that can stop climate collapse.<br />

We can no longer rely on the good-will of governments or individuals. We demand<br />

legislation which will #cut11percent.

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Mr. Pye<br />

Matthew is an author, teacher and a thought leader in climate change. He recently<br />

wrote a book - “No Common Sense, Philosophy Tackles Climate Change ”. His book<br />

is not only easy to read, but also witty, clever and highly informative. These are two<br />

topics that sound quite heavy - but he makes them approachable - like him!<br />

He has worked closely for 8 years with Michael Wadleigh (Oscar winning director -<br />

‘Woodstock’), and Sustainability expert Dr Birgit Van Munster. Known affectionately<br />

as Mr Pye - he has set up an Ecology Academy in his school which guides young people<br />

through the challenges that our Ecological Debt brings to our hearts and brains.<br />

We need more education like this. Thank you for helping us understand more about<br />

our world, and how to move about in it.

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Numbers<br />

When talking about global warming in particular, scientists use the temperature levels of pre industrial times as ‘0C’ to<br />

be able to measure any human caused temperature rise in comparison to before we started emitting.<br />

The planet is a biologically sensitive system, which responds to seemingly small changes in the environment.<br />

Ask anyone with a fever of 1°C or more how they feel, and they will probably be pretty miserable about it.<br />

It is the same for any species. A sustained rise of 2°C is a major problem. A rise of 4°C is a crazy emergency -<br />

anyone with that condition is in danger of dying and needs to be rushed to hospital.<br />

At a 1°C temperature rise, the effects on our planet can be seen in hurricanes, the bleaching<br />

of coral reefs, and the increase in diseases. All of which is happening right now.<br />

At a 2°C increase, there is a serious sea level rise, which in turn causes flooding, and thereby human<br />

migration. The longer this temperature is held, the more damage and ice melt it causes.<br />

At a 3°C rise, the intensity of floods and storms hugely increase. The overall change is fatal to 3.5 million species.<br />

The Amazon Basin will break down and everything in nature really starts to get very wild and chaotic.<br />

Anything above this is basically a living nightmare. The big issue would be the thawing of the permafrost which<br />

would release a simply unimaginable level of methane into the atmosphere - dwarfing all our emissions so far.<br />

At a 5°C rise, the world is unrecognisable - there’s crocodiles swimming in the north pole, the Atlantic is at 45°C. Even<br />

Hollywood would struggle to put the destruction of human civilisation into a movie with temperatures like this.

11%<br />

#Cut11Percent<br />

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Objectives<br />

(& objective failure)<br />

Almost 30 years ago the United Nations agreed upon the UN Climate Objective,<br />

“to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system”.<br />

Already then scientists had realised the destructive impact and consequences of<br />

human activities on our planet. Since 1992 every nation of the world agreed<br />

to reduce the amount of fossil fuels burnt, hence decreasing the amount<br />

of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.<br />

However, we have failed. Emissions continue to rise and almost<br />

every year becomes the hottest year on record.<br />

Previous generations have objectively failed to take action.<br />

Let’s not be polite about this failure. We need to be honest,<br />

look at where we are now, and move on, fast.

Action!<br />

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Prize (eyes on the *)<br />

When it comes to standing up for your beliefs, you have to stand up for them,<br />

no matter what. Otherwise, what are they really, other than just a temporary change<br />

of mind? Even on the worst of days, you have to be ready to fight, get up from<br />

knock-backs, treat people with respect when they don’t understand what you are doing,<br />

carry on when things are just always going against you. Is it exhausting?<br />

Yes, without a doubt. However, every protest you put in, every article you write,<br />

every message you send, every speech you give in determination to reach your goal,<br />

is part of it. In one of his last speeches, just 4 days before his assassination,<br />

Martin Luther King said, “the time is always right to do the right thing”<br />

(‘Remaining Awake during a Great Revolution’).<br />

We are a generation who have been handed the debt of our parents’ and grandparents’<br />

consumption, and we are being forced to pay. The longer we wait, the more it stacks<br />

up, extending further and further into the lives of our children and grandchildren.<br />

Even if the effects of your words and actions are not clear, you have to just believe<br />

that they will accomplish something. What other choice do we have?<br />

Who knows when our emissions will reach sustainable levels, all we can do<br />

is keep doing the right thing - and keep our eyes on the prize.

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Quality, not quantity<br />

Consumption is the number one driving factor of climate change. We simply consume<br />

too much. We should remodel our society to focus on quality: buying products that<br />

last us as long as possible, instead of needing or wanting to buy a newer version<br />

or more of the same product every other month. The same goes for companies,<br />

factories and the rest of the suppliers: the focus should be on a quality,<br />

on products not meant to be constantly replaced.<br />

Fast Fashion, phones, and most of consumer culture is just about quantity -<br />

and its not good enough. Reducing our consumption through focusing on quality<br />

instead of quantity is one of the most important ways to decrease<br />

our carbon emissions and to reach a sustainable world.<br />

We love quality in every part of our life.<br />

We need quality to tackle climate change too.

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Responsibility<br />

We all share the same earth, the same atmosphere.<br />

All of us are going to feel the effects of climate change.<br />

All of us, whether individuals of entire countries, without exception,<br />

contribute to the emitting of greenhouse gasses.<br />

All of us, therefore, are responsible for climate change.<br />

We want countries to recognise this responsibility. Each individual should do what they can<br />

- but those with most power and the most responsibility should do the most.<br />

Each country should tackle their own emissions, to get them to a level that avoids<br />

“dangerous interference… in the climate system” (UNFCCC, Objective, 1992).

Action!<br />

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Strike<br />

As the climate crisis has really become more obvious in the past year, today’s young people<br />

are starting to become more and more worried about their future. We as students can see that<br />

current politicians and world leaders are “shitting on our future” (thank you for being so direct<br />

Greta!) by their inability to take concrete action to limit greenhouse gas emissions.<br />

Individual actions and small steps are not enough anymore; global emissions continue to<br />

increase every year. We are being left with no other choice but to follow Greta’s example<br />

that has inspired teenagers all over the world who are now joining forces and organising<br />

strikes in their own countries.<br />

The objective is not to be difficult, but to take the decision to be disobedient and show intolerance<br />

towards the current situation. What is the point of education if there is no future to live in?<br />

These strikes seek to disturb the normal system and make people realise the urgency of<br />

the climate crisis, in the hope that they will one day no longer be necessary.<br />

We don’t want to do it on a weekend or after school because then you would be able to ignore it<br />

as a ‘concern’. You would be able to applaud us and then not do anything. We are sacrificing our<br />

precious education because you have not acted decisively before - and so we are doing it now.

Action!<br />

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Truth, tragedy, transparency<br />

“Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and<br />

to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.”<br />

Article 22, Human Rights Declaration<br />

As human beings, we deserve education. We deserve information. We deserve<br />

transparency, both from governments and supranational institutions.<br />

Transparency is at the heart of today’s debates; how can we make a choice, vote,<br />

think, plan our lives, if we don’t have all the information? The very institutions which<br />

are meant to keep us updated on the dire situation we are in, have chosen to obfuscate.<br />

Instead of transparency with loud and clear messages, institutions like the UN have chosen<br />

to hide reports in the encroaching climate collapse in the dark corners of their websites<br />

academic literature. We demand climate transparency; we demand correct, clear,<br />

accessible information to be given. We demand to now what is and what can be done for<br />

the issue. It is a staple of democracy, crucial to its vitality.<br />

We demand the truth, whatever it may be - to be taken out of the dark,<br />

to know where the climate is going, how fast, and why.

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Unity<br />

Individual action is, should anyone listen to the news, the key to avoiding<br />

climate collapse. Shower less, eat less meat, recycle, fly less.<br />

Individual action, however, is never going to reach the finish line.<br />

To avoid climate collapse, unity and strength in numbers is what’s required.<br />

We are only strong when we march together, when we strike together,<br />

when we express our demands together. This message applies<br />

to our school strikes, as well as to entire countries.<br />

Unity is vital for all efforts to counter climate change.

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Voice<br />

You’ve got a voice and the right to use it. Change can only occur<br />

when we begin to talk about the issue and as hard as it seems,<br />

it is possible to make a difference.<br />

Your voice is powerful. Use it.<br />

Spread the message, spread the determination.<br />

Unite and demand change.<br />

It is not too late.

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Worry, world<br />

Worry is what drove us here. Worry for our future, for our lives, for our planet.<br />

We deserve to not live in constant worry about what our lives will be like,<br />

we deserve to not feel trapped by what our system has done to this planet.<br />

Without an overpowering worry for all we hold dear, we would not go on strike;<br />

we are not here to skip school or work, to have fun or meet friends.<br />

We are here to take action towards a way of thinking, of consuming,<br />

of burning up resources that cannot be replaced. We are here<br />

because action is the only way to stop worrying.<br />

Because we care about our lives.<br />

We worry - and with gritted teeth,<br />

but also with a love of life,<br />

we are acting on it.

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Youth<br />

No matter the age, you have the right to express yourself and be taken seriously.<br />

Young people are stepping up for their rights and won’t stop fighting for them.<br />

This generation has the right to know what is going on and is demanding<br />

imminent change in our climate policies. We will develop our skills and<br />

our knowledge, but now we simply have to demand changes.<br />

Without effective laws we will have no liveable future to grow into.<br />

We have dreams and ambitions - don’t ruin them.

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Zero (emissions!)<br />

The ultimate goal of our mission = Zero Emissions.<br />

Right now we are planning on leaving it too late. So far, the best proposals have been<br />

made for the end of our century. But we can’t expect that climate system to act like<br />

a easy bit of elastic. If we don’t get the emissions under control soon, the climate<br />

system will run out of control and our efforts will become useless. We need to run<br />

towards zero emissions now, not start a little jog, hoping to speed up some time later.<br />

It is easy to think: Why not delay looking at the uncomfortable truth?<br />

Why not delay the bother of rearranging things for people who will come after me?<br />

Let’s begin by demanding an 11% emission cut now.

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