Arithmetic is the art or science of computing bj numbers. It is national, political, military, and commercial. It is of the highest importance to the community ; because it pre-eminently teaches us to take care of Number I. Our ministers succeed according to their knowledge of the science of numbers. Witness the skilful management of majorities of the lower house. He who understands the true art of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication^ and Division, as here laid down, will not be considered a mere cipher in tlie world; but will, in all probability, make a considerable /^wre ; and in the figurative words of Horace, be "Dives agris dives positis in foenore nummis." Let us, therefore, under the guidance and protection of that god of honest men, the light-heeled and light-fingered Mercury, be diligent so to add to our store by subtracting from the stores of others, that we may add to our importance. Let us so multiply our resources, by encouraging dimsion among our contemporaries, that we may see their reduction in the perfection of our own practice. Arithmetic is the art or science of computing
bj numbers. It is national, political, military,
and commercial. It is of the highest importance
to the community ; because it pre-eminently
teaches us to take care of Number I. Our ministers
succeed according to their knowledge of the
science of numbers. Witness the skilful management
of majorities of the lower house.
He who understands the true art of Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication^ and Division, as here
laid down, will not be considered a mere cipher in
tlie world; but will, in all probability, make a
considerable /^wre ; and in the figurative words of
Horace, be "Dives agris dives positis in foenore
Let us, therefore, under the guidance and protection
of that god of honest men, the light-heeled
and light-fingered Mercury, be diligent so to add
to our store by subtracting from the stores of
others, that we may add to our importance. Let
us so multiply our resources, by encouraging dimsion
among our contemporaries, that we may see
their reduction in the perfection of our own practice.

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110 FIGURES FOR THE MILLION. means of subsistence ; that the former moves as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ; but the latteronly as 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The consequence drawn from this proposition is, that poor-laws, or any efforts of charity, are only a childish indulgence of feeling ; for since there wiU be a surplus number, who must at all events be starved, if the life of one is saved by charity, whether public or private, it is only that another may be starved in its stead. Hence the perishing of annual multitudes may be looked upon as a proof of the national wealth ; and the poor-law system, and the Queen's Letter, but so much concern utterly useless ; and the only remedy for our abundant population is for us to return to the system of the ancients, and legalize a few Herods, or, to go further back, to make every man a Saturn —the eater of his own children.

DISCOUNT. Ill RULE XIV. DISCOUNT. Discount is the allowance made to a person, for paying money before it is due ; so says Walkinghame but there are now few persons who commit so egregious a folly, the plan being not to pay until it has been due a long time, and then get discount as for ready money. The usual manner of settling accounts in the City is to purchase for ready money \ to give a bill at three months, which is to be considered as equal to ready money ; and when the bill becomes due to give—the cash ? No ! but another bill at five months. This is called cash payments.


means of subsistence ; that the former moves<br />

as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ; but the latteronly as 1, 2, 3,4, 5,<br />

6, 7, 8. The consequence drawn from this proposition<br />

is, that poor-laws, or any efforts of charity, are<br />

only a childish indulgence of feeling ; for since<br />

there wiU be a surplus number, who must at all<br />

events be starved, if the life of one is saved by<br />

charity, whether public or private, it is only that<br />

another may be starved in its stead. Hence the<br />

perishing of annual multitudes may be looked upon<br />

as a proof of the national wealth ; and the poor-law<br />

system, and the Queen's Letter, but so much concern<br />

utterly useless ; and the only remedy for our<br />

abundant population is for us to return to the<br />

system of the ancients, and legalize a few Herods,<br />

or, to go further back, to make every man a Saturn<br />

—the eater of his own children.

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