When Amy Andersen, a beautiful, young, blonde, blue-eyed American girl finds herself seduced on Facebook by Nero, a high Emir from Syria, her sudden disappearance menaces to break some fundamental pillars of our society. When Amy Andersen, a beautiful, young, blonde, blue-eyed American girl finds herself seduced on Facebook by Nero, a high Emir from Syria, her sudden disappearance menaces to break some fundamental pillars of our society.

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Evan & Kaisar Productions Hummingbird © 2016 by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin © 2016. All rights reserved to Evan & Kaisar Productions LLC. 1 of 22

Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

© 2016. All rights reserved to Evan & Kaisar Productions LLC.<br /> 1 of 22

Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

© 2016. All rights reserved to Evan & Kaisar Productions LLC.<br /> 2 of 22

Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


When Amy Anderson, a beautiful, young, blonde, blue-eyed, American girl, finds herself seduced on Facebook by<br />

Nero, a high Emir from Syria, her sudden disappearance menaces to break some fundamental pillars of our society.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Another young girl has vanished in thin air.<br />

Without leaving a trace. No ransom asked, no clothes packed, no note left behind.<br />

Sam, a charming, reckless, but determined French blogger with her own runaway issues, rattled<br />

by the evident concealment of the authorities, finds the resolve to uncover the truth behind Amy’s<br />

disappearance. Thinking she can outsmart Nero, the man behind the curtain, Sam sets herself to fake<br />

her own social media persona in order to bait one of the most dangerous and prominent recruiters from<br />

ISIS. But when exposed to the same speech that allured Amy in the first place, Sam soon begins to<br />

question her own society, her own beliefs, and moreover, her own sanity.<br />

Not that far, Kyle, an affable, hard-working immigrant, stroke by a strange illness and nothing but<br />

a few months to live, is on the verge of witnessing the disappearance of his close sister, Mattie. A young<br />

girl full of passion and ideals about making this world a better place; just like Amy. Unable to understand<br />

what could have possibly hatched in her mind, and in order to prevent what may be the largest<br />

homegrown chain of attacks ever planned on US soil, Kyle decides to track her steps throughout Europe<br />

all the way to Syria. But to integrate the core of the nest, he will be asked to prove his loyalty to the cause<br />

by losing touch with his own humanity.<br />

Two parallel stories set in a dangerous collision course against a backdrop of ever shifting<br />

motivations and alliances.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Cornered against a wall and desperately yielding ground in the middle east, ISIS resolves to eradicate its enemies from<br />

within. Their new battleground, social media. Their new target, the intimacy of our homes and bedrooms.<br />

Spreading their word like wild fire through the networks, and inseminating the minds of young men and women all over the<br />

world, a new kind of terrorist nation arises. A nation without borders, embodied by the familiar faces of the people we love the most<br />

and never thought capable of violence.<br />

From mass shootings, to truck driving in public places, Hummingbird dives into the intricate minds of those<br />

responding to the call, to shed light on the psychological and emotional fissures throughout which ISIS and its radical<br />

ideology have found a new home.<br />


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Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


In May 2015, the United Nations Security Council estimated more than 25,000 foreign fighters from more than 100<br />

countries have joined ISIS and other jihadist groups in Syria.*<br />

More than 5,000 European citizens and residents have become foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq. Approximately 1,200<br />

have left France, 400 left Belgium.<br />

In June 2015, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence estimated that more than 250 individuals from the U.S.<br />

had traveled or attempted to travel to the conflict area, a few dozen had joined the ranks of ISIS, and some 20 had<br />

died. **<br />

In October 2015, the FBI director, James Comey revealed that the FBI had a staggering 900 active investigations<br />

against homegrown violent extremists.***<br />

At this date, we have all witnessed an unprecedented increase in radical mass shooting and truck driving across the<br />

country, and the world. Latest on US soil being this October 31st, 2017 in Manhattan.<br />

As the geographical territory of ISIS diminishes in the middle east, the Caliphate expands virtually, adapting to the new<br />

technologies. Finding its way into the homes and bedrooms of young men and women all over the world through Social<br />

media. Perfecting they strategies and techniques to lure and seduce our children into joining their war and committing<br />

unfathomable acts of terrorism for them.<br />

* United Nations’ Security Council, “Action Against Threat of Foreign Terrorist Fighters Must be Ramped Up, Security Council Urges in High-Level Meeting,”<br />

7453rd Meeting (AM), May 29, 2015.<br />

** Barbara Starr, “’A Few Dozen Americans’ in ISIS Ranks,” CNN, July 15, 2015.<br />

*** Kevin Johnson, “Comey: Feds have Roughly 900 Domestic Probes about Islamic State Operatives,” USA Today, October 23, 2015.<br />

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Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

<br />


I grew up in France, believing in diversity and integration. At school I played with kids from different cultures, sharing all sorts of<br />

beliefs. As an adult my friends were all coming from different backgrounds. It never occurred to me that I was supposed to erect walls<br />

between me and others not looking or thinking like me. But, on November 13th, 2015 my belief system got shattered to pieces.<br />

Right underneath the balcony of the apartment where my wife and I used to live, gunmen opened fire, killing 15 and wounding<br />

tens of innocent people eating in Le Petit Cambodge and Le Carillon restaurants. Our street, Rue Alibert, was one of the first venues to<br />

be hit during that deadly day, which claimed the lives of 130 people in a string of shootings across the city. The images of lifeless bodies<br />

marked a profound shift in my mindset.<br />

For the first time, my neighborhood, my city and my country were no longer a cradle for unity. And I could feel it all around me,<br />

within the walls of my very own family, when a few members started to become more and more radicalized.<br />


When someone from your own country, let alone your own family, decides to become a part of a terrorist movement, it strikes<br />

everybody out of the blue. But in truth, a myriad of events have been taking place in that person's psyche well before that crucial<br />

moment of commitment.<br />

All over the web, there are people fully dedicated to find, target and recruit among our peers, fresh members for their<br />

organization. Right under our noses, chatting on social media, someone is delivering a well designed speech to lure and convince our<br />

loved ones away, by tapping into their emotional need for purpose and belonging. This is the momentous stage we often fail to discern,<br />

because it seems eerily unrelated to the radicalization. And yet, it is precisely because of that sense of alienation, from a perceived<br />

sinful and greedy society, that our youth, in a desperate need for change, feels inclined to listen to those claiming to have a solution.<br />

When our fellow citizens commit to these radical movements, they not only hope their lives are going to change for the<br />

better, they also believe they're going to change the world for the better.<br />

Hummingbird aims to show the complex emotional layers inciting ordinary young people to become violent extremists.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

SO WHY <strong>HUMMINGBIRD</strong>?<br />

It all comes from a symbolic tale that used to bond Kyle and Mattie together.<br />

We urge you to watch the first 5 minutes of the 1st episode online, and listen to Nero give his own interpretation of<br />

the tale.<br />

Underneath all the complex dynamics of this character driven story, we have chosen to plant at its core a more<br />

precious gift.<br />

Following the hummingbird path is about finding the courage to do the right thing, even when you feel alone doing it.<br />

If you don’t get to change the world all by yourself, you might at least inspire others to do so.<br />

“Showing the example is not the best way to change the world.<br />

It is the only one.”<br />

Episode 1<br /><br />

password:<br />

intricatelayers<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

— WHERE WE STAND —<br />

When tackling such a contemporary and controversial subject it is crucial to know exactly where we stand.<br />

All of our characters come from different backgrounds and represent a highly diversified set of religions and cultures. We<br />

believe America was and is still being forged in great measure by immigration, and to remain true to its multi-cultural nature, the<br />

Hummingbird series aims to give a voice to each relevant ethnicity in this conflict.<br />

It is crucial to understand that despite all of our cultural barriers and differences of opinion, it is only united that we can keep<br />

our nation from falling further apart.<br />

This is precisely the union that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) intends to threaten. Their war is not only against our<br />

“sinful” western society but primarily against the Muslims who live in our western world and have embraced our culture as their own.<br />

ISIS strives to turn the world against these muslims and by means of terror and bombing they seek to cloud our judgment in order to<br />

fear all muslims are terrorists. It is our duty to remember the difference and not let the fear take the best of our judgment, or<br />

else we would be giving ISIS a plain victory.<br />

Our lineup of characters will constantly bring these conflicts up to mind.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

NERO<br />

Take a good look at this man, for he is<br />

not who you think he is. He bears many names<br />

and personalities, but none authentically<br />

reveals his true nature.<br />

On one hand, he ingeniously persuades<br />

young American men and women to go self<br />

implode in terrorist attacks all over the globe.<br />

On the other hand, he publicly shows himself<br />

as a devoted American muslim fighting against<br />

the impact of ISIS and the awful propaganda<br />

they make against the Islamic community as a<br />

whole.<br />

In between, you’ll see him wearing<br />

several other confusing masks and all of his<br />

actions will seem to contradict each-other. Yet,<br />

make no mistake, he is driven by a very clear<br />

goal and he has set forth a very meticulous<br />

plan to achieve it. A plan which will drastically<br />

affect all of our characters' lives.<br />

So beware of him, for he can outsmart<br />

even the brightest of us all put together. He<br />

knows how to find the weakness in your heart<br />

and he always finds the right words to get you on<br />

his side. He might even persuade you, the one<br />

hiding behind the screen reading this paper and<br />

watching this series, that what he does is<br />

actually right.<br />

And you’ll constantly be wondering, is he<br />

a bad guy? Is he a good one? Is there even a<br />

place in between when this many people all<br />

around the world are getting killed because of<br />

him?<br />

Figuring out which side is he truly on and<br />

what does he truly want, will be the keys to solve<br />

the thick mystery behind this plot.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


This is where our story begins. Amy and Elizabeth are 2 versions of the same pretty young all<br />

American girl. One is shy, very girly and naïve. The other is a tomboy, fierce and purpose driven.<br />

Both popular in high school, prom queen and cheerleader, raised in a catholic environment, the<br />

story starts when Amy, having fallen into the hands of Nero, has devoted herself to a terrorist cause.<br />

She disappears without leaving a trace, no note, no clothes packed, no ransom asked, and all<br />

the posters in her room ripped apart.<br />

How did such a smart, popular, pretty young girl possibly fall into such a radical path? Was she<br />

forced or brainwashed? Did she make a conscious choice? And why no one saw it coming? Not even<br />

her own twin sister?<br />

These questions, will call Sam to enter a dark world of psychological games where one can<br />

easily loose track of oneself.<br />

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Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Stubborn like a ram, and highly impatient. Sam is above all things reckless. But also highly intuitive and purpose<br />

driven. In an innocent way, she arrays the charisma and the elegance of a graceful French woman. At least until you see<br />

her pouring coffee on her glamorous dress… Then yes, she’s very clumsy too.<br />

Running away from her responsibilities and a guilty past, Sam landed in the United States a few years back, looking<br />

for a new start. She got married to Zahir, an Amercian Muslim cop who helped her out when she most needed help.<br />

Sam’s issue is that she’s unable to commit to anything. Or anyone. But the case of Amy Anderson, which Zahir is<br />

investigating, deeply echoes with her runaway issues and the dark memories she left behind. This time, she’s more than<br />

ever determined to see this through till the end.<br />

She will discover there’s a link between the 12 missing kids and a mysterious person called Nero. In order to<br />

uncover the man behind the curtains, Sam will come up with a rather unusual and risky plan to deceive him into revealing<br />

his true personality.<br />

But you don’t get to outsmart Nero on his own terrain just like that. Nero has a certain ability to grasp the human<br />

nature which enables him to format people’’s identity and make them believe, and do things, they would have never even<br />

thought of before.<br />

Sam’s on the brink of uncovering a dark hidden facet of her own identity. A side of her which may change forever<br />

the course of her life. And the life of others.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Far away from Sam’s investigation, Kyle, a Cuban immigrant stroke by a strange illness, is facing his own ilife<br />

threatening issues.<br />

To his eyes, nothing is more important than family. So when his mother departs, leaving his only sister Mattie<br />

alone, Kyle decides to move to the United States to take care of her.<br />

Without papers and lucky enough to find a job in an unassuming advertising agency where his mother used to<br />

work, Kyle’s hands soon become tied to society’s expectations. And while he works hard to pay the mortgage left behind<br />

by his departed mother to support his sister, Kyle wastes too much time worrying about futile things and doesn’t notice<br />

all the warning signs Mattie is leaving behind.<br />

When his sister, the only family he has left, disappears without leaving a trace, Kyle’s world crumbles apart.<br />

Retrieving Mattie in the midst of a gigantic religious and political mess won’t prove as difficult as trying to understand<br />

why any reasonable person like his smart and brilliant sister would follow such a radical path.<br />

Maybe there are things in life worth fighting for greater than family. But with a death sentence over his head, Kyle<br />

might not live long enough to figure it out.<br />

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by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Kyle’s sister and only family left.<br />

Never mind her complex, mixed, Latin and Oriental origins. Mattie is an American girl born and raised in the USA.<br />

She’s smart, she’s strong, enthusiastic, and opinionated. But even more importantly, she’s an idealist and a utopian. She<br />

more than anyone believes in the Hummingbird story Kyle's father told them when they were kids, and that everyone<br />

should do their share to make this world a better place.<br />

This has given her not only a sense of purpose but also a divine calling.<br />

You just have to be careful when fighting humanity’s greed and selfishness to not turn your righteous will into a<br />

radical purge. Even the finest of us can blur the line between right or wrong when brandishing a sword in the name of<br />

God.<br />

Mattie’s noble intentions will lead her, head over heels, into an archaic world of terror and conflict from which she<br />

might never find a way out.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Sam’s husband, a law enforcement detective, and the descendant of a muslim family. Zahir considers himself<br />

to be an American above all and strives to exist by his own actions away from all labels appointed by society.<br />

He is strong, pragmatic with high deductive skills, and may look unbreakable on the outside, but his heart<br />

aches for Sam and her constant instability throws him off in the pursuit of his goals.<br />

When Sam starts digging in a case he was directly ordered to halt by the FBI, Zahir finds himself spearheaded<br />

back into the reality of labels from which he has been trying to escape all his life. Torn apart by his personal goals<br />

and ambitions to succeed in this society and the awful realization that there is a strong amalgam made by this same<br />

society against the muslim community from which he comes from, Zahir will have to make a choice, to stick to his<br />

ambitions or give up everything he fought for in order to stand for what he thinks is right.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Sharp, smart-ass and witty, Sienna projects strength and confidence on the outside. Like a lion, she roars and<br />

stands tall to defend what she thinks is right. But deep inside, she’s insecure and she’s tired of pretending, tired of trying<br />

to fit in.<br />

In her eyes, this society is amoral, sometimes even immoral, driven by greed to serve selfish purposes. Sienna<br />

acknowledges she has been a part of it all her life. But at the same time, what can she do? She dreams of a life without<br />

compromises and desperately wants to escape and run away, go as far as she can from all this and live a humble life in<br />

a quiet place filled with nature, and hope for a more gratifying future.<br />

In the meantime, she’s stuck with Kyle at the advertising agency selling people stuff they don’t even need. When<br />

she finally finds the courage to stand for herself and break through the chains of society, Kyle interrupts her dreams and<br />

moves her back from one whole to another, deeper and darker, leading towards a world of distress, fear and delusions.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


A huge prick. Smart and witty. Extremely self confident, arrogant and pretentious. A quick<br />

tongue type of guy used to getting away with his ambitions.<br />

He’s the wealthy owner of a popular social media company used by most young<br />

Americans. As such, he owns the profiles Sam is looking to get access to in her investigation,<br />

and he’s using it as a leverage to get in bed with her.<br />

A few months back, they had a brief flirt which turned into an adventure and his frozen<br />

heart melted to reveal some actual feelings. But Sam’s instability turned this brief relationship<br />

into a humiliating rejection for him.<br />

He’s main problem is that you don’t get to play with high security profiles protected by<br />

the FBI and forged by Nero without getting burned in the process, one way or another.<br />


After her divorce, she had to raise her two daughters as a single parent and felt<br />

confronted with the necessity to start looking for a new job and work extra hours to pay all the<br />

bills and mortgage.<br />

But despite being absent most of the time, her love for her daughters and her<br />

commitment to their success in life is unconditional. She has given them everything she had to<br />

offer and been there as much as possible to offer them emotional support through the difficult<br />

times of adolescence.<br />

She firmly believes her family has been able to remain strong and solid in spite of all the<br />

obstacles and overwhelming factors of life. But despite all her good faith and willingness, she<br />

was unable to see the signs of her own daughter Amy drifting away. Her sudden disappearance<br />

will break Mrs. Anderson's heart, perpetually wondering …<br />

What did I do wrong?<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


She’s Jenna’s best friend, but lately she’s been spending just as much time with<br />

Mattie with whom she shares lots of points in common. They’re both idealistic, and she<br />

loves listening to Mattie’s revolutionary discourses about life and all that is right and wrong<br />

in our western culture.<br />

But when Mattie deceitfully offers to go to Paris, Tiffany is about to fall from her little<br />

cloud and find out the harsh truth behind Mattie’s devoted speeches.<br />

JENNA<br />

Mattie’s best friend. They’ve been up and down together and shared so much that<br />

they know each other inside out. Or at least that’s what Jenna thought.<br />

Despite all signs and warnings, never could Jenna have imagined in her wildest<br />

nightmares what Mattie had been planing all this time.<br />

What was supposed to be a girls hot trip to Paris is about to turn into a cold<br />

frightening shower.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


Kyle and Sienna’s boss. Ever since he took over his father’s advertising agency, the standing<br />

lowered, and now the company can only afford small clients and usually not the good ones.<br />

Sienna who worked with his father before, a great businessman, holds Stephan accountable<br />

for ruining the image of the company and throwing her career down the toilet with it. She’s very explicit<br />

about it and they argue constantly calling each other names out loud across the office. But Stephan<br />

won’t fire her because deep inside he knows she’s right. He tries his best to run the company, but truth<br />

is, he ain’t cut out for it.<br />

All he truly wants is to live by the beach in Hawaï with a coconut water in one hand and a<br />

beautiful exotic woman in the other. So he bosses around and counts his money down to the last<br />

penny to prepare his early retirement.<br />

When Kyle unknowingly brings Nero to the office his whole life is about to change.<br />

PETE<br />

Kyle and Sienna’s co-worker. Slightly slower than most, he’s not the smartest guy<br />

you’ve come across, but he’s kind and faithful to his friends.<br />

In the midst of all the mess that’s about to ravage the office, Pete is what some<br />

politicians may call collateral damage. An innocent victim that had nothing to do with nothing.<br />

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Evan & Kaisar Productions<br />

Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

Big, tall and menacing. Not the type of guy you’d like to mess around with. But despite his<br />

rude manners and loud voice, he has a golden heart and doesn’t think twice when it comes to<br />

helping people.<br />

He lives across the street from Sam working in his garage as a mechanic, always covered<br />

in grime and stained with greasy oil.<br />

Every time Sam needs a hand with her troublesome car, a nice punch in the hood usually<br />

gets it back running. The kind of trick you learn in Afghanistan when your army jeep is stuck in the<br />

desert and there are no Pep Boys around to help you out.<br />

When Sam finds herself in big trouble, Grig won’t hesitate to put his own life in danger to<br />

shield her from any physical harm.<br />

GRIG<br />

JESS<br />

Sam’s neighbor and Grig’s adopted daughter.<br />

She never met her parents but she’s grateful to Grig for taking her out of the streets and for<br />

giving her a second chance in life despite his modest resources.<br />

Nevertheless, old habits die hard. You may find her pole dancing in some gentlemen clubs<br />

earning some extra money to go through her law studies.<br />

When Sam finds herself in trouble Jess might be the only friend able to land her an ear and<br />

provide some street smart advice.<br />

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Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />


All over the world, from Asia, to Europe, to the United States of America, thousands of families who might have never heard of<br />

radicalization other than the news, have seen their loved ones, out of nowhere, become fierce members of terrorist organizations like<br />

ISIS. Feeling the guilt of not seeing it coming, recruited in their own homes, under their noses, the ones left behind still struggle, unable<br />

to make any sense of these unforeseen radical decisions.<br />

Anyone could be a recruit, without you even suspecting it.<br />

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Hummingbird © 2016<br />

by Yohan Riba Martinez and Ricky Valentin<br />

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