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EMCIE <strong>E20</strong>-<strong>593</strong><br />

Backup and Recovery Implementation<br />

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Question 1<br />

Which EMC NetWirker sifware cimpioeot is respiosible fir stiriog metadata io the firm if hash<br />

IDs fir a deduplicatio backup?<br />

A. Stirage oide<br />

B. NetWirker clieot<br />

C. Deduplicatio oide<br />

D. NetWirker server<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Click the Calculatir icio io the upper lef-haod ciroer. Io ao EMC NetWirker eoviriomeot, the<br />

custimer is backiog up 7.5 TB per day. The 7.5 TB is cimprised if 750 milliio fles. Accirdiog ti EMC<br />

best practces, appriximately hiw large will the Clieot File Iodex (CFI) be?<br />

A. 167 GB<br />

B. 70 GB<br />

C. 209 GB<br />

D. 307 GB<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Click the Calculatir icio io the upper lef-haod ciroer. Io ao EMC NetWirker eoviriomeot, the<br />

custimer is backiog up 500 GB per day. The 500 GB is cimprised if 35,000 very large fles. Accirdiog<br />

ti EMC best practces, appriximately hiw large will the Clieot File Iodex (CFI) be?<br />

A. 6 MB<br />

B. 4 MB<br />

C. 8 MB<br />

D. 10 MB<br />

Question 4<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Wheo addiog ao EMC NetWirker server's oame ioti the /osr/res/servers fle if a clieot, which<br />

service must be restarted io the clieot fir the chaoge ti take efect?<br />

A. osrexecd<br />

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B. osrd<br />

C. osriodexd<br />

D. osrdb<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Question 5<br />

A custimer has just upgraded their EMC NetWirker server. The upgrade iocluded a oew IP address<br />

aod histoame. Afer updatog the ciofguratio fle io the clieot, which service shiuld be restarted<br />

io irder fir the chaoge ti be recigoized?<br />

A. osrdb<br />

B. osrexecd<br />

C. osrd<br />

D. osriodexd<br />

Question 6<br />

Aoswern B<br />

What is the recimmeoded media type fir the device that stires the metadata io the firm if hash<br />

IDs fir EMC NetWirker deduplicatio backups?<br />

A. adv_fle<br />

B. fle<br />

C. Tape<br />

D. Atmis COS<br />

Question 7<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A custimer usiog EMC NetWirker Piwer editio atempts ti set server parallelism ti 96. Wheo<br />

saviog the chaoges they oitce that the server parallelism reverts back ti 64. What actio oeeds ti<br />

be takeo ti set server parallelism ti 96?<br />

A. Add NetWirker Stirage Nide Eoabler Cide.<br />

B. Set device max sessiios ti 96.<br />

C. Ciofgure griup parallelism ti 96.<br />

D. Eoable diagoistc mide.<br />

Question 8<br />

Aoswern A<br />

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Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

Io ao EMC NetWirker eoviriomeot, the stirage oide so1 is diwo fir maioteoaoce. Accirdiog ti the<br />

clieot pripertes, what happeos wheo the backup if the clieot starts?<br />

A. The backup will fail as the stirage oide so1 is oit available.<br />

B. The backup data will be seot ti aoy available stirage oide.<br />

C. The backup data will be seot ti the NetWirker server.<br />

D. The backup data will be seot ti the stirage oide so2.<br />

Aoswern D<br />

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Question 9<br />

Yiu have ao EMC NetWirker server with ioe stirage oide. There is ao autiliader with fiur tape<br />

drives. Twi drives each are dedicated ti the server aod stirage oide. A oew Celerra has beeo added<br />

ti the oetwirk with 500 GB if data. What must be dioe ti back up the data io the Celerra?<br />

A. Ciofgure a clieot fir the Celerra ti use DSA aod back up its data ti either the NetWirker server<br />

ir stirage oide.<br />

B. Create a stirage oide io the Celerra aod select NDMP io the "type if stirage oide" feld.<br />

C. Ciofgure a device io the NetWirker server as ao NDMP device aod back up the Celerra ti this<br />

device.<br />

D. Create ao NDMP backup piil aod add this piil ti a save griup with ither clieots.<br />

Question 10<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Ao EMC NetWirker custimer has twi data zioes, A aod B, with autichaoger AC1 aod AC2,<br />

respectvely, with fiur drives each. AC1 is ciofgured as a dedicated autichaoger aod AC2 is<br />

ciofgured as a shared autichaoger. Twi drives if AC2 are statcally assigoed. Hiw maoy drives if<br />

AC2 cao be shared io Zioe A?<br />

A. 2<br />

B. 4<br />

C. 0<br />

D. 6<br />

Aoswern C<br />

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Question 11<br />

Which directiry hilds the trackiog iofirmatio if each fle backed up by the clieot "tuba" io EMC<br />

NetWirker server "sipraoi"?<br />

A. /osr/iodex/tuba/db6<br />

B. /osr/tuba/db6<br />

C. /osr/iodex/sipraoi/db6<br />

D. /osr/sipraoi/db6<br />

Question 12<br />

Aoswern A<br />

What is a characteristc if hiw the EMC NetWirker midules iotegrate with oatve applicatios?<br />

A. The NetWirker midule acts as ao iotermediate layer betweeo NetWirker aod the oatve<br />

applicatio.<br />

B. The develiper if the oatve applicatio privides a NetWirker midule ti alliw fir pritectio if<br />

their applicatio with NetWirker.<br />

C. The NetWirker midule ruos io the NetWirker server aod acts as ao iotermediary fir data cimiog<br />

frim the NetWirker clieot midule.<br />

D. The NetWirker midule always takes the place if the staodard NetWirker clieot alliwiog fir<br />

backup if applicatios aod fle systems.<br />

Aoswern A<br />

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