Dungeon Master's Guide

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-:-::e climactic ending of an adventure fulfills the promise<br />

:all that came before. Although the climax must hinge<br />

:;:: rhe successes and failures of the characters up to<br />

·.::a moment, the Adventure Climax table can provide<br />

~:: gges tions to help you shape the end of your adventure.<br />


dl2<br />

Climax<br />

The a"dventurers confront the main villain and a<br />

group of minions in a bloody battle to the finish.<br />

2 The adventurers chase the villain while dodging<br />

obstacles designed to thwart them, leading to a final<br />

confrontation in or outside the villain's refuge.<br />

3 The actions of the adventurers or the villain result<br />

in a cataclysmic event that the adventurers must<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

escape.<br />

The adventurers race to the site where the villain is<br />

bringing a master plan to its conclusion, arriving<br />

just as that plan is about to be completed.<br />

The villain and two or three lieutenants perform<br />

separate rites in a large room. The adventurers<br />

must disrupt all the rites at the same time.<br />

An ally betrays the adventurers as they're about to<br />

achieve their goal. (Use this climax carefully, and<br />

don't overuse it.)<br />

A portal opens to another plane of existence.<br />

Creatures on the other side spill out, forcing the<br />

adventurers to close the portal and deal with the<br />

villain at the same time.<br />

Traps, hazards, or animated objects turn against<br />

the adventurers while the main villain attacks.<br />

The dungeon begins to collapse while the<br />

adventurers face the main villain, who attempts to<br />

escape in the chaos.<br />

A threat more powerful than the adventurers<br />

appears, destroys the main villain, and then turns<br />

its attention on the characters.<br />

The adventurers must choose whether to pursue<br />

the fleeing main villain or save an N PC they care<br />

about or a group of innocents.<br />

The adventurers must discover the main villain's<br />

secret weakness before they can hope to defeat that<br />

villain .<br />


.:..fter you've created the location and the overall story of<br />

the adventure, it's time to plan out the encounters that<br />

make up that adventure. In a location-based adventure,<br />

most encounters are keyed to specific locations on<br />

a map. For each room or wilderness area on the<br />

adventure map, your key describes what's in that area:<br />

its physical features, as well as any encounter that plays<br />

out there. The adventure key turns a simple sketch<br />

of numbered areas on graph paper into encounters<br />

designed to entertain and intrigue your players.<br />

See "Creating Encounters" later in this chapter for<br />

guidance on crafting individual encounters.<br />


In an event-based adventure, the focus is on what the<br />

characters and villains do and what happens as a<br />

result. The question of where those things happen is of<br />

secondary importance.<br />

Building an event-based adventure is more work than<br />

building a location-based one, but the process can be<br />

simplified by following a number of straightforward<br />

steps. Several steps include tables from which you<br />

can choose adventure elements or roll randomly for<br />

inspiration. As with location-based adventures, you don't<br />

necessarily have to follow these steps in order.<br />


Putting care into creating your villain will pay off later,<br />

since the villain plays such a pivotal role in advancing<br />

the story. Use the Adventure Villains table in the<br />

previous section to get started, and use the information<br />

in chapter 4 to help flesh out the villain.<br />

For example, your villain might be an undead creature<br />

seeking to avenge a past imprisonment or injury. An<br />

interesting aspect of an undead villain is that this past<br />

injury might have occurred centuries ago, inspiring<br />

revenge against the descendants of those that harmed<br />

it. Imagine a vampire imprisoned by the members of a<br />

religious order of knights, and who now seeks revenge<br />

against the current members of that order.<br />


Once you have a villain, it's time to determine what<br />

steps the villain takes to achieve its goals. Create a<br />

timeline showing what the villain does and when,<br />

assuming no interference from the adventurers.<br />

Building on the previous example, you might decide<br />

that your vampire villain murders several knights. By<br />

slipping past locked doors in gaseous form, the vampire<br />

is able to make the deaths appear natural at first, but<br />

it soon becomes clear that a depraved killer is behind<br />

the murders.<br />

If you need additional inspiration, consider a few<br />

different options for how the villain's actions unfold over<br />

the course of the adventure.<br />


d6 Type of Actions d6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Big event<br />

Crime spree<br />

Growing<br />

corruption<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Type of Actions<br />

One and done<br />

Serial crimes<br />

Step by step<br />

Big Event. The villain's plans come to fruition during<br />

a festival, an astrological event, a holy (or unholy) rite, a<br />

royal wedding, the birth of a child, or some similar fixed<br />

time. The villain's activities up to that point are geared<br />

toward preparation for this event.<br />

Crime Spree. The villain commits acts that become<br />

bolder and more heinous over time. A killer might start<br />

out by targeting the destitute in the city slums before<br />

moving up to a massacre in the marketplace, increasing<br />

the horror and the body count each time.<br />



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