Dungeon Master's Guide

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THE<br />

EM ENTAL<br />

PLANES<br />

~rav e lers who know the strange tides and currents<br />

of the plane can travel between worlds freely, but the<br />

5 orms also wreck ships from the Material Plane on the<br />

- and's shore.<br />

The region of the Plane of Water nearest the Swamp<br />

of Oblivion (on the Plane of Earth) is called the Silt<br />

Flats. The water is thick with soil and sludge, and turns<br />

.mo muddy ground before giving way to the great swamp<br />

between the planes.<br />

At the other extreme of the plane is the Sea oflce,<br />

bordering the Frostfell. The frigid water is choked with<br />

cebergs and sheet ice, inhabited by the cold-loving<br />

creatures that inhabit the Frostfell. Drifting icebergs<br />

can carry these creatures farther into the Plane of<br />

'Yater to threaten ships and islands in warmer seas.<br />

The Frostfell, also called the Plane of Ice, forms the<br />

border between the planes of Air and Water and is a<br />

seemingly endless glacier swept by constant, raging<br />

bl izzards. Frozen caverns twist through the Plane of<br />

Ice, home to yetis, remorhazes, white dragons, and other<br />

creatures of cold. The inhabitants of the plane engage in<br />

a never-ending battle to prove their strength and ensure<br />

their survival.<br />

Its dangerous monsters and bitter cold make the<br />

Frostfell a dangerous place to travel. Most planar<br />

·:oyagers keep to the air, braving the powerful winds and<br />

driving snow to avoid setting foot on the great glacier.<br />


Streamers of noxious gas streaked that crimson dome like<br />

dirty clouds. They whirled to form what looked like giant<br />

eyes staring down , eyes that were swept away before they<br />

couldfocus, only to form anew, again and again. Beneath<br />

the ruby glow lay a dark nightmare land of bare rock and<br />

flumes of sparks and goutingjlame, where things slithered<br />

and scrambled half-seen in the shadows. Mountains clawed<br />

the ruby sky. The Land of Teeth , Azuth had once aptly<br />

called it, surveying the endless jagged rocks. This was the<br />

Greeting Ground, the realm of horror that had claimed<br />

the lives of countless mortals. He was whirling along above<br />

Avernus, uppermost of the Nine Hells.<br />

-Ed Greenwood, Elminster in Hell<br />

If the Inner Planes are the raw matter and energy that<br />

makes up the multiverse, the Outer Planes provide the<br />

direction, thought, and purpose for its construction.<br />

Accordingly, many sages refer to the Outer Planes as<br />

divine planes, spiritual planes, or godly planes, for the<br />

Outer Planes are best known as the homes of deities.<br />

When discussing anything to do with deities, the<br />

language used must be highly metaphorical. Their<br />



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