Dungeon Master's Guide

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wt of clashing energies and colliding substance<br />

ed the Elemental Chaos. Elementals can be found<br />

-a well, but they usually don't stay long, preferring<br />

~ .:omfort of their native planes. Reports indicate<br />

~xis t e nce of weird hybrid elementals native to the<br />

ental Chaos, but such creatures are seldom seen<br />

• er planes.<br />

~A entia! nature of air is movement, animation, and<br />

ration. Air is the breath of life, the winds of change,<br />

- c;-e h breeze that clears away the fog of ignorance<br />

-· e tuffiness of old ideas.<br />

-- Plane of Air is an open expanse with constant<br />

of varying strength. Here and there, chunks of<br />

-- drift in the openness- the remnants of failed<br />

, ·ons by denizens of the Plane of Earth. These earth<br />

.: erve as homes for the creatures of elemental air,<br />

:::1any motes are covered with lush vegetation. Other<br />

es live on cloud banks infused with enough<br />

o become solid surfaces, strong enough to<br />

n rowns and castles.<br />

· ·ng cloud banks can obscure visibility in any<br />

·on in the plane. Storms are frequent, mostly on<br />

."tb a strong thunderstorm but occasionally more<br />

- ;;erce tornadoes or mighty hurricanes. The air is<br />

~ except near the Plane of Water (where it is biting<br />

- and the Plane of Fire (where it is searing hot).<br />

~and snow fall only in the part of the plane nearest<br />

--.-Plane of Water.<br />

r of the Plane of Air is a complex web of air<br />

:-="'"'"'· currents, and winds called the Labyrinth<br />

. T hese range from stiff breezes to howling gales<br />

can rip a creature apart. Even the most skilled<br />

~g creatures must navigate these currents carefully,<br />

-g \Yith the winds, not against them.<br />

-::re and there among the Labyrinth Winds are<br />

:.:.en realms reachable only by following a particular<br />

:"' ·ence of flowing winds, and thus largely protected<br />

r attackers. One such realm is fabled Aaqa, a<br />

- · g domain of silver spires and verdant gardens<br />

_ a fe rtile earth mote. The Wind Dukes of Aaqa are<br />

ted to law and good, and they maintain a vigilant<br />

h against the depredations of elemental evil and the<br />

Gachment of the Elemental Chaos. They are served<br />

aarakocra and a little-known race called the vaati.<br />

- -e region of the Plane of Air nearest the Great<br />

.-"agration is called the Sirocco Straits. Hot, dry<br />

· scour the earth motes in this area to dry and<br />

::-en chunks of rock. Gargoyles and their allies from<br />

0<br />

- lane of Earth gather here to launch raids into the<br />

~of Aaqa .<br />

3e een the Sea of Fire (on the Plane of Fire) and<br />

irocco Straits is a towering firestorm called the<br />

reat Conflagration, sometimes called the Plane of<br />

-"-.Howling winds from the Plane of Air mix with the<br />

- · er storms and lava of the Plane of Fire to create an<br />

ess storm front-a wall of flames, smoke, and ash.<br />

-= thick ash obscures sight beyond a few dozen feet,<br />

- the battering winds make travel difficult. Here and<br />

=-e. ash clusters into floating realms where outlaws<br />

fugitives take shelter.<br />


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