Dungeon Master's Guide

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d8 Plane Color of Curtain<br />

1 Material Plane Bright turquoise<br />

2 Shadowfell Dus ky gray<br />

3 Feywild Opalescent white<br />

4 Plane of Air Pale blue<br />

5 Plane of Earth Reddish-brown<br />

6 Plane of Fire Orange<br />

7 Plane of Water Green<br />

8 Elemental Chaos Swirling mix of colors<br />

Traveling through the Deep Ethereal to journey from<br />

one plane to another is unlike physical travel. Distance<br />

is meaningless, so although travelers feel as if they can<br />

move by a simple act of will, it's impossible to measure<br />

speed and hard to track the passage of time. A trip<br />

between planes through the Deep Ethereal takes 1d10<br />

x 10 hours, regardless of the origin and destination. In<br />

combat, however, creatures are considered to move at<br />

their normal speeds.<br />


An ether cyclone is a serpentine column that spins<br />

through the plane. The cyclone appears abruptly,<br />

distorting and uprooting ethereal forms in its path and<br />

carrying the debris for leagues. Travelers with a passive<br />

Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or more receive 1d4<br />

rounds of warning: a deep hum in the ethereal matter.<br />

Travelers who can't reach a curtain or portal leading<br />

elsewhere suffer the cyclone's effect. Roll a d20 and<br />

consult the Ether Cyclone table to determine the effect<br />

on all creatures in the vicinity.<br />


d20<br />

Effect<br />

1-12 Extended journey<br />

13-19 Blown to the Border Ethereal of a random plane<br />

(roll on the Ethereal Curtains table)<br />

20 Hurled into the Astral Plane<br />

The most common effect of an ether cyclone is to<br />

extend the duration of a journey. Each character in a<br />

group traveling together must make a DC 15 Charisma<br />

aving throw. If at least half the group succeeds, travel<br />

is delayed by 1d10 hours. Otherwise, the journey's travel<br />

time is doubled. Less often, a group is blown into the<br />

Border Ethereal of a random plane. Rarely, the cyclone<br />

rears a hole in the fabric of the plane and hurls the party<br />

into the Astral Plane.<br />


_lost encounters in the Border Ethereal are with<br />

eatures on the Material Plane whose senses or<br />

abilities extend into the Ethereal Plane (phase spiders,<br />

:or example). Ghosts also move freely between the<br />

:=:rhereal and Material Planes.<br />

In the Deep Ethereal, most encounters are with other<br />

~ve lers , particularly ones from the Inner Planes (such<br />

...: elementals, genies, and salamanders), as well as the<br />

- casional celestial, fiend , or fey.<br />


Stepping into the portal was like settling into a warm bath,<br />

though the chill didn't jade from the air. At first everything<br />

muted-the roar of the river around the rocks below, the<br />

ch irp ing of frogs and crickets on shore, the evening bustle of<br />

th e town behind him . ... A moment later, the world erupted<br />

into vibrant life. Frogs and night birds sang a chorus; the air<br />

was awash with autumn scents; the moonlight painted the<br />

flo wers in iridescent blue, silver, and violet; and the rushing<br />

of th e river became a complex symphony.<br />

-James Wyatt, Oath of Vigilance<br />

The Feywild, also called the Plane of Faerie, is a land of<br />

soft lights and wonder, a place of music and death. It is a<br />

realm of everlasting twilight, with glittering faerie lights<br />

bobbing in the gentle breeze and fat fireflies buzzing<br />

through groves and fields. The sky is alight with the<br />

faded colors of an ever-setting sun, which never truly<br />

sets (or rises for that matter); it remains stationary,<br />

dusky and low in the sky. Away from the settled areas<br />

ruled by the seelie fey that compose the Summer Court,<br />

the land is a tangle of sharp-toothed brambles and<br />

syrupy fens- perfect territory for the unseelie fey to hunt<br />

their prey.<br />

The Feywild exists in parallel to the Material<br />

Plane, an alternate dimension that occupies the same<br />

cosmological space. The landscape of the Feywild<br />

mirrors the natural world but turns its features into<br />

spectacular forms. Where a volcano stands on the<br />

Material Plane, a mountain topped with skyscrapersized<br />

crystals that glow with internal fire towers in the<br />

Feywild. A wide and muddy river on the Material Plane<br />

might be echoed as a clear and winding brook of great<br />

beauty. A marsh could be reflected as a vast black bog of<br />

sinister character. And moving to the Feywild from old<br />

ruins on the Material Plane might put a traveler at the<br />

door of an arch fey's castle.<br />

The Feywild is inhabited by sylvan creatures, such<br />

as elves, dryads, satyrs, pixies, and sprites, as well as<br />

centaurs and magical creatures such as blink dogs,<br />

faerie dragons, treants, and unicorns. The darker<br />

regions of the plane are home to such malevolent<br />

creatures as hags, blights, goblins, ogres, and giants.<br />


Two queens hold court in the Feywild, and most fey owe<br />

allegiance to one or the other. Queen Titania and her<br />

Summer Court lead the seelie fey, and the Queen of Air and<br />

Darkness, ruler of the Gloaming Court, leads the unseelie fey.<br />

Seelie and unseelie do not directly correlate with good and<br />

evil, though many mortals make that equation. Many seelie<br />

fey are good, and many unseelie are evil, but their opposition<br />

to each other stems from their queens' jealous rivalry, not<br />

abstract moral concerns. Ugly denizens of the Feywild, such<br />

as fomorians and hags, are almost never members of either<br />

court, and fey of independent spirit reject the courts entirely.<br />

The courts have warred at times, but they also compete in<br />

more-or-less friendly contests and even ally with one another<br />

in small and secret ways.<br />



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