Dungeon Master's Guide

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SPELLS<br />

Sa~ya raised her hands and began to declaim the words of<br />

a very powerful spell, one of the most dangerous she knew,<br />

a spell designed to breach the barriers between the planes<br />

and create a magical bridge into another realm of existence.<br />

The myth a/ thrummed in response, th e intangible pulse of<br />

the old device taking on a new and different note. Sarya<br />

ignored the myth a/ stone's change and pressed on, finishing<br />

her gate spell with skill and confidence.<br />

"The gate is open!" she cried. "Malkizid, come forth !"<br />

Before Sarya a great ring or hoop of golden magic<br />

coalesced from the air. Through it she glimpsed the realm<br />

of Malkizid, an infernal wasteland of parched desert,<br />

windswept rifts, and black, angry skies torn by crimson<br />

lightning. Then , through the gate, the archdevil Malkizid<br />

appeared. With one smooth step he crossed from his<br />

infernal plane into the myth a/ chamber.<br />

-Richard Baker, Farthest Reach<br />

A number of spells allow direct or indirect access to<br />

other planes of existence. Plane shift and gate can<br />

directly transport adventurers to any other plane, with<br />

different degrees of precision. Etherealness allows<br />

adventurers to enter the Ethereal Plane. And the astral<br />

projection spell lets adventurers project themselves<br />

into the Astral Plane and from there travel to the<br />

Outer Planes.<br />

Plane Shift. The plane shift spell has two important<br />

limitations. The first is the material component: a<br />

small, forked, metal rod (like a tuning fork) attuned to<br />

the desired planar destination. The spell requires the<br />

proper resonating frequency to home in on the correct<br />

location, and the fork must be made of the right material<br />

(sometimes a complex alloy) to focus the spell's magic<br />

properly. Crafting the fork is expensive (at least 250 gp),<br />

but even the act of researching the correct specifications<br />

can lead to adventure. After all. not many people<br />

voluntarily travel into the depth of Carceri, so very few<br />

know what kind of tuning fork i required to get there.<br />

Second, the spell doesn't end the caster to a specific<br />

location unless he or she ha pecialized information.<br />

The sigil sequence of a teleponation ci rcle located on<br />

another plane allows the ca rer ro travel directly to that<br />

circle, but such knowledge is even harder to come<br />

by than the specifications of the required tuning<br />

fork. Otherwise, the spell transports the caster to<br />

a location in the general vicinity of the desired spot.<br />

Wherever the adventurers arrive, they'll most likely<br />

still need to undertake a journey to reach the object of a<br />

planar quest.<br />

Gate. The gate spell opens a portal linked to a specific<br />

point on another plane of existence. The spell provides<br />

a shortcut to a planar destination, bypassing many of<br />

the guardians and trials that would normally fill such<br />

a journey. But this 9th-level spell is out of reach for all<br />

but the most powerful characters, and it does nothing to<br />

negate any obstacles that wait at the destination.<br />

The gate spell is powerful, but not infallible. A deity,<br />

demon lord, or other powerful entity can prevent such a<br />

portal from opening within its dominion.<br />


Halisstra opened her eyes and found herself drifting in<br />

an endless silver sea. Soft gray clouds moved slowly in<br />

the distance, while strange dark streaks twisted violently<br />

through the sky, anchored in ends so distant she couldn't<br />

perceive th em, their middle parts revolving angrily like<br />

pieces of string rolled between a child 's fingertips. She<br />

glanced down, wondering what supported her, and saw<br />

nothing but more of th e strange pearly sky beneath her fee t<br />

and all around her.<br />

She drew in a sudden breath , surprised by the sight, and<br />

felt her lungs fill with something sweeter and perhaps a little<br />

more solid than air, but instead of gagging or drowning<br />

on the stuff she seemed perfectly acclimated to it. An<br />

electric thrill raced through her limbs as she found herself<br />

mesmerized by the simple act of respiration.<br />

-Richard Baker, Condemna tio<br />

The Astral Plane is the realm of thought and dream,<br />

where visitors travel as disembodied souls to reach<br />

the Outer Planes. It is a great silvery sea, the same<br />

above and below, with swirling wisps of white and gray<br />

streaking among motes of light like distant stars. Most<br />

of the Astral Sea is a vast, empty expanse. Visitors<br />

occasionally stumble upon the petrified corpse of a<br />



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