Dungeon Master's Guide

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·arfare in a fantasy world is rife \.Vith opportunities<br />

-adventure. A war campaign isn"t generally concerned<br />

- i.be specifics of troop movements, but instead<br />

_ --es on the heroes whose actions turn the tide of<br />

- e. The characters carry out specific missions:<br />

_·ure a magical standard that empowers undead<br />

·e . gather reinforcements to break a siege, or<br />

_ -- ough the enemy's flank to reach a demonic<br />

-mander. In other situations, the party supports<br />

- larger army by holding a strategic location until<br />

_:orcements arrive, killing enemy scouts before<br />

_ can report, or cutting off supply lines. Information<br />

_ --~ring and diplomatic missions can supplement the<br />

combat-oriented adventures.<br />

- e War of the Lance in the Dragon lance Chronicles<br />

-;: - and the War of the Spider Queen in the novel<br />

of the same name are prominent examples of<br />

-s in D&D novels.<br />

::XIA<br />

--------------------------------<br />

-~n a sensei disappears mysteriously, her young<br />

em must take her place and hunt down the oni<br />

rizing their village. Accomplished heroes, masters<br />

· ·eir respective martial arts, return home to free their<br />

ge from an evil hobgoblin warlord. The rakshasa<br />

'er of a nearby monastery performs rituals to raise<br />

- led ghosts from their rest.<br />

-.campaign that draws on elements of Asian martial-<br />

- movies is a perfect match for D&D. Players can<br />

"" e the appearance of their characters and gear<br />

·er they like for the campaign, and spells need only<br />

- - flavor changes so that they better reflect such a<br />

- g. For example, when the characters use spells<br />

::;>ecial abilities that teleport them short distances,<br />

_ actually make high-flying acrobatic leaps. Ability<br />

to climb don't involve careful searching for holds<br />

· .e characters bounce up walls or from tree to tree.<br />

-· ·ors stun their opponents by striking pressure<br />

-· . Flavorful descriptions of actions in the game<br />

-change the nuts and bolts of the rules, but they<br />

·e all the difference in the feel of a campaign .<br />

.=..:ni!arly, a class doesn't need new rules to reflect<br />

~ ural influence; a new name can do the trick. A<br />

· -onal Chinese wuxia hero might be a paladin<br />

-'las a sword called the Oath of Vengeance, while a<br />

- e e samurai might be a paladin with a particular<br />

--of Devotion (bushido) that includes fealty to a<br />

-:. daimyo) among its tenets. A ninja is a monk who<br />

-::"•es the Way of Shadow. Whether called a wujen,<br />

" ·ai. or a swami, a wizard, sorcerer, or warlock<br />

· :acter works just fine in a game inspired by medieval<br />

n cultures.<br />

:-xiA WEAPON NAMES<br />

ing players refer to a tetsubo or a katana rather than<br />

,. atclub or a longsword can enhance the flavor of<br />

_tia campaign. The Wuxia Weapon Names table<br />

·""" alternative names for common weapons from<br />

- PJayer's Handbook and identifies their real-world<br />

cultural origins . An alternati>e name changes none of<br />

the weapon's properties as they are described in the<br />

Player's Handbook .<br />


The renowned paladin Murlynd, from the world of<br />

Oerth (as featured in Greyhawk novels and game<br />

products), dresses in the traditional garb of Earth's<br />

Old West and wears a pair of six-shooters strapped<br />

to his waist. The Mace of St. Cuthbert, a holy weapon<br />

belonging to Greyhawk's god of justice, found its way<br />

to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in 1985.<br />

Somewhere in the Barrier Peaks of Oerth, the wreckage<br />

of a spacefaring vessel is said to lie, with bizarre alien<br />

lifeforms and strange items of technology on board. And<br />

the famous wizard Elminster of the Forgotten Realms<br />

has been said to make occasional appearances in the<br />

kitchen of Canadian writer Ed Greenwood- where he is<br />

sometimes joined by wizards from the worlds of Oerth<br />

an,d Krynn (homeworld of the Dragon lance saga).<br />

Deep in D&D's roots are elements of science<br />

fiction and science fantasy, and your campaign might<br />

draw on those sources as well. It's okay to send your<br />

characters hurtling through a magic mirror to Lewis<br />

Carroll's Wonderland, put them aboard a ship traveling<br />

between the stars, or set your campaign in a far-future<br />

world where laser blasters and magic missiles exist<br />

side by side. The possibilities are limitless. Chapter<br />

9, "<strong>Dungeon</strong> <strong>Master's</strong> Workshop," provides tools for<br />

exploring those possibilities.<br />


Weapon<br />

Battleaxe<br />

Club<br />

Dagger<br />

Dart<br />

Fl ail<br />

Glaive<br />

Greatclub<br />

Greatsword<br />

Halberd<br />

Handaxe<br />

Javelin<br />

Lance<br />

Longbow<br />

Longsword<br />

Mace<br />

Pike<br />

Quarterstaff<br />

Scimitar<br />

Shortbow<br />

Shortsword<br />

Sickle<br />

Spear<br />

Trident<br />

War pick<br />

Other Names (Culture)<br />

fu (China); masakari (Japan)<br />

bian (China); tonfa (Japan)<br />

bishou, tamo (China); kozuka, tanto (Japan)<br />

shuriken (Japan)<br />

nunchaku (Japan)<br />

guandao (China); bisento, naginata (Japan)<br />

tetsubo (Japan)<br />

changdao (China); nodachi (Japan)<br />

ji (China); kamayari (Japan)<br />

ono (Japan)<br />

mau (China); uchi-ne (Japan)<br />

umayari (Japan)<br />

daikyu (Japan)<br />

jian (China); katana (Japan)<br />

chui (China) ; kanabo (Japan)<br />

mao (China); nagaeyari (Japan)<br />

gun (China); bo (Japan)<br />

liuyedao (China); wakizashi (Japan)<br />

hankyu (Japan)<br />

shuangdao (China)<br />

kama (Japan)<br />

qiang (China); yari (Japan)<br />

cha (Ch ina) ; magariyari (Japan)<br />

fang (China); kuwa (Japan)<br />



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