Dungeon Master's Guide

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times of day. And some holy days are local, observed by<br />

dle fa ithful of a specific temple.<br />

Give some thought to how priests and common folk<br />

-elebrate holy days. Going into a temple, sitting in a<br />

pew, and listening to a sermon is a mode of worship<br />

"oreign to most fantasy religions. More commonly,<br />

celebrants offer sacrifices to their gods. The faithful<br />

bring animals to the temple to be slaughtered or<br />

urn incense as an offering. The wealthiest citizens<br />

oring the largest animals, to flaunt their wealth and<br />

emonstrate their piety. People pour out libations at the<br />

graves of their ancestors. They spend all-night vigils in<br />

darkened shrines or enjoy splendid feasts celebrating a<br />

god's bounty.<br />


Holy days provide the majority of the special<br />

celebrations in most calendars, but local or national<br />

:estivals account for many others. The birthday of a<br />

:nonarch, the anniversary of a great victory in a war,<br />

craft festivals, market days, and similar events all<br />

;>rovide excuses for local celebrations.<br />


-ince your setting is a fantasy world and not a mundane<br />

::nedieval society, add in a few events of an obviously<br />

magical nature. For example, perhaps a ghostly castle<br />

appears on a certain hill on the winter solstice every<br />

_·ea r, or every third full moon fills lycanthropes with a<br />

particularly strong bloodlust. Also, the thirteenth night<br />

of every month could mark the ghostly wanderings of a<br />

ong-forgotten nomadic tribe.<br />

Extraordinary events, such as the approach of a comet<br />

or a lunar eclipse, make good adventure elements, and<br />

:ou can drop them in your calendar wherever you want.<br />

Your calendar can tell you when there's a full moon for<br />

a lunar eclipse, but you can always fudge the date for a<br />

articular effect.<br />


A campaign's ending should tie up all the threads of<br />

beginning and middle, but you don't have to take a<br />

campaign all the way to 20th level for it to be satisfying.<br />

.\'rap up the campaign whenever your story reaches its<br />

atural conclusion.<br />

:Make sure you allow space and time near the end<br />

of your campaign for the characters to finish up any<br />

personal goals. Their own stories need to end in<br />

a atisfying way, just as the campaign story does.<br />

deally, some of the characters' individual goals will be<br />

:ulfilled by the ultimate goal of the final adventure. Give<br />

haracters with unfinished goals a chance to finish them<br />

before the very end.<br />

Once the campaign has ended, a new one can begin.<br />

f you intend to run a new campaign for the same group<br />

of players, using their previous characters' actions as<br />

r.he basis of legends gives them immediate investment in<br />

dle new setting. Let the new characters experience how<br />

me world has changed because of their old characters.<br />

n the end, though, the new campaign is a new story<br />

·ith new protagonists. They shouldn't have to share the<br />

-potlight with the heroes of days gone by.<br />

The world of the Forgotten Realms uses the Calendar of<br />

Harptos, named after the long-dead wizard who invented<br />

it. Each year of 365 days is divided into twelve months of<br />

thirty days each, which roughly correspond to months in the<br />

real-world Gregorian calendar. Each month is di vided into<br />

three tendays. Five special holidays fall between the months<br />

and mark the seasons. Another special holiday, Shieldmeet,<br />

is inserted into the calendar after Midwinter every four years,<br />

much like leap yea rs in the modern Gregorian calendar.<br />

Month Name Common Name<br />

Hammer Deepwinter<br />

Annual holiday: Midwinter<br />

Quadrennial holiday: Shield meet<br />

2 Alturiak The Claw of Winter<br />

3 Ches The Claw of the Sunsets<br />

4 Tarsakh The Claw of the Storms<br />

Annual holiday: Greengrass<br />

5 Mirtul The Melting<br />

6 Kythorn The Time of Flowers<br />

7 Flamerule Summertide<br />

Annual holiday: Midsummer<br />

8 Eleasias Highsun<br />

9 Eleint The Fading<br />

Annual holiday: Highharvesttide<br />

10 Marpenoth Leaffall<br />

11 Uktar The Rotting<br />

Annual holiday: The Feast of the Moon<br />

12 Nightal The Drawing Down<br />



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