Dungeon Master's Guide

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I<br />

/<br />

d20<br />

2<br />

4-8<br />

9-12<br />

13-14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

Obstacle<br />

Antilife aura ."c" a r,;o usof1d10 x 10ft.; while in<br />

the aura, li ·ng crea-Jres can't regain hit points<br />

Battering winos re uce speed by half, impose<br />

disadvantage on ranged attack roll s<br />

Blade barrier blocks oassage<br />

Cave- in<br />

Chasm 1d4 x 10 . vide and 2d6 x 10ft. deep,<br />

possibly connec ed to other levels of the dungeon<br />

Flooding leaves 2d10 ft. of water in the area; create<br />

nearby upward-sloping passages, raised floors, or<br />

rising stairs to contain the water<br />

Lava flows through the area (50 percent chance of<br />

a stone bridge crossing it)<br />

Ove rgrown mushrooms block progress and must<br />

be hacked down (25 percent chance of a mold or<br />

fungus du ngeon hazard hi dden among them)<br />

Poisonous gas (deals 1d6 poison damage per<br />

minute of exposure)<br />

Reverse gravity effect causes creatures to fall toward<br />

the cei lin g<br />

Wall of fire blocks passage<br />

20 Wall of force blocks passage<br />


If you need a trap quickly or want to drop random<br />

traps into a dungeon, use the sample traps presented<br />

in chapter 5, "Adventure Environments" or the tables<br />

below. If you use the tables, start with the Trap Effects<br />

and Trap Trigger tables to decide the type of trap,<br />

then use the Trap Damage S everity tables to decide<br />

how deadly it should be. For more information on trap<br />

damage severity, see chapter 5.<br />


d6<br />

Trigger<br />

Stepped on (floor, stairs)<br />

2 Moved through (doorway, hallway)<br />

3 Touched (doorknob, statue)<br />

4 Opened (door, treasure chest)<br />

5 Looked at (mural, arcane symbol)<br />

6 Moved (cart, stone block)<br />


d6<br />

1- 2 Setback<br />

Damage Severity<br />

3-5 Dangerous<br />

6 Deadly<br />


dlOO<br />

01-04<br />

05-07<br />

08-10<br />

11-12<br />

,13-14<br />

15-16<br />

17- 19<br />

20-23<br />

24-27<br />

28-30<br />

31-33<br />

34-36<br />

37-39<br />

40-43<br />

44-46<br />

47-49<br />

50-52<br />

53-56<br />

57- 59<br />

60-62<br />

63-67<br />

68-70<br />

71-73<br />

74-77<br />

78-81<br />

82-84<br />

85-88<br />

89-91<br />

92-94<br />

95-97<br />

98-00<br />

Effect<br />

Magic missiles shoot from a statue or object<br />

Collapsing staircase creates a ramp that deposits<br />

characters into a pit at its lower end<br />

Ceiling block falls , or entire ceiling collapses<br />

Ceiling lowers slowly in locked room<br />

Chute opens in floor<br />

Clanging noise attracts nearby monsters<br />

Touching an object triggers a disintegrate spell<br />

Door or other object is coated with contact poison<br />

Fire shoots out from wall, floor, or object<br />

Touching an object triggers a flesh to stone spell<br />

Floor collapses or is an illu sion<br />

Vent releases gas: blinding, acidic, obscuring,<br />

paralyzing, poisonous, or sleep-inducing<br />

Floor tiles are electrified<br />

Glyph of warding<br />

Huge wheeled statue rolls down corridor<br />

Lightning bolt shoots from wal l or object<br />

Locked room floods with water or acid<br />

Darts shoot out of an opened chest<br />

A weapon, suit of armor, or rug animates and<br />

attacks when touched (see "Animated Objects" in<br />

the Monster Manual)<br />

Pendulum, either bladed or weighted as a maul,<br />

swings across the room or hall<br />

Hidden pit opens beneath characters (25 percent<br />

chance that a black pudding or gelatinous cube<br />

fills the bottom of the pit)<br />

Hidden pit floods with acid or fire<br />

Locking pit floods with water<br />

Scything blade emerges from wall or object<br />

Spears (possibly poisoned) spring out<br />

Brittle stairs collapse over spikes<br />

Thunderwave knocks characters into a pit or spikes<br />

Steel or stone jaws restrain a character<br />

Stone block smashes across hallway<br />

Symbol<br />

Walls slide together<br />


Tricks are quirkier and less deadly than traps. Some<br />

are effects left behind by the dungeon's creators, while<br />

others might be manifestations of the strange magical<br />

energy suffusing the dungeon.<br />

The following tables allow you to generate random<br />

tricks. Roll first to determine an object that the trick<br />

is placed on, then roll to determine the nature of the<br />

trick. Some tricks are permanent effects that can't be<br />

dispelled; others are temporary or can be neutralized<br />

with a dispel magic spell. You decide which is which.<br />



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