Dungeon Master's Guide

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d100 Purpose dlOO Purpose<br />


d20 Purpose<br />

Antechamber for those that have come to pay<br />

respect to the dead or prepare themselves for<br />

burial rituals<br />

2- 3 Chapel dedicated to deities that watch over the<br />

dead and protect their resting places<br />

4-8 Crypt for less important burials<br />

9 Divination room, used in rituals to contact the<br />

dead for guidance<br />

10 False crypt (trapped) to kill or capture thieves<br />

11 Gallery to display the deeds of the deceased<br />

through trophies, statues, paintings and so forth<br />

12 Grand crypt for a noble, high priest, or other<br />

important individual<br />

13-14 Guardroom, usually guarded by undead,<br />

constructs, or other creatures that don't need to<br />

eat or sleep<br />

15 Robing room for priests to prepare for burial rituals<br />

16- 17 Storage, stocked with tools for maintaining the<br />

tomb and preparing the dead for burial<br />

18 Tomb where the wealthiest and most important<br />

folk are interred, protected by secret doors and<br />

traps<br />

19-20 Workshop for embalming the dead<br />


d20 Purpose<br />

Antechamber for visiting dignitaries<br />

2 Armory containing mundane and magic gear used<br />

by the treasure vault's guards<br />

3-4 Barracks for guards<br />

5 Cistern providing fresh water<br />

6-9 Guardroom to defend against intruders<br />

10 Kennel for trained beasts used to guard the<br />

treasure vault<br />

11 Kitchen for feed ing guards<br />

12 Watch room that allows guards to observe those<br />

who approach the dungeon<br />

13 Prison for hold ing capturea intruders<br />

14-15 Strong room or vaul, for guarding the treasure<br />

hidden in the dungeon, accessible only by locked<br />

or secret door<br />

16 Torture chamber for ex racting information from<br />

captured intruders<br />

17-20 Trap or other rick designee ·o ill or capture<br />

creatures that en er e dungeor<br />

01 Antechamber 53-54 Laboratory<br />

02-03 Armory 55-57 Library<br />

04 Audience 58-59 Lounge<br />

chamber 60 Meditation<br />

OS Aviary chamber<br />

06-07 Banquet room 61 Observatory<br />

08-10 Barracks 62 Office<br />

11 Bath or latrine 63-64 Pantry<br />

. 12 Bedroom 65-66 Pen or prison<br />

13 Bestiary 67-68 Reception room<br />

14-16 Cell 69-70 Refectory<br />

17 Chantry 71 Robing room<br />

18 Chapel 72 Salon<br />

19-20 Cistern 73-74 Shrine<br />

21 Classroom 75-76 Sitting room<br />

22 Closet 77-78 Smithy<br />

23-24 Conjuring room 79 Stable<br />

25 - 26 Court 80- 81 Storage room<br />

27-29 Crypt 82-83 Strong room<br />

30-31 Dining room or vault<br />

32-33 Divination room 84-85 Study<br />

34 Dormitory 86-88 Temple<br />

35 Dressing room 89-90 Throne room<br />

36 Entry room or 91 Torture chamber<br />

vestibule 92-93 Training or<br />

37-38 Gallery exercise room<br />

39-40 Game room 94-95 Trophy room<br />

41-43 Guardroom or museum<br />

44-45 Hall 96 Waiting room<br />

46-47 Hall, great 97 Nursery or<br />

48-49 Hallway schoolroom<br />

so Kennel 98 Wel l<br />

51-52 Kitchen 99-00 Workshop<br />


If a dungeon has a tumultuous history, you can roll to<br />

determine the current condition of any particular area.<br />

Otherwise, if the room is still used for its intended<br />

purpose, it remains intact.<br />


d20<br />

Features<br />

1-3 Rubble, ceiling partially collapsed<br />

4-5 Holes, floor partially collapsed<br />

6-7 Ashes, contents mostly burned<br />

8-9 Used as a campsite<br />

10-11 Pool of water; chamber's original contents are<br />

water damaged<br />

12-16 Furniture wrecked but stil l present<br />

17-18 Converted to some other use (roll on the General<br />

<strong>Dungeon</strong> Chambers table)<br />

19 Stripped bare<br />

20 Pristine and in original state<br />



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