Dungeon Master's Guide

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• Describe or name the creature that warned the<br />

populace about the oncoming disaster. Who listened?<br />

ho were the lucky (or unlucky) ones who survived?<br />

• Describe what the area looks like after the disaster, in<br />

contrast to how it looked before.<br />


ne of the most common world-shaking events, an<br />

Yasion occurs when one group forcibly takes over<br />

.another, usually by military strength, but also by<br />

.nfiltration and occupation.<br />

An assault differs from an invasion in that the<br />

acking force isn't necessarily interested in occupation<br />

r taking power. On the other hand, an assault might be<br />

e first step of an invasion.<br />

Regardless of the scale, a world-shaking assault or<br />

vasion stands out because its repercussions change<br />

e characters' world, and its effects echo long after the<br />

.nitial attack or takeover.<br />

Imagine that part of your campaign world is attacked<br />

r invaded. Depending on the current scale of your<br />

ampaign, the area might be as small as a section<br />

of a city or as large as a continent, world, or plane of<br />

existence.<br />

Define the aggressor and whether it represents a<br />

..mown enemy or a previously unknown adversary.<br />

-elect a threat that already poses a danger to the area<br />

_·ou've chosen, or use the Invading Forces table to<br />

determine the aggressor.<br />


d8<br />

Invading Force<br />

A criminal enterprise<br />

2 Monsters or a unique monster<br />

3 A planar threat<br />

4 A past adversary reawakened, reborn, or resurgent<br />

5 A splinter faction<br />

6 A savage tribe<br />

7 A secret society<br />

8 A traitorous ally<br />

Now consider these other aspects of the conflict:<br />

Name one element of the invasion or assault that the·<br />

defenders didn't expect or couldn't repel.<br />

Something happened to the first defenders who stood<br />

against the invasion or assault-something no one<br />

wants to talk about. What was it?<br />

• The attackers or invaders had a motive for their<br />

action that wasn't obvious or understood at first.<br />

What was it?<br />

• Who turned traitor, and at what point did they turn?<br />

Why did they do it? Did an attacker try to stop the<br />

incursion, or did a prominent defender throw in with<br />

the invaders?<br />


Dissatisfied with the current order, a person or group<br />

of people overturns the dominant regime and takes<br />

over-or fails to take over. Regardless of the result, a<br />

revolution (even an attempted one) can shape the destiny<br />

of nations.<br />

The scale of a revolution need not involve the common<br />

masses against the nobility. A revolution can be as small<br />

as a merchants' guild revolting against its leadership<br />

or a temple overthrowing its priesthood in favor of a<br />

new creed. The spirits of the forest might attempt to<br />

overthrow the forces of civilization in a nearby city that<br />

cut down trees for timber. Alternatively, the scale can be<br />

as dramatic as humanity rising to overthrow the gods.<br />



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