Dungeon Master's Guide

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Property<br />

76-80 When you become attuned -o: e artifact, one<br />

of your ability scores is reduced ':>Y 2 at random.<br />

A greater restoration spel restores he ability to<br />

normal.<br />

81-85 Each time you become attuned to the artifact,<br />

you age 3d10 years. You must succeed on a DC 10<br />

Constitution saving throw or die from the shock. If<br />

you die, you are instantly tra nsfo rm ed into a wight<br />

(see the Monster Manual ) under the OM 's control<br />

that is sworn to protect the artifact.<br />

86-90 While attuned to the artifact, you lose the ability to<br />

speak.<br />

91 - 95 While attuned to the artifact, you have vulnerability<br />

to all damage.<br />

96-00 When you become attuned to the artifact, there is<br />

a 10 percent chance that you attract the attention<br />

of a god that sends an avatar to wrest the artifact<br />

from you. The avatar has the same alignment as its<br />

creator and the statistics of an empyrean (see the<br />

Monster Manual). Once it obtains the artifact, the<br />

avatar vanishes.<br />


An artifact must be destroyed in some special way.<br />

Otherwise, it is impervious to damage.<br />

Each artifact has a weakness by which its creation<br />

can be undone. Learning this weakness might require<br />

extensive research or the successful completion of a<br />

quest. The DM decides how a particular artifact can be<br />

destroyed. Some suggestions are provided here:<br />

The artifact must be melted down in the volcano,<br />

forge, or crucible in which it was created.<br />

The artifact must be dropped into the River Styx.<br />

The artifact must be swallowed and digested by the<br />

tarrasque or some other ancient creature.<br />

The artifact must be bathed in the blood of a god<br />

or an angel.<br />

The artifact must be struck and shattered by a special<br />

weapon crafted for that purpose.<br />

The artifact must be pulverized between the titanic<br />

gears of Mechanus.<br />

The artifact must be returned to its creator, who can<br />

destroy it by touch.<br />

the blazing heart of a great volcano. With the aid of<br />

:\1oradin, the dwarven god of creation, he first crafted<br />

four great tools: the Brutal Pick, the Earthheart Forge,<br />

the Anvil of Songs, and the Shaping Hammer. With<br />

them, he forged the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords.<br />

Armed with the artifact, the prince returned to the<br />

dwarf clans and brought peace. His axe ended grudges<br />

and answered slights. The clans became allies, and<br />

they threw back their enemies and enjoyed an era<br />

of prosperity. This young dwarf is remembered as<br />

the First King. When he became old, he passed the<br />

weapon, which had become his badge of office, to his<br />

heir. The rightful inheritors passed the axe on for many<br />

generations.<br />

Later, in a dark era marked by treachery and<br />

wickedness, the axe was lost in a bloody civil war<br />

fomented by greed for its power and the status it<br />

bestowed. Centuries later, the dwarves still search for<br />

the axe, and many adventurers have made careers of<br />

chasing after rumors and plundering old vaults to find it.<br />

Magic Weapon. The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords is<br />

a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and<br />

damage rolls made with it. The axe also functions as a<br />

belt of dwarvenkind, a dwarven thrower, and a sword of<br />

sharpness.<br />

Random Properties. The axe has the following<br />

randomly determined properties:<br />

2 minor beneficial properties<br />

1 major beneficial property<br />

• 2 minor detrimental properties<br />


The artifacts presented here have appeared in one or<br />

more of D&D worlds. Use them as guides when creating<br />

your own artifacts, or modify them as you see fit.<br />


Weapon (battleaxe), artifact (requires attunement)<br />

eeing the peril his people faced, a young dwarf prince<br />

came to believe that his people needed something to<br />

unite them. Thus, he set out to forge a weapon that<br />

would be such a symbol.<br />

Venturing deep under the mountains, deeper than<br />

any dwarf had ever delved, the young prince came to<br />

Axe oF THE<br />


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