Dungeon Master's Guide

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when it wants to communicate something it has sensed.<br />

It can communicate more explicitly, through visions or<br />

dreams, when the wielder is either in a trance or asleep.<br />

Personality. Every moonblade seeks the advancement<br />

of elvenkind and elven ideals. Courage, loyalty, beauty,<br />

music, and life are all part of this purpose.<br />

The weapon is bonded to the family line it is meant to<br />

serve. Once it has bonded with an owner who shares its<br />

ideals, its loyalty is absolute.<br />

If a moon blade has a flaw, it is overconfidence. Once<br />

it has decided on an owner, it believes that only that<br />

person should wield it, even if the owner falls short of<br />

elven ideals.<br />

WAVE<br />

Weapon (trident), legendary (requires attunement by a<br />

creature that worships a god of the sea)<br />

Held in the dungeon of White Plume Mountain, this<br />

trident is an exquisite weapon engraved with images<br />

of waves, shells, and sea creatures. Although you must<br />

worship a god of the sea to attune to this weapon, Wave<br />

happily accepts new converts.<br />

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made<br />

with this magic weapon. If you score a critical hit with it,<br />

the target takes extra necrotic damage equal to half its<br />

hit point maximum.<br />

The weapon also functions as a trident offish<br />

command and a weapon of warning. It can confer the<br />

benefit of a cap of water breathing while you hold it, and<br />

you can use it as a cube of force by choosing the effect,<br />

instead of pressing cube sides to select it.<br />

Sentience. Wave is a sentient weapon of neutral<br />

alignment, with an Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 10,<br />

and a Charisma of 18. It has hearing and darkvision out<br />

to a range of 120 feet.<br />

The weapon communicates telepathically with its<br />

wielder and can speak, read, and understand Aquan. It<br />

can also speak with aquatic animals as if using a speak<br />

with animals spell, using telepathy to involve its wielder<br />

in the conversation.<br />

Personality. When it grows restless, Wave has a habit<br />

of humming tunes that vary from sea chanteys to sacred<br />

hymns of the sea gods.<br />

Wave zealously desires to convert mortals to the<br />

worship of one or more sea gods, or else to consign the<br />

faithless to death. Conflict arises if the wielder fails to<br />

further the weapon's objectives in the world.<br />

The trident has a nostalgic attachment to the<br />

place where it was forged, a desolate island called<br />

Thunderforge. A sea god imprisoned a family of storm<br />

giants there, and the giants forged Wave in an act of<br />

devotion to- or rebellion against-that god.<br />

Wave harbors a secret doubt about its own nature and<br />

purpose. For all its devotion to the sea gods, Wave fears<br />

that it was intended to bring about a particular sea god's<br />

demise. This destiny is something Wave might not be<br />

able to avert.<br />

WHELM<br />

Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunemenc<br />

by a dwarf)<br />

Whelm is a powerful warhammer forged by dwarves<br />

and lost in the dungeon of White Plume Mountain.<br />

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls<br />

made with this magic weapon. At dawn the day after<br />

you first make an attack roll with Whelm, you develop<br />

a fear of being outdoors that persists as long as you<br />

remain attuned to the weapon. This causes you to have<br />

disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability<br />

checks while you can see the daytime sky.<br />

Thrown Weapon. Whelm has the thrown property,<br />

with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60<br />

feet. When you hit with a ranged weapon attack using<br />

it, the target takes an extra 1d8 bludgeoning damage, or<br />

an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage if the target is a gian­<br />

Each time you throw the weapon, it flies back to your<br />

hand after the attack. If you don't have a hand free, the<br />

weapon lands at your feet.<br />

Shock Wave. You can use an action to strike the<br />

ground with Whelm and send a shock wave out from<br />

the point of impact. Each creature of your choice on the<br />

ground within 60 feet of that point must succeed on a<br />

DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become stunned for<br />

1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the<br />

end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a<br />

success. Once used, this property can't be used again<br />

until the next dawn.<br />

Supernatural Awareness. While you are holding<br />

the weapon, it alerts you to the location of any secret or<br />

concealed doors within 30 feet of you. In addition, you<br />

can use an action to cast detect evil and good or locate<br />

object from the weapon. Once you cast either spell, you<br />

can't cast it from the weapon again until the next dawn.<br />

Sentience. Whelm is a sentient lawful neutral weapon<br />

with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 12, and a<br />

Charisma of 15. It has hearing and darkvision out to a<br />

range of 120 feet.<br />

The weapon communicates telepathically with its<br />

wielder and can speak, read, and understand Dwarvish.<br />

Giant, and Goblin. It shouts battle cries in Dwarvish<br />

when used in combat.<br />

Personality. Whelm's purpose is to slaughter giants<br />

and goblinoids. It also seeks to protect dwarves against<br />

all enemies. Conflict arises if the wielder fails to destroy<br />

goblins and giants or to protect dwarves.<br />

Whelm has ties to the dwarf clan that created it,<br />

variously called the Dankil or the Mightyhammer clan.<br />

It longs to be returned to that clan. It would do anything<br />

to protect those dwarves from harm.<br />

The hammer also carries a secret shame. Centuries<br />

ago, a dwarf named Ctenmiir wielded it valiantly for<br />

a time. But Ctenmiir was turned into a vampire. His<br />

will was strong enough that he bent Whelm to his evil<br />

purposes, even killing members of his own clan.<br />


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