Dungeon Master's Guide

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D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, jeremy Crawford<br />

<strong>Dungeon</strong> <strong>Master's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> Leads: ·Jeremy Crawford,<br />

Christopher Perkins, james Wyatt<br />

Designers: Robert J. Schwalb, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee<br />

Editors: Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Michele Carter, Chris Sims,<br />

Jennifer Clarke Wilkes<br />

Producer: Greg Bilsland<br />

Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dan Gelon, jon Schindehette,<br />

Mari Kolkowsky, Melissa Rapier, Shauna Narciso<br />

Graphic Designers: Emi Tanji, Bree Heiss, Trish Yochum,<br />

Barry Craig<br />

Cover Illustrator: Tyler jacobson<br />

Interior Illustrators: Rob Alexander, Dave Allsop, Daren Bader,<br />

Mark Behm, Eric Belisle, Steven Belledin , Kerem Beyit,<br />

Noah Bradley, Aleksi Briclot, Filip Burburan , Milivoj Ceran ,<br />

Sidharth Chaturvedi, Conceptopolis, jD, jesper Ejsing,<br />

Wayne England , Emily Fiegenschuh, Scott M. Fischer,<br />

justin Gerard , E.W.Hekaton , jon Hodgson, Ralph Horsley,<br />

Tyler Jacobson , Jason )uta, Sam Keiser, Chad King, Vance<br />

Kovacs , Oily Lawson, Chuck Lukacs , Howard Lyon, Victoria<br />

Maderna, Aaron Miller, Mark Molnar, Terese Nielsen,<br />

William O'Connor, Hector Ortiz, Adam Paquette, Claudio<br />

Pozas , Steve Prescott, David Rapoza , Rob Rey, Aaron J. Riley,<br />

Amir Salehi, Mike Schley, Chris Seaman, Sean Sevestre, ll ya<br />

Shkipin, Carmen Sinek, Craig J Spearing, john Stanko, Alex<br />

Stone, Matias Tapia, joel Thomas, Cory Trego-Erdner, Beth<br />

Trott, Cyril Van Der Haegen, Raoul Vitale, Tyler Walpole,<br />

julian Kok joon Wen, Richard Whitters, Eva Widermann,<br />

Mark Winters , Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, james Zhang<br />

Additional Contributors: Wolfgang Baur, C.M. Cline, Bruce R.<br />

Cordell , jesse Decker, Bryan Fagan, james jacobs, Robin D.<br />

Laws, Colin McComb, David Noonan, Rich Redman , Matt<br />

Sernett, Lester Smith, Steve Townshend, Chris Tulach, Steve<br />

Winter, Chris Youngs<br />

Project Management: Neil Shi<br />

Production Services: Cynda Ca :j ;;.~<br />

jefferson Dunlap, David Ge rs nM a~ .:. ~ '-..;;.<br />

Brand and Marketing: athan S· '"~· ·­<br />

Chris Lindsay, Shelly azza o e. - ;;.<br />

Laura Tommervik, Kim Lunosao,.,.... - .e<br />

Based on the original D&D game created<br />

E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arn eso •<br />

with Brian Blume, Rob Kuntz, j am es ~a r . a c - · ;;. ::<br />

Drawing from further development by<br />

J. Eric Holmes, To m Moldvay, Fra nk en:zer, s::: -<br />

Harold j ohnson, David " Zeb" Cook, Ed Green o •<br />

Keith Baker, Tracy Hickman, Marga re Weis, Do gas es<br />

jeff Grubb, jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip illia s.<br />

Richard Baker, Peter Ad ki so n, Bill Slavicse k, Andy Co ~ s<br />

an d Rob Heinsoo<br />

Playtesting provided by<br />

over 175,000 fans of D& D. Thank you!<br />

Additional feedback provied by<br />

Teos Ab adia , Robert Alaniz, jason Baxter, Bill Benham,<br />

Darron Bowley, David Calla nde r, Mik Ca low, Christopher<br />

D'Andrea, Brian Danford, Krupa ! Desai , josh Dill ard, SalT'<br />

E. Simpso n Jr. , Tim Eagon, David Ewalt, Rob Ford, Rober.<br />

Ford , Ja son Fu ller, Pierce Ga ithe, Rich ard Gree n, Chris op e·<br />

Hackler, Adam Hennebeck, Sterling Hershey, Pau l Hughes.<br />

Gregory L. Harris, Yan Lacha rite, Shane Leah y, Ryan Leary.<br />

Tom Lommel , Jonathan Longstaff, Rory Madden, Matt<br />

Maranda, Derek Mcintosh, Pau l Melamed, Shawn Merwin,<br />

Lou Michelli, Mike Mihalas, David Milma n, Daren Mitchel.<br />

Matthew Mosher, David Muller, Kevin Neff, Adam Page, jon­<br />

Proudfoot, Max Reichlin , Karl Resch , Matthew Rolston, j asor<br />

Romein, Sam Sherry, Pieter Sleijpen, Robin Stacey, David<br />

"Oak" Stark, Adam Strong-Morse, Arthur Wright<br />


Tyler jacobson illustrates the arch lich Acerera k<br />

as he raises an army of undead and prepares to<br />

unleash it on an unsuspecting world .<br />

620A921900000l EN<br />

ISBN: 978-0-7869-6562-5<br />

First Printing: December 2014<br />

987654321<br />

CE<br />

Disclaimer: Wizards of the Coast does not officially endorse the following u;c:-·c:s. ,..,. cr. are gJarorue.td to maximize your enj oyment as a <strong>Dungeon</strong> Master. First, always keep a straight f ace and<br />

say OK no matter how ludicrous or doomed the pla yers' plan of action is. Suo,. a ra tr.a:-~r .......a: happens, pretend that you intended all alongfo r everything to unfold the way it did. Third, if<br />

you're not sure what to do next, feign if/ness, end the session early, and plor yo;.~r- rt.r: rr.o .. ~ . ,.er. a/ else fails, roll a bunch of dice behind your screen, study them fo r a moment with a look of<br />

de ep concern mixed with regret, let loose a heavy sigh, and announce that T10rra: ~frorP:" =~e s and attacks.<br />

DUN GEONS & DRAGO NS , 0&0 , Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Rea lms. rr~ ::7~,... ... =-- ~"'0 ~ Poyer's Handbook, Monster Ma nual, <strong>Dungeon</strong> Moster's <strong>Guide</strong>, al l other Wiza rds of<br />

the Coast product na mes, an d their respective logos are trademarks ofWiz a""".s : :. - ~ ~st - ~re SA and other countries. All characters and thei r distinctive like nesses are property<br />

of Wizards of t he Coast. Th is material is protected und er th e copyri ght laws o: ·-e - :.e= S:z:es or A~erica. Any re production or una uthorized use of t he material or artwork contained<br />

he rein is prohibited without the ex press writ ten pe rmissio n of Wizards of toe Coa:s:<br />

•· .-factored by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile- Boechat 31, 2800 Dele mont, CH.

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