Dungeon Master's Guide

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each is ruled by a council of drow high priestesses who<br />

answer to Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders.<br />

Meritocracy. The most intelligent and educated<br />

people oversee the society, often with a bureaucracy<br />

to handle the day-to-day work of government. In the<br />

Forgotten Realms, scholarly monks preside over the<br />

fortress-library of Candlekeep, overseen by a master of<br />

lore called the Keeper.<br />

Militocracy. Military leaders run the nation under<br />

martial law, using the army and other armed forces. A<br />

militocracy might be based on an elite group of soldiers,<br />

an order of dragon riders, or a league of sea princes.<br />

olamnia, a nation ruled by knights in the Dragonlance<br />

campaign setting, falls into this category.<br />

Monarchy. A single hereditary sovereign wears the<br />

crown. Unlike the autocrat, the monarch's powers are<br />

limited by law, and the ruler serves as the head of a<br />

democracy, feudal state, or militocracy. The kingdom<br />

of Breland, in the Eberron campaign setting, has both<br />

a parliament that makes laws and a monarch who<br />

enforces them.<br />

Oligarchy. A small number of absolute rulers share<br />

power, possibly dividing the land into districts or<br />

provinces under their control, or jointly ruling together.<br />

_.\group of adventurers who take control of a nation<br />

together might form an oligarchy. The Free City of<br />

Greyhawk is an oligarchy composed of various faction<br />

leaders, with a Lord Mayor as its figurehead.<br />

Plutocracy. Society is governed by the wealthy. The<br />

elite form a ruling council, purchase representati"on at<br />

rhe court of a figurehead monarch, or rule by default<br />

because money is the true power in the realm. Many<br />

cities in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting,<br />

including Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate, are plutocracies.<br />

Republic. Government is entrusted to representatives<br />

of an established electorate who rule on behalf of the<br />

electors. Any democracy in which only landowners or<br />

certain classes can vote could be considered a republic.<br />

Satrapy. Conquerors and representatives of another<br />

government wield power, ruling the settlement or region<br />

as part of a larger empire. The satraps are bureaucrats<br />

and military officers, or unusual characters or monsters.<br />

The cities of High port and Suder ham in the Greyhawk<br />

campaign setting are satrapies controlled by agents of a<br />

,·icious gang of marauders known as the Slave Lords.<br />

Theocracy. Rulership falls to a direct representative<br />

or a collection of agents of a deity. The centers of power<br />

in a theocracy are usually located on sacred sites. In<br />

the Eberron campaign setting, the nation of Thrane is<br />

a theocracy devoted to the Silver Flame, a divine spirit<br />

that resides in Thrane's capital of Flamekeep.<br />


Rank Title Rank Title<br />

1st Emperor/Empress 7th Viscount/<br />

2nd King/Queen Viscountess<br />

3rd Duke/Duchess 8th Baron/Baroness<br />

4th Prince/Princess 9th Baronet<br />

5th Marquess/Marquise lOth Knight<br />

6th<br />

Earl or Count/<br />

Countess<br />


Even small villages can provide characters access to the<br />

gear they need to pursue their adventures. Provisions,<br />

tents, backpacks, and simple weapons are commonly<br />

available. Traveling merchants carry armor, martial<br />

weapons, and more specialized gear. Most villages have<br />

inns that cater to travelers, where adventurers can find<br />

a hot meal and a bed, even if the quality leaves much to<br />

be desired.<br />

Villages rely heavily on trade with other settlements,<br />

including larger towns and cities. Merchants pass<br />

through regularly, selling necessities and luxuries to the<br />

vil,Iagers, and any successful merchant has far-reaching<br />

contacts across the region. Traveling merchants pass<br />

on gossip and adventure hooks to the characters as<br />

they conduct their business. Since merchants make<br />

their living traversing roads that might be menaced<br />

by bandits or wandering monsters, they hire guards to<br />

keep their goods safe. They also carry news from town<br />

to town, including reports of situations that cry out for<br />

the attention of adventurers.<br />

These merchants can't provide the services normally<br />

found in a city. For instance, when the characters are in<br />

need of a library or a dedicated sage, a trainer who can<br />

handle the griffon eggs they've found, or an architect to<br />

design their castle, they're better off going to a large city<br />

than looking in a village.<br />


The straightforward terms "gold piece" (gp), "silver<br />

piece" (sp), "copper piece" (cp), "electrum piece" (ep),<br />

and "platinum piece" (pp) are used throughout the game<br />

rules for clarity. You can imbue these denominations<br />

with more interesting descriptions in your game<br />

world. People give coins specific names, whether<br />

as plain as "dime" or lively as "gold double-eagle." A<br />

country typically mints its own currency, which might<br />

correspond to the basic rules terms. In most worlds, few<br />

currencies achieve widespread distribution, but nearly<br />

all coins are accepted worldwide-except by those<br />

looking to pick a fight with a foreigner.<br />


The world of the Forgotten Realms provides an<br />

extensive example of currencies. Although barter,<br />

blood notes, and similar letters of trade are common<br />

enough in Faerfin, metal coins and trade bars are the<br />

everyday currency.<br />

Common Coinage. Coins appear in a bewildering<br />

variety of shapes, sizes, names, and materials. Thanks<br />

to the ambitious traders of Sembia, that nation's oddly<br />

shaped coins can be found throughout Faerfin. In<br />

S embia, square iron steelpence replace copper coins.<br />

Triangular silver pieces are ravens, diamond-shaped<br />

electrum pieces are harmarks (commonly called "blue<br />

eyes"), and five-sided gold pieces are nobles. Sembia<br />

doesn't mint platinum coins. All coinage is accepted<br />

in Sembia, including copper and platinum pieces<br />

from abroad.<br />

In Waterdeep, the bustling cosmopolitan center<br />

of trade, coppers are called nibs, silvers are shards,<br />



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