Dungeon Master's Guide

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_ lost settlements are agricultural villages, supporting<br />

themselves and nearby towns or cities with crops and<br />

meat. Villagers produce food in one way or another-if<br />

not by tending the crops, then supporting those who do<br />

by shoeing horses, weaving clothes, milling grain, and<br />

the like. The goods they produce feed their families and<br />

upply trade with nearby settlements.<br />

A village's population is dispersed around a large area<br />

of land. Farmers live on their land, which spreads them<br />

videly around the village center. At the heart of the<br />

\·illage, a handful of structures cluster together: a well,<br />

a marketplace, a small temple or two, a gathering place,<br />

and perhaps an inn for travelers.<br />

TowN<br />

Population: Up to about 6,000<br />

Government: A resident noble rules and appoints a lord<br />

mayor to oversee administration. An elected town<br />

council represents the interests of the middle class.<br />

Defense: The noble commands a sizable army of<br />

professional soldiers, as well as personal bodyguards.<br />

Commerce: Basic supplies are readily available, though<br />

exotic goods and services are harde·r to find. Inns and<br />

taverns support travelers.<br />

Organizations: The town contains several temples,<br />

as well as various merchant guilds and other<br />

organizations.<br />

Towns are major trade centers, situated where important<br />

industries and reliable trade routes enabled the<br />

population to grow. These settlements rely on commerce:<br />

!.he import of raw materials and food from surrounding<br />

·illages, and the export of crafted items to those villages,<br />

as well as to other towns and cities. A town's population<br />

i more diverse than that of most villages.<br />

Towns arise where roads intersect waterways, at the<br />

meeting of major land trade routes, around strategic<br />

defensive locations, or near significant mines or similar<br />

natural resources.<br />

C ITY<br />

Population: Up to about 25,000<br />

Government: A resident noble presides, with several<br />

other nobles sharing responsibility for surrounding<br />

areas and government functions. One such noble is<br />

the lord mayor, who oversees the city administration.<br />

An elected city council represents the middle class<br />

and might hold more actual power than the lord<br />

mayor. Other groups serve as important power<br />

centers as well.<br />

Defense: The city supports an army of professional<br />

soldiers, guards, and town watch. Each noble in<br />

residence maintains a small force of personal<br />

bodyguards.<br />

Commerce: Almost any goods or services are readily<br />

available. Many inns and taverns support travelers.<br />

Organizations: A multitude of temples, guilds, and<br />

other organizations, some of which hold significant<br />

power in city affairs, can be found within the<br />

city's walls.<br />

Cities are cradles of civilization. Their larger<br />

populations require considerable support from both<br />

urrounding villages and trade routes, so they're rare.<br />

Cities typically thrive in areas where large expanses<br />

of fertile, arable land surround a location accessible to<br />

trade, almost always on a navigable waterway.<br />

Cities almost always have walls, and the stages of a<br />

city's growth are easily identified by the expansion of<br />

the walls beyond the central core. These internal walls<br />

naturally divide the city into wards (neighborhoods<br />

defined by specific features), which have their own<br />

representatives on the city council and their own noble<br />

administrators.<br />

Cities that hold more than twenty-five thousand people<br />

are extremely rare. Metropolises such as Waterdeep in<br />

the Forgotten Realms, Sharn in Eberron, and the Free<br />

City of Greyhawk stand as vital beacons of civilization in<br />

the D&D worlds.<br />


-------<br />

What do the adventurers first notice as they approach<br />

or enter a settlement? The towering wall bristling<br />

with soldiers? The beggars with hands outstretched,<br />

pleading for aid outside the gate? The noisy hubbub of<br />

merchants and buyers thronging the market square?<br />

The overpowering stench of manure?<br />

Sensory details help bring a settlement to life and<br />

vividly communicate its personality to your players.<br />

Settle on a single defining factor that sums up a<br />

settlement's personality and extrapolate from there.<br />

Maybe a city is built around canals, like real-world<br />

Venice. That key element suggests a wealth of sensory<br />

details: the sight of colorful boats floating on muddy<br />

waters, the sound of lapping waves and perhaps singing<br />

gondoliers, the smells of fish and waste polluting<br />

the water, the feel of humidity. Or perhaps the city is<br />

shrouded in fog much of the time, and you describe the<br />

tendrils of cold mist reaching through every crack and<br />

cranny, the muffled sounds of hooves on cobblestones,<br />

the cold air with the smell of rain, and a sense of<br />

mystery and lurking danger.<br />

The climate and terrain of a settlement's environment,<br />

its origin and inhabitants, its government and political<br />

position, and its commercial importance all have a<br />

bearing on its overall atmosphere. A city nestled against<br />

the edge of a jungle has a very different feel than one<br />

on the edge of a desert. Elf and dwarf cities present<br />

a distinct aesthetic, clearly identifiable in contrast to<br />

human-built ones. Soldiers patrol the streets to quell<br />

any hint of dissent in a city ruled by a tyrant, while a city<br />

fostering an early system of democracy might boast an<br />

open-air market where philosophical ideas are traded as<br />

freely as produce. All the possible combinations of these<br />

factors can inspire endless variety in the settlements of<br />

your campaign world.<br />


In the feudal society common in most D&D worlds,<br />

power and authority are concentrated in towns and<br />

cities. Nobles hold authority over the settlements<br />

where they live and the surrounding lands. They collect<br />

taxes from the populace, which they use for public<br />

building projects, to pay the soldiery, and to support a<br />

comfortable lifestyle for themselves (although nobles<br />


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