Dungeon Master's Guide

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STAFFS<br />

A magic staff is about 5 or 6 feet long. Staffs vary widely<br />

in appearance: some are of nearly equal diameter<br />

throughout and smooth, others are gnarled and twisted,<br />

some are made of wood, and others are composed of<br />

polished metal or crystal. Depending on the material, a<br />

staff weighs between 2 and 7 pounds.<br />

Unless a staff's description says otherwise, a staff can<br />

be used as a quarterstaff.<br />

WANDS<br />

A magic wand is about 15 inches long and crafted of<br />

metal, bone, or wood. It is tipped with metal, crystal,<br />

stone, or some other material.<br />


Whether crafted for some fell purpose or forged to<br />

serve the highest ideals of chivalry, magic weapons are<br />

coveted by many adventurers.<br />

Some magic weapons specify the type of weapon<br />

they are in their descriptions, such as a longsword or<br />


A character might drink one potion while still under the<br />

effects of another, or pour several potions into a single<br />

container. The strange ingredients used in creating potions<br />

can result in unpredictable interactions.<br />

When a character mixes two potions together, you can<br />

roll on the Potion Miscibility table. If more than two are<br />

combined, roll again for each subsequent potion, combining<br />

the results. Unless the effects are immediately obvious,<br />

reveal them only when they become evident.<br />


d1 00<br />

01<br />

02-08<br />

09-15<br />

16-25<br />

26-35<br />

36-90<br />

91-99<br />

00<br />

Result<br />

The mixture creates a magical explosion,<br />

dealing 6d10 force damage to the mixer and<br />

1d10 force damage to each creature within 5<br />

feet of the mixer.<br />

The mixture becomes an ingested poison of<br />

the OM 's choice.<br />

Both potions lose their effects.<br />

One potion loses its effect.<br />

Both potions work, but with their numerical<br />

effects and durations halved. A potion has no<br />

effect if it can't be halved in this way.<br />

Both potions work normally.<br />

The numerical effects and duration of one<br />

potion are doubled. If neither potion has<br />

anything to double in this way, they work<br />

normally.<br />

Only one potion works, but its effect is<br />

permanent. Choose the simplest effect to<br />

make permanent, or the one that seems<br />

the most fun. For example, a potion of<br />

healing might increase the drinker's hit point<br />

maximum by 4, or oil of etherealness might<br />

permanently trap the user in the Ethereal<br />

Plane. At your discretion, an appropriate<br />

spell, such as dispel magic or remove curse,<br />

might end this lasting effect.<br />

longbow. If a magic weapon doesn't specify its weapon<br />

type, you may choose the type or determine it randomly.<br />


Wondrous items include worn items such as boots,<br />

belts, capes, gloves, and various pieces of jewelry and<br />

decoration, such as amulets, brooches, and circlets.<br />

Bags, carpets, crystal balls, figurines, horns, musical<br />

instruments, and other objects also fall into this catchall<br />

category.<br />


Using a magic item's properties might mean wearing<br />

or wielding it. A magic item meant to be worn must be<br />

donned in the intended fashion: boots go on the feet,<br />

gloves on the hands, hats and helmets on the head, and<br />

rings on the finger. Magic armor must be donned, a<br />

shield strapped to the arm, a cloak fastened about the<br />

shoulders. A weapon must be held in hand.<br />

In most cases, a magic item that's meant to be worn<br />

can fit a creature regardless of size or build. Many<br />

magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or the:<br />

magically adjust themselves to the wearer.<br />

Rare exceptions exist. If the story suggests a good<br />

reason for an item to fit only creatures of a certain<br />

size or shape, you can rule that it doesn't adjust. For<br />

example, armor made by the drow might fit elves only.<br />


A creature who tries and fails to cast a spell from a spell scroll<br />

must make a DC 10 Intelligence saving throw. If the saving<br />

throw fails, roll on the Scroll Mishap table.<br />


d6<br />

Result<br />

A surge of magical energy deals the caster 1d6<br />

force damage per level of the spell.<br />

2 The spell affects the caster or an ally<br />

(determined randomly) instead of the intended<br />

target, or it affects a random target nearby if the<br />

caster was the intended target.<br />

3 The spell affects a random location within the<br />

spell's range.<br />

4 The spell's effect is contrary to its normal one,<br />

but neither harmful nor beneficial. For instance,<br />

a fireball might produce an area of harmless<br />

cold.<br />

5 The caster suffers a minor but bizarre effect<br />

related to the spell. Such effects last only<br />

as long as the original spell's duration, or<br />

1d10 minutes for spells that take effect<br />

instantaneously. For example, a fireball might<br />

cause smoke to billow from the caster's ears for<br />

1d10 minutes.<br />

6 The spell activates after 1d12 hours. If the<br />

caster was the intended target, the spell takes<br />

effect normally. If the caster was not the<br />

intended target, the spell goes off in the general<br />

direction of the intended target, up to the spell's<br />

maximum range, ifthe target has moved away.<br />


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