Dungeon Master's Guide

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Not all divine powers need to be derived from deities.<br />

In some campaigns, believers hold enough conviction<br />

in their ideas about the universe that they gain magical ·, ·<br />

power from that conviction. In other campaigns, '<br />

impersonal forces of nature or magic replace the gods<br />

by granting power to mortals attuned to them. Just as<br />

druids and rangers can gain their spell ability from the<br />

force of nature rather than from a specific nature deity,<br />

some clerics devote themselves to ideals rather than to<br />

a god. Paladins might serve a philosophy of justice and<br />

chivalry rather than a specific deity.<br />

Forces and philosophies aren't worshiped; they aren't<br />

beings that can hear and respond to prayers or accept<br />

sacrifices. Devotion to a philosophy or a force isn't<br />

necessarily exclusive of service to a deity. A person can<br />

be devoted to the philosophy of good and offer worship<br />

to various good deities, or revere the force of nature<br />

and also pay homage to the gods of nature, who might<br />

be seen as personal manifestations of an impersonal<br />

force. In a world that includes deities with demonstrable<br />

power (through their clerics), it's unusual for a<br />

philosophy to deny the existence of deities, although a<br />

common philosophical belief states that the deities are<br />

more like mortals than they would have mortals believe.<br />

According to such philosophies, the gods aren't truly<br />

immortal (just very long-lived), and mortals can attain<br />

divinity. In fact, ascending to godhood is the ultimate<br />

goal of some philosophies. .<br />

The power of a philosophy stems from the belief that<br />

mortals invest in it. A philosophy that only one person •<br />

believes in isn't strong enough to bestow magical power<br />

on that person.<br />


When it comes to the gods, humans exhibit a far wider<br />

range of beliefs and institutions than other races do. In<br />

many D&D settings, orcs, elves, dwarves, goblins, and<br />

other humanoids have tight pantheons. It is expected<br />

that an ore will worship Gruumsh or one of a handful of<br />

subordinate deities. In comparison, humanity embraces<br />

a staggering variety of deities. Each human culture<br />

might have its own array of gods.<br />

In most D&D settings, there is no single god that<br />

can claim to have created humanity. Thus, the human<br />

proclivity for building institutions extends to religion.<br />

A single charismatic prophet can convert an entire<br />

kingdom to the worship of a new god. With that<br />

prophet's death, the religion might wax or wane, or the<br />

prophet's followers might turn against one another and<br />

found several competing religions.<br />

In comparison, religion in dwarven society is set in<br />

stone. The dwarves of the Forgotten Realms identify<br />

Moradin as their creator. While individual dwarves<br />

might follow other gods, as a culture the dwarves are<br />

pledged to Moradin and the pantheon he leads. His<br />

teachings and magic are so thoroughly ingrained in<br />

dwarven culture that it would take a cataclysmic shift to<br />

replace him.<br />

With that in mind, consider the role of the gods in<br />

your world and their ties to different humanoid races.<br />

· Does each race have a creator god? How does that god<br />

shape that race's culture? Are other folk free of such<br />

divine ties and free to worship as they wish? Has a race<br />

turned against the god that created it? Has a new race<br />

appeared, created by a god within the past few years?<br />

A deity might also have ties to a kingdom, noble<br />

line, or other cultural institution. With the death of<br />

the emperor, a new ruler might be selected by divine<br />

portents sent by the deity who protected the empire in<br />

its earliest days. In such a land, the worship of other<br />

gods might be outlawed or tightly controlled.<br />

Finally, consider the difference between gods who<br />

are tied to specific humanoid races and gods with<br />

more diverse followers. Do the races with their own<br />

pantheons enjoy a place of privilege in your world, with<br />

their gods taking an active role in their affairs? Are the<br />

other races ignored by the gods, or are those races the<br />

deciding factor that can tilt the balance of power in favor<br />

of one god or another?<br />



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