Dungeon Master's Guide

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The cult's ritual of initiation follows the pattern of its<br />

foundation myth. Neophytes retrace the god's footsteps<br />

in order to share the god's ultimate fate. In the case of<br />

dying and rising gods, the symbolic death of the initiate<br />

represents the idea of death to the old life and rebirth<br />

into a transformed existence. Initiates are born into<br />

a new life, remaining in the world of mortal affairs<br />

but feeling elevated to a higher sphere. The initiate is<br />

promised a place in the god's realm after death, but also<br />

experiences new meaning in life.<br />


Monotheistic religions revere only one deity, and in<br />

some cases, deny the existence of any other deity. If you<br />

introduce a monotheistic religion into your campaign,<br />

you need to decide whether other gods exist. Even if<br />

they don't, other religions can exist side by side with<br />

the monotheistic religion. If these religions have clerics<br />

with spellcasting ability, their spells might be powered<br />

by the one true deity, by lesser spirits who aren't deities<br />

(possibly including powerful aberrations, celestials, fey,<br />

fiends, or elementals), or simply by their faith.<br />

The deity of a monotheistic religion has an extensive<br />

portfolio and is portrayed as the creator of everything, in<br />

control of everything, and concerned with every aspect<br />

of existence. Thus, a worshiper of this god offers prayers<br />

and sacrifices to the same god regardless of what<br />

aspect of life is in need of divine assistance. Whether<br />

marching into war, setting off on a journey, or hoping<br />

to win someone's affections, the worshiper prays to<br />

the same god.<br />

Some monotheistic religions describe different<br />

aspects of their deity. A single god appears in different<br />

aspects as the Creator and the Destroyer, and the clerics<br />

of that god focus on one aspect or the other, determining<br />

their domain access and possibly even their alignment<br />

on that basis. A cleric who venerates the Destroyer<br />

aspect chooses the Tempest or War domain, while<br />

one who worships a Creator aspect chooses the Life<br />

or Nature domains. In some monotheistic religions,<br />

clerics group themselves into distinct religious orders to<br />

differentiate clerics who choose different domains.<br />


A dualistic religion views the world as the stage for<br />

a conflict between two diametrically opposed deities<br />

or divine forces. Most often, the opposed forces are<br />

good and evil, or opposed deities representing those<br />

forces. In some pantheons, the forces or deities of law<br />

and chaos are the fundamental opposites in a dualistic<br />

system. Life and death, light and darkness, rna ter and<br />

spirit, body and mind, health and illness, purity and<br />

defilement, positive energy and negative energy-the<br />

D&D universe is full of polar opposites that could serve<br />

as the foundation for a dualistic religion. Whatever the<br />

terms in which the dualism is expressed, half of the pair<br />

is usually believed to be good- beneficial, desirable,<br />

or holy-while the other half is considered bad, if not<br />

explicitly evil. If the fundamental conflict in a religion is<br />

expressed as the opposition between matter and spirit,<br />

the followers of that religion believe that one of the two<br />

(usually matter) is evil and the other (spirit) is good, and<br />

so seek to liberate their spirits from this material world<br />

and its evils through asceticism and contemplation.<br />

Rare dualistic systems believe that the two opposing<br />

forces must remain in balance, always pulling away<br />

from each other but remaining bound together in<br />

creative tension.<br />

In a cosmology defined by an eternal conflict between<br />

good and evil, mortals are expected to take sides. The<br />

majority of those who follow a dualistic religion worship<br />

the deity or force identified as good. Worshipers of<br />

the good deity trust themselves to that god's power to<br />

protect them from the evil deity's minions. Because<br />

the evil deity in such a religion is usually the source<br />

of everything that is detrimental to existence, only the<br />

perverse and depraved worship this god. Monsters<br />

and fiends serve it, as do certain secretive cults. The<br />

myths of a dualistic religion usually predict that the<br />

good deity will triumph in an apocalyptic battle, but the<br />

forces of evil believe that the outcome of that battle isn't<br />

predetermined and work to promote their deity's victory.<br />

Deities in a dualistic system maintain large portfolios.<br />

All aspects of existence reflect the dualistic struggle,<br />

and therefore all things can fall on one side or the other<br />

of the conflict. Agriculture, mercy, the sky, medicine,<br />

and poetry reside in the portfolio of the good deity, and<br />

famine, hatred, disease, and war belong to the evil deity.<br />


Animism is the belief that spirits inhabit every part of<br />

the natural world. In an animistic worldview, everything<br />

has a spirit, from the grandest mountain to the lowliest<br />

rock, from the great ocean to a babbling brook, from the<br />

sun and moon to a fighter's ancestral sword. All these<br />

objects, and the spirits that inhabit them, are sentient,<br />

though some are more aware, alert, and intelligent<br />

than others. The most powerful spirits might even<br />

be considered deities. All are worthy of respect if not<br />

veneration.<br />

Animists don't typically pay allegiance to one spirit<br />

over the others. Instead, they offer prayers and sacrifices<br />

to different spirits at different times, as appropriate<br />

to the situation. A pious character might make daily<br />

prayers and offerings to ancestor spirits and the spirits<br />

of the house, regular petitions to important spirits<br />

such as the Seven Fortunes of Good Luck, occasional<br />

sacrifices of incense to location spirits such as the<br />

spirit of a forest, and sporadic prayers to a host of other<br />

spirits as well.<br />

An animistic religion very tolerant. Most spirits don't<br />

care to whom a character also offers sacrifices, as long<br />

as they receive the sacrifices and respect they are due.<br />

As new religions spread through animist lands, those<br />

religions typically win adherents but not converts.<br />

People incorporate new spirits and deities into their<br />

prayers without displacing the old ones. Contemplatives<br />

and scholars adopt complex philosophical systems and<br />

practices without changing their belief in and respect<br />

for the spirits they already venerate.<br />

Animism functions as a large tight pantheon. Animist<br />

clerics serve the pantheon as a whole, and so can<br />

choose any domain, representing a favorite spirit for<br />

that cleric.<br />

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