Purpose Edition (January/February 2019)

We've barely made it into the New Year and still people are hyped about resolutions. With these often comes talk of PURPOSE. It's what drives us to make those resolutions. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning. But what happens if you don't know what your purpose is? Or if your purpose seems to fail or change? This issue is for you 'cuz we're talking PURPOSE.

We've barely made it into the New Year and still people are hyped about resolutions. With these often comes talk of PURPOSE. It's what drives us to make those resolutions. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning. But what happens if you don't know what your purpose is? Or if your purpose seems to fail or change? This issue is for you 'cuz we're talking PURPOSE.


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will more be given, and he will have an<br />

abundance.” (Matthew 25:19-29a)<br />

Interesting that the master never tells<br />

his servants how to invest the talents.<br />

But I believe the way they perceived<br />

their master was key. Two of them were<br />

welcomed into the joy of their master. But<br />

the servant who did nothing with the talent<br />

except bury it was clearly distrustful of<br />

WHO his master is.<br />

After reading the parable, I realized God<br />

had entrusted certain talents and abilities<br />

in my hands. And perhaps HOW I invested<br />

them was less important to God (my<br />

Master) than whether I knew WHO he was<br />

and trusted him enough to take a step of<br />

faith and invest them in the first place.<br />

So I asked myself, “Will I trust God with<br />

the talents he’s given me? Will I allow him<br />

access to everything- even my battles with<br />

pride, insecurity or comparison? Will I<br />

give everything back to him?”<br />

I told God I wanted more of him.<br />

And then, for me, investing<br />

the talents meant I started<br />

typing. I started saying yes to sharing from<br />

my heart. I’m trying to focus on WHO he<br />

is and less on HOW this journey is going<br />

to look. And trust me, it’s a daily process<br />

of surrender and struggle.<br />

What about you?<br />

Will you ask God today to use you for his<br />

glory?<br />

Will you focus on WHO he is?<br />

And then will you respond by taking the<br />

talent he’s entrusted to you and step out in<br />

faith?<br />

I believe we all have a purpose: to glorify<br />

God by loving him and loving people.<br />

We all have different talents and abilities.<br />

But when we focus on loving WHO God<br />

is, trust that he’ll show us HOW to love<br />

the world around us.<br />

“And you shall love the Lord your God<br />

with all your heart and with all your soul<br />

and with all your mind and with all your<br />

strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall<br />

love your neighbor as yourself.’ There<br />

is no other commandment greater than<br />

these.” Mark 12:30 & 31<br />

meet the<br />

author<br />

Janell loves to inspire others to recognize the greatness of the God they serve by using their talents and gifts as evangelists<br />

for Jesus Christ. Janell has a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and is passionate about using her<br />

home as a mission field. She is an avid blogger, writer, and co-hosts the “Be The Girl” monthly mini-podcast for the<br />

Delight & Be blog. She lives in Washington state with her husband, young kids, and a teenage exchange daughter.<br />


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