Purpose Edition (January/February 2019)

We've barely made it into the New Year and still people are hyped about resolutions. With these often comes talk of PURPOSE. It's what drives us to make those resolutions. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning. But what happens if you don't know what your purpose is? Or if your purpose seems to fail or change? This issue is for you 'cuz we're talking PURPOSE.

We've barely made it into the New Year and still people are hyped about resolutions. With these often comes talk of PURPOSE. It's what drives us to make those resolutions. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning. But what happens if you don't know what your purpose is? Or if your purpose seems to fail or change? This issue is for you 'cuz we're talking PURPOSE.


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just like<br />

by amanda brown<br />

I was at camp. My world had<br />

stopped and I needed to take a<br />

breather. I was lost as all get-out<br />

(which I should’ve been used to<br />

since I have the directional sense<br />

of an inebriated gerbil). I’d made<br />

a blueprint of my perfect life and<br />

then BAM! It was shredded up in<br />

God’s holy “worthless plans” paper<br />

shredder.<br />

I started Oh Beloved One when I<br />

was 12-years-old out of my love for<br />

words. Over the years, it expanded<br />

into a blog. I even published a<br />

devotional and several free e-books.<br />

Oh Beloved One was my baby,<br />

but until summer of 2018 I never<br />

imagined how pertinent to my<br />

purpose it would be.<br />

I still don’t have all the details as to<br />


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