Purpose Edition (January/February 2019)

We've barely made it into the New Year and still people are hyped about resolutions. With these often comes talk of PURPOSE. It's what drives us to make those resolutions. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning. But what happens if you don't know what your purpose is? Or if your purpose seems to fail or change? This issue is for you 'cuz we're talking PURPOSE.

We've barely made it into the New Year and still people are hyped about resolutions. With these often comes talk of PURPOSE. It's what drives us to make those resolutions. It's what gets us out of bed in the morning. But what happens if you don't know what your purpose is? Or if your purpose seems to fail or change? This issue is for you 'cuz we're talking PURPOSE.


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As we enter the new year of <strong>2019</strong>, I imagine most girls are re-evaluating their<br />

goals from last year, making new ones for this year, and contemplating life<br />

& futures. I cannot speak for the guys, but I do know girls tend to overthink,<br />

over-worry, and overdo ALL the things.<br />

For me, one particular subject revolves around the unknown future and<br />

my humble purpose in life. I recall my junior and senior years of high school<br />

and attempting to decide what I wished to do with my life after graduation:<br />

college? no college? Full-time job? Part-time? Find a profitable hobby??<br />

That general question STRESSED me out. And I suppose it’s because absolutely<br />

everyone simply HAD to ask you what you’re plans were, thereby<br />

adding pressure—however unintentionally—to my decisions for the future.<br />

My answer was this: I’m taking at least one year and then perhaps I’ll decide.<br />

Best decision ever! That one year gave me time to think, pray, learn more of<br />

who I am, and actually learn to listen to my God and what He had to say. I<br />

had absolutely no desire to go to college and spend money I didn’t have for<br />

something I didn’t have a clue of studying for (and would probably never use<br />

anyway). So, I stayed home. I worked on the family farm, got a part-time<br />

job, and waited for God to direct my steps. I was no wallflower—no princess<br />

waiting in my tower for rescue. I learned to be productive and diligent in my<br />

time and efforts.<br />

I suppose I knew it all along. But it was probably the year I turned eighteen<br />

when my dream—my purpose—really sank in: I wished to get married,<br />

become a wife and someday mama, and live my ministry of home-maker<br />

with a husband and family. (Note: I didn’t have a boyfriend, nor had I ever<br />

previously dated.) I was extremely insecure, anxious, and overly fearful of<br />

my unknown future. I wrote poems during this time reflecting the burdens<br />

of my heart, and often cried myself to sleep, until finally, I gave it all to my<br />

gracious and merciful Savior. I still worried. So. Very. OFTEN. (And still<br />

do!) But God gave me a peace to know He truly is in control; comfort, that<br />

even if my dream to be a wife was never fulfilled, I would never be alone; and<br />

contentment & patience to wait on Him.<br />

Not long afterward, God opened the door to show me a young man, whom my<br />


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