#4 Jan '19

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cut the number and intensity of<br />

your hot flashes by 53%, reports<br />

research out of the Journal of<br />

the Chinese Medical<br />

Association.<br />

The scent reduces stress<br />

hormones (YAY!) And stimulates<br />

your brain?s internal<br />

thermometer to work better,<br />

your hypothalamus. So it keeps<br />

you cool when you?re supposed<br />

to be cool, (you?re always cool<br />

though) ;)<br />

And not overheated when you?re<br />

NOT supposed to be.<br />

You can simply light a candle or<br />

go with my favorite option, use a<br />

couple drops of essential oil into<br />

your lotion and massage your<br />

neck and wrists to enjoy the<br />

scent all day.<br />

We actually use a couple of<br />

drops in our humidifier at night<br />

and we both (and the dogs!) get<br />

WAAAY excellent, deep sleep!<br />

2.) Do You Feel Like<br />

SCROOGE All Day?<br />

--> Munch on a few apples!<br />

Fruit seems to be getting its<br />

shots these days as the latest<br />

health fad food to avoid. I don?t<br />

look at it like it?s the biggest deal.<br />

There?s a few fruits that I typically<br />

always go to and recommend:<br />

grapefruit, oranges, kiwi,<br />

blueberries, strawberries, pears,<br />

and of course APPLES!<br />

7<br />

9<br />

Turns out that 2 a day can help<br />

keep the crankiness away as well<br />

as the doctor! That?s the latest<br />

from research out of New<br />

Zealand. 2 a day can help you<br />

feel 50% happier and more<br />

energenic within 24 hours,<br />

...thanks to nutrients that boost<br />

production of mood-enhancing<br />

hormones!<br />

3.) Brain Fog and Mem ory<br />

Lapses?<br />

Those feelings of forgetfulness<br />

and ?oh-no, am I getting old?? ?<br />

yeah, those aren?t fun!<br />

With all the holiday stress going<br />

on, it wreaks havoc on your<br />

estrogen levels causing memory<br />

lapses and fog. Care for a fast<br />

fix?<br />

=> List en t o som et hing BRAND<br />

NEW!<br />

Michigan State scientists say a<br />

few minutes of listening to<br />

UNFAMILIAR music increases<br />

focus and concentration better<br />

than caffeine!<br />

The brain is made up of grooves<br />

and neural pathways. When

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