#4 Jan '19

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If you feel up to it, feel free<br />

to turn this into a laughing<br />

matter for you two.<br />

Over-Exaggerate their facial<br />

and bodily manners. If they<br />

are whining, you go ahead<br />

and whine but whine louder<br />

and sound really silly.<br />

A great piece of parenting<br />

secret is to follow the<br />

laughter. The more smiles<br />

and laughter that are known<br />

to a child, the better it will be<br />

for them and the<br />

relationship between you<br />

two!<br />

St ep 4: NOW go ahead and<br />

redirect t heir energy<br />

:)<br />

?I see you?re so upset right<br />

now. I am going to help you<br />

calm down. Would you draw<br />

for me a picture that shows<br />

how mad you are.<br />

-or-<br />

?I see you?re so upset right<br />

now.<br />

Together we are going to do<br />

some angry push-ups and<br />

get ourselves so strong and<br />

tough!?<br />

(this one works great for us<br />

boys, obviously) ;)<br />

(WARNING: t he previous<br />

st eps m ight fizzle out t he<br />

t ant rum so t here m ight not<br />

be any need for st ep 5)<br />

St ep 5: Reassure your child.<br />

Let t hem know your Love is<br />

NEVER on t he line.<br />

?You get as angry as you want,<br />

sweetie, nothing you do will<br />

ever make me love you less.<br />

You have all of my love forever.<br />

You know that right? (wait for<br />

the nod) Good. Let?s take a<br />

break and since you?re such a<br />

good problem solver,<br />

you tell me what you could have<br />

done instead.?<br />

No matter what happened in<br />

Step 4, whether you are still<br />

riding out the emotion together<br />

or not, always reminding your<br />

child on where he stands with<br />

acceptance of your Love is<br />

ALWAYS a good idea.<br />

Remember, it?s just emotions<br />

and she just doesn?t understand<br />

them yet. She needs help<br />

getting guidance and she is<br />

calling to YOU for that help.<br />

Just as you were there for your<br />

best friend when she got her<br />

heart broke. It?s the same level<br />

of pain, fear, frustration, and<br />

not-knowing going on with your<br />

24<br />

Little one.<br />

You?ll do the right thing, I know how<br />

wonderful and great you are! :)<br />

Now , before you leave m e?<br />

? rem em ber, one of the biggest<br />

takeaways you can have from<br />

today?s learning experience about<br />

tantrums, Mom, is that they are a<br />

result of an EMOTION.<br />

The behavioral, physical<br />

manifestation of something they<br />

are experiencing on the inside.<br />

It?s important that you pass onto<br />

them that they aren?t wrong for<br />

feeling the emotion. If they start<br />

feeling that?s wrong to be angry and<br />

they start bottling up that emotion<br />

because it has led to behavior that<br />

led to pain given to them by you?<br />

? bottling up emotions and not<br />

letting those emotions get felt --<br />

has negative consequences all<br />

throughout the rest of their life.<br />

So it?s great of you to establish that<br />

healthy habit of accepting the<br />

emotions as they come.<br />

Loving the emotion of laughter,<br />

because it?s a behavioral<br />

manifestation of joy and happiness,<br />

just as much as meltdowns as a

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