Connect Winter 2018

Newsletter for Reid Saunders Association

Newsletter for Reid Saunders Association


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<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />

Dr. Martin Bassett examines<br />

the ear of young Bolivian<br />

girl, a member of indigenous<br />

Ayoreo community in Santa<br />

Cruz de la Sierra. The medical<br />

team treated and delivered<br />

medicine to more than 400<br />

patients in five action-filled<br />

days of medical clinics.



2 Timothy 4:5<br />

Target unreached people<br />

groups around the world<br />

Engage the culture without<br />

changing the Good News of<br />

Jesus Christ<br />

Demonstrate God's care and<br />

compassion by providing<br />

humanitarian aid for those in<br />

need<br />

Invite people into a<br />

relationship with Christ<br />



Ephesians 4:12<br />

Promote unity and<br />

cooperation among the local<br />

Bible-believing churches<br />

Train and equip teams of<br />

believers for the work of<br />

evangelism<br />

Partner with local churches<br />

to make disciples of new<br />

believers<br />

Saturate communities<br />

through city-wide festivals<br />

Egypt/Israel Pre-Trip ..................................................................... November 2-15, <strong>2018</strong><br />

Dominican Republic Team Trip ....................................... January 26-February 5, 2019<br />

Philippines Team Trip ........................................................................... March 1-12, 2019<br />

<strong>Connect</strong> Benefit ............................................................................................. April 9, 2019<br />

Spain Team Trip ................................................................................ June 21-July 2, 2019<br />

Vietnam Team Trip .................................................................................... November 2019<br />

Israel Team Trip ............................................................................................... March 2020<br />

Medical personnel will be going on the<br />

DR trip and need volunteers to assist in<br />

registration, pharmacy, and prayer for<br />

patients. Another team will be visiting<br />

schools, sharing the Good News of<br />

Jesus Christ through drama, music, and<br />

extreme sports. Others will teach and<br />

serve at outreach events for men and<br />

women. There will also be opportunities<br />

to distribute clothing to needy children.<br />

The whole team will help at the festivals<br />

in the children’s area, follow up with<br />

decision makers, and pray for the festival.<br />


“This has never happened in the history of<br />

the churches in our city. I believe it will be a<br />

miracle to see all the churches that form the<br />

body of Christ in Jerez united to do these<br />

festivals.”<br />

“The timing of this outreach is critical,”<br />

Pastor Manuel Martin of Adulam Missionary<br />

Church explained, “I believe that as a<br />

fraternity of pastors, we are living at the right<br />

time. We can and want to unite now, more<br />

than ever. We thank God for giving us this<br />

opportunity to do outreach on the streets of<br />

our city.”<br />

Pastor Martin added, “We are getting ready,<br />

praying, fasting, and dedicating our time<br />

to the work, research, and planning of the<br />

outreach events and the festivals.”<br />

Please Pray for<br />

Dominican Republic<br />

Mission Team<br />

Jan 26-Feb 5, 2019<br />

Reid Saunders and Ruth Daniels met with<br />

festival leaders and pastors of 12 evangelical<br />

churches in Jerez, Spain in early March, <strong>2018</strong>.<br />

“We are excited to work with Dr. Robnett,<br />

a Next Generation Alliance partner, who has<br />

established a mentoring relationship with the<br />

Spanish pastors and will also bring a team of<br />

volunteers from Portland,” Reid explained.<br />

The week-long trip to Jerez from June 21<br />

through July 2, 2019 will include affinity meal<br />

events for teens and adults, which seems to<br />

be the most effective way to do ministry<br />

in Europe. There will also be BMX bike<br />

demonstrations, street outreaches, drama<br />

presentations, live music, and proclaiming<br />

the Good News at four different outdoor<br />

festival locations throughout the city.<br />

Contact ruth@reidsaunders.org if you want<br />

to be part of this trip. Team space is limited.<br />

PO Box 4275 Salem Oregon 97302<br />

503-581-7394 info@reidsaunders.org<br />

one of the planned festival sites in Jerez


ALL FOR<br />

JESUS<br />

We’ve all been there—on our knees<br />

before the Lord, questioning our call<br />

as an evangelist. The funds are tight,<br />

our board is concerned, and the<br />

opportunities for ministry seem scarce.<br />

Have you been there? Are you there<br />

now? When I am discouraged as an<br />

evangelist, I always look to God’s Word<br />

for encouragement and often find myself<br />

in Matthew 11:28-30 where Jesus said,<br />

“Come to me, all you who are weary<br />

and burdened, and I will give you rest.<br />

Take my yoke upon you and learn from<br />

me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,<br />

and you will find rest for your souls. For<br />

my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”<br />

When we are weak, He is strong. In times<br />

of discouragement, fall into the arms of<br />

your Savior Jesus and trust Him. Here<br />

are a few things I have learned that have<br />

helped me in times of discouragement,<br />

and I pray they will help you as well:<br />

God is faithful. 1 Thessalonians 5:24<br />

says, “The one who calls you is faithful,<br />

and he will do it.” Yes, the Lord is<br />

faithful. He called you as an evangelist<br />

and you need to trust Him to see you<br />

through. I love how Paul finishes this<br />

verse “… he will do it!” God is going<br />

to get you through this difficult time.<br />

Remember this will pass. Stay close to<br />

Jesus and trust Him!<br />

The evangelist must persevere.<br />

Charles Swindoll once said this about<br />

the minister of the Gospel not giving up:<br />

“Stand still… and refuse to retreat. Look<br />

at it as God looks at it and draw upon<br />

His power to hold up under the blast.”<br />

Charles Spurgeon, as well, echoed these<br />

words to the persevering evangelist:<br />

“Many men owe the grandeur of their<br />

lives to their tremendous difficulties.”<br />

When I feel discouraged, I often ask the<br />

Lord two questions: One, Lord, what<br />

do you want to teach me during this<br />

time? Two, Lord, how can I grow as an<br />

evangelist and follower of You during<br />

this tough time? My friends, I truly believe<br />

that God is more concerned with what He is<br />

doing in you than through you. In tough<br />

times, the Lord can draw us closer to<br />

Himself and mold and shape us like<br />

Jesus.<br />

The evangelist must live by faith.<br />

Earlier, I mentioned the importance<br />

of going to the Lord in prayer and His<br />

Word during times of discouragement. I<br />

believe the key is living by faith. Another<br />

passage I often turn to is Proverbs 3:5-6,<br />

“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart<br />

and lean not on your own understanding;<br />

in all your ways acknowledge Him<br />

and He will make your paths straight.”<br />

Paul also tells the church at Philippi in<br />

Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet<br />

all your needs according to His glorious<br />

riches in Christ Jesus.” And finally,<br />

Hebrews 11:6 says, “And without faith<br />

it is impossible to please God, because<br />

anyone who comes to Him must believe<br />

that He exists and that He rewards those<br />

who earnestly seek Him.” Living by<br />

faith isn’t easy, but it is essential for the<br />

evangelist. When you feel discouraged<br />

or like giving up, remember God saved<br />

you, called you, loves you, and He will<br />

see you through. Trust Him!<br />

You are not alone. The life of the<br />

evangelist can be very lonely. I have<br />

several friends who are evangelists,<br />

and they have often told me how lonely<br />

they feel. I, too, have had moments of<br />

loneliness, but we need to be reminded<br />

that we are not alone. God has raised<br />

up other evangelists in whom we can<br />

confide and trust as friends and partners<br />

in the Gospel. If you don’t already,<br />

I encourage you to have mentors<br />

and accountability partners who are<br />

evangelists. They can encourage you.<br />

You are not alone. Remember when<br />

Jesus gave the Great Commission in<br />

Matthew 28:18-20. He reminded the<br />

disciples that He would be with them<br />

“… always, even to the end of the age.”<br />

It’s true for you and me, as well. Jesus is<br />

with us always. We have the Holy Spirit<br />

to work in and through us. The Father<br />

loves us and will always be there for<br />

us! As evangelists, we may feel alone at<br />

times, but we are never alone. Jesus loves<br />

us and has called us to preach His Good<br />

News to as many people as possible, as<br />

long as we have breath. My friends, in<br />

times of discouragement, turn to the<br />

Lord in prayer, His Word, and fellow<br />

evangelists for encouragement. It takes<br />

a team to reach the world.<br />

I’ll close with this story. I was in Africa<br />

in an area extremely hostile to the<br />

Gospel. Our team was holding the first<br />

citywide festival in over 25 years due<br />

to persecution. This city was known to<br />

be opposed to Jesus and His Gospel. I’ll<br />

never forget that night at the festival. I<br />

had just preached the Good News and<br />

was calling people forward to give their<br />

lives to Jesus. Right at the invitation,<br />

about 400 men came forward, yelling and<br />

shaking their fists at me. They rushed<br />

toward me, loudly yelling and banging<br />

on walls across the street from the<br />

festival. I honestly thought I was going to<br />

be killed. I was so discouraged to see this<br />

happen, especially during the invitation<br />

for people to be saved. As I stood on the<br />

stage completely disheartened, a boy<br />

came up to me. He was about 12 years<br />

old, which was the same age of my son<br />

Azlan at the time. The boy handed me a<br />

note (which I still have today) that said in<br />

perfect English, “Never give up!”<br />

My friends, we must never give up!<br />

No matter what you face in your life<br />

and ministry, I want to encourage you<br />

to never give up. Stay close to Jesus, live<br />

by faith, and remember He who called<br />

you is faithful. Keep doing “the work of<br />

an evangelist!” Together, let’s reach as<br />

many people as possible … All for Jesus!

THE<br />


8,036<br />


34,354<br />


2,240<br />


419<br />



ISRAEL<br />






BRAZIL<br />

<strong>2018</strong> OUTREACHES<br />







Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia is<br />

one of the fastest growing cities in the<br />

world. Abundant resources and job<br />

opportunities have attracted many<br />

migrants to the area. With the rapid<br />

population growth and the decline<br />

of the traditional Catholic church,<br />

there is a tremendous spiritual<br />

need throughout society. People are<br />

spiritually hungry and surprisingly<br />

open and receptive to hearing about<br />

God. The few small evangelical<br />

churches are persistently trying to<br />

keep up with the growth and changes<br />

in Bolivian society.<br />

training and follow-up methods,<br />

which will provide the extra<br />

manpower for contacting, teaching<br />

and discipleship of the new believers.<br />

Doctor Martin Bassett, nurses Bev<br />

Schmidgall and Pat Reagan, with a<br />

talented group of interpreters and<br />

volunteers, lovingly provided the<br />

much-needed medical care and<br />

medicine for more than 400 patients<br />

during the week. The greatest needs<br />

were found among the indigenous<br />

groups that have migrated from the<br />

jungle to the large city. Many remain<br />

trapped in poverty with minimal<br />

education, language barriers, lack of<br />

transportation, and their primitive,<br />

the team to present the Good News.<br />

In Bolivia and throughout other<br />

parts of the world, many youth<br />

are walking away from established<br />

traditional religion like the Catholic<br />

Church. That has left a moral vacuum<br />

in society. Because of that, church<br />

pastors and festival planners wanted<br />

to focus their efforts on reaching the<br />

young school-age children with the<br />

life-changing message of the Gospel.<br />

Five public schools opened their<br />

doors to a BMX bike demonstration,<br />

drama, and gospel presentations. It<br />

was encouraging to see hundreds of<br />

students raise their hands and make<br />

public decisions to follow Christ in<br />


READY<br />

FOR<br />


The fourteen-member RSA team<br />

had several goals for their inaugural<br />

outreach to Bolivia. The primary<br />

objectives were to assist, unite, and<br />

encourage the 15 small evangelical<br />

churches in Santa Cruz and Yacapani<br />

with school outreaches, medical<br />

clinics, and four festivals. Leaders,<br />

pastors, and the team rallied together,<br />

and successfully overcame any fears,<br />

doubts, and cultural differences.<br />

Together, we reached more than<br />

7,200 people with the Gospel<br />

and saw more than 2,300 new<br />

believers come to Christ in one<br />

week. Praise God!<br />

From those 15 participating churches,<br />

85 members took part in evangelism<br />

unsanitary conditions. Doctor Bassett<br />

remarked after visiting an elderly<br />

patient in a communal mud hut, “I<br />

have never witnessed such desperate<br />

conditions in all my life.” He was<br />

visibly shaken and emotional by<br />

what he had witnessed.<br />

Meeting a few of their obvious<br />

physical needs opened the spiritual<br />

doors to presenting the Gospel. A<br />

breakthrough in the closed Ayoreo<br />

indigenous community was evident<br />

after the medical team arrived. Years<br />

of prayer, working with the regional<br />

governments, repeated visits, and<br />

building trust by missionaries Rick<br />

and Lisa Methvin paved the way for<br />

these large school assemblies. Many<br />

of the youth attended the evening<br />

festivals and brought their friends.<br />

Raising awareness to the sex<br />

trafficking, prostitution, and physical<br />

abuse that is happening to young<br />

girls from the indigenous tribal<br />

communities were other goals that<br />

we set. We wanted to encourage<br />

and support Rick and Lisa Methvin<br />

in their efforts to rescue young girls<br />

from this deadly form of slavery.<br />

Visiting their love-filled home and<br />

meeting some of the young girls<br />

that have been rescued from certain<br />

destruction was an emotion-filled<br />

event that will leave an unforgettable<br />

impression in our hearts and minds.




Evangelical pastors in Ormoc City<br />

say now is the time to reach the<br />

youth throughout the Philippines.<br />

They estimate that 50% of the<br />

island population is under 25 years of<br />

age. Reaching this generation with<br />

the Gospel is the key to reaching the<br />

nation for Christ.<br />

Evangelical churches throughout<br />

the Philippines have experienced<br />

numerical growth and recognize<br />

the potential for even greater<br />

influence. The pastors have reached<br />

across denominational lines, united<br />

around this single cause of reaching<br />

their city and their nation for Christ.<br />

Festival coordinator, Pastor Herman<br />

Dionson, reported that the group is<br />

anxious to work with RSA. “We like<br />

how you have built relationships and<br />

formed strong partnerships with<br />

the local churches. You listen to<br />

our needs and adapt to the situation.<br />

This trust relationship helps our local<br />

churches proceed with ease into the<br />

program, and see the potential of this<br />

first-ever citywide outreach.”<br />

The outreach and festival in March<br />

will hopefully be a training ground for<br />

even larger festivals in the capital city<br />

of Cebu, an urban area of more than<br />

three million people. “Leaders are<br />

excited about the possibility. We are<br />

looking to pave the way for future<br />

events,” Pastor Herman explained.<br />

Ormoc City is a busy economic port,<br />

predominantly English speaking, an<br />

education and cultural center, and<br />

the commercial hub of western<br />

Leyte. The city has a population<br />

over 215,000 which has been<br />

predominantly Catholic since the<br />

mid-1500s. Reportedly, many of<br />

today’s young people are seeking a<br />

deeper spiritual relationship with<br />

God, not the traditional religion of<br />

their parents. A citywide evangelistic<br />

festival from March 1-12, 2019, with<br />

team outreach visits to schools,<br />

prisons, drama presentations, and<br />

BMX bike demonstrations will be<br />

used to draw thousands of young<br />

people to Christ.<br />

Anyone interested in joining the<br />

outreach should contact ruth@<br />

reidsaunders.org for updates and<br />

additional information.<br />

BOLIVIA continued<br />

It was heart-breaking to learn that so<br />

many more young teenage girls will<br />

be targeted by sex traffickers in this<br />

area of South America.<br />

More than 600 clothing items and<br />

meals were distributed to needy<br />

children living in the poorer suburbs<br />

of Santa Cruz and Yacapani. Children<br />

waited patiently in line, as Ruth<br />

explained the love and sacrifice that<br />

so many volunteers in America had<br />

put into each hand-sewn garment – a<br />

free gift to remind them of God’s gift<br />

to all. Sixty-five aprons, donated by<br />

another team of volunteers, were also<br />

presented to women in two separate<br />

church services. Each garment was<br />

received with deep gratitude.<br />

“We really need to go back to this<br />

area”, Reid remarked. “The fields<br />

are ripe for harvest and we were<br />

just getting started. Everyone was<br />

so responsive to the Gospel and the<br />

churches were truly committed to<br />

reaching their neighbors.”


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Reaching the Unreached<br />

“This has never happened in the history of the<br />

churches in our city. I believe it will be a miracle<br />

to see all the churches that form the body of<br />

Christ in Jerez united to do these festivals,”<br />

–Pastor Martin of Adulam Missionary Church, Jerez<br />

Four outreach festivals planned for<br />

Jerez, Spain in June 2019

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