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Cabdiraxmaan Cabdillahi X. Aadan ‘Yare’<br />

(ku dhashay Hargaysa 1955) kaas oo ka qayb galay abaabulka hawlo iskaa wax- u-qabso<br />

ah oo loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo dadka reer Hargaysa sannadkii 1981, taas oo markii<br />

dambe keentay in la xidho bishii Nofembar ee isla sannadkaas. Markii la xidhiyay wuxuu<br />

ahaa shaqaale dawladeed oo ka hawlgala Hargaysa ( oo uu ka shaqaynayay laga bilaabo<br />

1976kii).<br />

Waxa lagu xukumay 30 sano oo xabsi ah wuxuuna xidhnaa xidhay 8 sanno. Wuxuu ahaa<br />

ninka ugu da’da yar raggii lawada xidhay. Haatan Cabdiraxmaan waa ganacsade taabbe<br />

galay.<br />

Abdirhaman Abdillahi H. Aden ‘Yare’<br />

is an intellectual (born in Hargeisa 1955), who organized self-help schemes to improve<br />

the social services in Hargeisa 1981, which led to his arrest in November the same year. At<br />

the time of his arrest he was working as a civil servant in Hargeisa (where he had worked<br />

since 1976).<br />

He was sentenced to 30 years in prison and was imprisoned for eight years. He was the<br />

youngest among the group of men who were arrested. Today Abdirahman is a successful<br />


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