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Dr. Aadan Yuusuf Abokor<br />

waa aqoon yahan (ku dhashay Hargaysa 1944) kaas oo ka qayb galay abaabulka hawlo<br />

iskaa wax- u-qabso ah oo loogu talagalay in lagu caawiyo dadka reer Hargaysa sannadkii<br />

1981kii, taas oo markii dambe keentay in la xidho bishii Nofembar ee isla sannadkaas.<br />

Intaan la xidhin wuxuu ahaa Agaasimaha Cusbitaalka Guud ee Hargaysa (Hargeisa Group<br />

Hospital), taas oo ahayd meesha ugu muhiimsan ee uu xoogga saarayay abuulkan iskaa<br />

wax-u-qabsiga ahaa. Waxa lagu xukumay 20 sano oo xabsi ah wuxuuna xidhnaa 8 sanno.<br />

Dr Aadan wuxuu ku koray Cadan, dalka Yaman, waxa uu ka qalinjabiyey Akadeemiyadda<br />

Caafimaadka ee Warsaw, Poland sannadkii 1976kii.<br />

Kadib markii xabsiga laga sii daayay Dr. Aadan wuxuu noqday agaasimaha fulinta ee SOR-<br />

RA iyo tababare ka hawlgala Machadka Nolosha iyo Nabadgelyada ee Iswiidhan (Sweden).<br />

Wuxuu ahaa wakiilka waddanka u fadhiya hay’adda Progressio, oo ah hay’ad khayriya oo<br />

caalami ah oo ka shaqaysa horumarinta, laga bilaabo 1998 ilaa 2012. Hadda Dr. Aadan<br />

waa wakiilka Hargaysa ee macadka Rift Valley Institute.<br />

Dr. Adan Yusuf Abokor<br />

is an intellectual (born in Hargeisa 1944), who organized self-help schemes to improve the<br />

social services in Hargeisa 1981, which led to his arrest in November the same year. At the<br />

time of his arrest he was the Director of the Hargeisa Group Hospital, which was the focus<br />

point of the self-help scheme. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison and was imprisoned<br />

for eight years. Dr. Adan grew up in Aden, Yemen and graduated from the Medical Academy<br />

in Warsaw, Poland in 1976.<br />

After his release, Dr. Adan was the executive director of the Somali Relief and Rehabilitation<br />

Association (SORRA) and a trainer for Life and Peace Institute of Sweden. He was<br />

Country Representative for Progressio, an international development charity, from 1998<br />

to 2012. Today Dr. Adan is the Hargeisa representative of the Rift Valley Institute.

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