Uberheroes Vol 1: Erebus, Hypnos, Thanatos

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:<br />

FEAR<br />


Look beyond the behaviour and see the person who is hurting.<br />

At PIPS Charity we provide support to individuals who have at<br />

some point, considered ending their own lives or self-harming.<br />

We support families and friends who have lost someone to<br />

suicide. The charity has a small team of paid staff and a wide<br />

range of fantastic volunteers who support those in need while operating a ‘no<br />

appointment’ walk-in service. When a person comes to PIPS for help they will be<br />

spoken to immediately by our Triage Team who start a stay safe/support plan.<br />

No one is ever turned away from PIPS.<br />

We are delighted to be collaborating with Hope 4 Life in this comic but also in<br />

relation to other programmes as well. We know that there needs to be support<br />

given to our local children and young people before life’s issues become real<br />

problems. Hope 4 Life and PIPS are committed to working with schools on<br />

programmes that will positively help our children and young people to have a<br />

healthy and hopeful life.<br />

PIPS Services • Counselling and Befriending • Crisis Response • Complementary<br />

Therapies • Drug and Alcohol Support • Family Support • Victim Support •<br />

Education and Training Courses<br />

Charity No.: NIC104726<br />

Remember: If you ever need us, we are always here…<br />

We’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this, our fourth issue. You can do<br />

this by visiting us at .<br />

www.uberheroes.co.uk<br />

This comic is not intended as a substitute for medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly<br />

consult their GP in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that<br />

may require clinical diagnosis or medical attention.<br />

Cover Illustration by Karl O'Rowe Copyright© 2017 by <strong>Uberheroes</strong>®<br />

Cover design by Danny McLaughlin Copyright© 2017 by <strong>Uberheroes</strong>®<br />

Comic editing by Danny McLaughlin & Dee Nixon Copyright© 2017 by <strong>Uberheroes</strong>®<br />

Comic writing by Reuben McDade Copyright© 2017 by <strong>Uberheroes</strong>®<br />

Conceptual drawings by Kyle McGeagh and Ashleigh Robinson Copyright© 2017 by <strong>Uberheroes</strong>®<br />

Copyright © 2017 by <strong>Uberheroes</strong>® owner Dee Nixon<br />

All rights reserved. This comic or any portion thereof<br />

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever<br />

without the express written permission of the publisher<br />

except for the use of brief quotations in a comic review.<br />

Printed in Northern Ireland. First Printing, June 2017<br />

Hope 4 Life NI<br />

BT3 Business Centre<br />

Dargan Crescent<br />

Duncrue Industrial Estate<br />

Belfast BT3 9JP<br />


It all became too much and I<br />

knew things had to Change...<br />

Loss<br />

Oh no!<br />

not<br />

again…<br />

Why<br />

won’t you<br />

guys go<br />

away?<br />

Just<br />

give me a<br />

break!<br />

leavE me<br />

alone!!<br />

Fear<br />

Doubt<br />

Shame<br />

We are<br />

all here to<br />

help you,<br />

Kieran...<br />

You<br />

know what<br />

to do!<br />

Why don’t you<br />

relax, have a<br />

beer and take<br />

the edge off!<br />

I<br />

can’t take<br />

this...<br />

I<br />

need this<br />

to stop!!<br />

Wha-? Who...<br />

who are you<br />

guys?<br />

We’re<br />


We're<br />

here to<br />

help you!<br />

We can<br />

help YOU defeat<br />

these villains through<br />

helping you to see<br />

what is real...<br />

...and By<br />

Giving you<br />

the tools and<br />

support to<br />

overcome<br />

them.<br />

Villains<br />

like these<br />

torment people<br />

over and over.<br />

Do you<br />

remember<br />

when all this<br />

began?<br />

I think<br />

it all<br />

began…<br />

Actually…<br />

I can’t<br />

remember a<br />

time when<br />

they weren’t<br />


When I was very young. All I can<br />

remember is anger and disappointment.<br />

It couldn’t have gotten much worse.<br />

In the past they would always argue!<br />

Why are<br />

you and mum<br />

always<br />

fighting?<br />

why Are<br />

you always<br />

angry,<br />

Daddy?<br />

Is it<br />

me?<br />

Do I<br />

make you<br />

sad?<br />

Don't<br />

worry, Kieran!<br />

It's going to<br />

get better<br />

now.<br />

please<br />

stop!! please<br />

stop!!<br />

please,<br />

Daddy, I’ll be<br />

good, I promise<br />

to be a better<br />

boy…<br />

just get<br />

out and don’t<br />

bother coming<br />

back...<br />

Don’t you<br />

worry. I really<br />

don’t need this<br />

grief!<br />

I’ve just<br />

about had enough<br />

of your fighting<br />

and nitpicking at<br />

me. you’re never<br />

happy!<br />

See you<br />

around,<br />

kid!<br />

Now that<br />

he’s gone, Kieran,<br />

Mummy’s going to<br />

have a wee rest -<br />

don't you be getting<br />

up to no good or<br />

you know what'll<br />

happen!<br />

I remember feeling so<br />

sad and alone because<br />

my Daddy had gone...<br />

You do<br />

realise that he<br />

is never coming<br />

back?<br />

U N LOVED<br />

DOUBT<br />

ALONE<br />


When I was about 8 my mum<br />

remarried, and my stepfather<br />

was a nasty piece of work...<br />

And if<br />

you’ve wet<br />

the bed again,<br />

you’ll be<br />

sorry, Kieran!<br />

I'm<br />

sick of this...<br />

you've been<br />

peeing the bed<br />

since you were<br />

four!<br />

I’m<br />

sorry, I<br />

won’t do it<br />

again…<br />

Kieran,<br />

Get up now!<br />

Stop being<br />

so lazy!<br />

or should<br />

I call you<br />

Fireman<br />

Sam?<br />

No!<br />

Please,<br />

no!!<br />

You're<br />

Eight - this is<br />

the very last<br />

time, fireman<br />

sam!<br />

There<br />

doesn’t seem<br />

to be anything<br />

physically wrong<br />

with him...<br />

Then<br />

why does he<br />

keep wetting<br />

himself?<br />

it’s probably<br />

more of a psychological<br />

issue rather than<br />

physical, he may need<br />

referred to psych<br />

services...<br />

so he’s<br />

mental? he’s<br />

lazy and<br />

nuts..?<br />

So Kids,<br />

what’s Kieran’s<br />

nicknames?<br />

Nut job,<br />

lazy nut<br />

job!<br />

Fire-man-Sam,<br />

Fire-man-Sam,<br />


It was when I started at secondary school that the doctors<br />

realised I wasn't wetting the bed because I was lazy...<br />

I don’t<br />

know how I’m<br />

going to get through<br />

today, I’m so ashamed<br />

and fearful of them<br />

finding out my<br />

secret…<br />

C'mon boys,<br />

I know its the<br />

first class of the<br />

day but hurry up<br />

and get changed<br />

and meet me on<br />

the pitch.<br />

What is<br />

that?<br />

It's a<br />

piss bag!!<br />

you weirdo,<br />

did you borrow<br />

that from your<br />

Granda?? Total<br />

looser…<br />

The Doctors diagnosed me with kidney<br />

failure and put me on heart medication.<br />

It really didn't make life easy as I grew<br />

up. especially with the urostomy bag.<br />

You’ll never<br />

be one of the lads,<br />

they’ll never accept<br />

you, you’ll always<br />

be alone...<br />

Come to me<br />

,<br />

,<br />

Kie ran, ’ll<br />

wrap you in my<br />

arms and keep<br />

you sooo<br />

safe!<br />

He's<br />

a total<br />

weirdo!<br />

The next<br />

five years are<br />

going to be<br />


When I was about 13 I started drinking... I thought nothing of it as my mum<br />

and Stepdad drunk heavily every night... so it seemed normal to me.<br />

I began to self-medicate to take<br />

away the feelings of loneliness and<br />

self-loathing. I didn't know at the time<br />

what road I was going down...<br />

...I just knew I felt happier not thinking<br />

about all the bad things in my life...<br />

Go on, Lad, that’s<br />

what will help you to<br />

forget! your actions<br />

are making me grow. in<br />

no time I’ll overcome<br />

you and you’ll never<br />

be free…<br />

by the time I was 16 I was<br />

drinking extremely heavily and no<br />

one seemed to care about me...<br />

...which was even more reason to<br />

keep drinking more and more...<br />

GLUG<br />

GLUG<br />

GLUG<br />

...even if they did care, at that<br />

point I didn’t want to know...<br />

Wow, Kieran,<br />

maybe you<br />

should slow<br />

down?<br />

Keep Drinking, it’s<br />

the only thing<br />

you can rely on...<br />

keep drinking and<br />

I’ll keep growing<br />

until I surround<br />

and envelop you!<br />

...leave me<br />

alone... I’ll do<br />

what I like!

One ordinary day...<br />

my life dramatically<br />

changed!<br />

No... She<br />

wouldn’t<br />

have...<br />

Mum?<br />

Are you<br />

hiding??<br />

Mum Why<br />

won’t you<br />

answer<br />

me??<br />

...I had returned<br />

home from school...<br />

How will I ever cope…<br />

I’m not able to take<br />

care of myself, never<br />

mind this house!<br />

Nooooo!?!<br />

You can’t<br />

have left me!<br />

why would you<br />

do this to<br />

me??<br />

Ye s, you<br />

are alone,<br />

no one in the<br />

world seems to<br />

give a hoot<br />

about you…<br />

Except me!<br />

With no warning, my<br />

mum got up and left,<br />

never to return...<br />

I was all on<br />

my own!<br />

I couldn’t cook, clean, or look after<br />

myself... I was only 16 and on my own...<br />

I thought it was<br />

freedom so I invited my<br />

friends around to party.<br />

I just didn’t want to be<br />

on my own...<br />

Kieran, this<br />

can't be good<br />

for you... can I ask<br />

you to go talk to<br />

someone about<br />

all this?<br />

you<br />

know<br />

what?<br />

NO! I don’t<br />

want to!! Go<br />

away from<br />


As you can imagine, at 16<br />

I hadn’t a clue about the<br />

consequence of my<br />

behaviour. all I wanted to do<br />

was party, never thought<br />

for one minute that they’d<br />

evict me onto the streets.<br />

How did<br />

it ever come<br />

to this?<br />

...it was a very frightening<br />

place, A lot of the time I wasn't<br />

able to get a bed in any of the<br />

hostels and had to rough it!<br />

I’m<br />

such a<br />

loser!<br />

It is you!<br />

I haven't seen<br />

you in a while -<br />

how's things?<br />

Things are<br />

great, Sis! I have<br />

medical conditions<br />

I can't help, I'm an<br />

alcoholic and using<br />

drugs, I'm homeless,<br />

and I've no family or<br />

friends who care<br />

about me!<br />

By the time I was 17, homeless<br />

and living on the streets...<br />

Kieran?<br />

Is that<br />

you?<br />

I care!<br />

we care!!<br />

it’s taken us a<br />

week to find<br />

you!<br />

You know our<br />

Dad hasn’t been happy for<br />

years, ever since the divorce,<br />

but he’s been drinking all day<br />

for months, from 10am<br />

onwards every day...<br />

...he wasn’t coping<br />

with life, he wasn’t<br />

dealing with his demons,<br />

he was even more<br />

distant and<br />

withdrawn...<br />

What?<br />

Dad? Dead?<br />

How?<br />

Go away<br />

from me!! I don't<br />

want to talk to<br />

anyone... not even<br />

you!! Go away!!<br />

You<br />

need to know…<br />

Dad’s gone...<br />

Suicide...<br />

Please, Kieran,<br />

don’t go down the<br />

same road as Dad,<br />

it didn’t help him<br />

did it??<br />

I just<br />

thought you<br />

should know... I'll<br />

leave you alone<br />

right now then...<br />


After I found out about my<br />

father, and everything else<br />

happening to me, that's when the<br />

bad thoughts began to form...<br />

That’s when<br />

he came...<br />

You<br />

should be<br />

ashamed of<br />

yourself!<br />

I can’t<br />

keep doing<br />

this… I just<br />

want to end<br />

it all<br />

aNNA,<br />

YOU’RE<br />

BACK?<br />

I just<br />

talked to a friend<br />

and I'm not giving up on<br />

you! Come by for dinner<br />

next week... I'll have a<br />

few friends coming<br />

round...<br />

I think<br />

it will help you<br />

a lot! See you<br />

then?<br />

Yeah,<br />

okay! I'll<br />

get myself<br />

sorted.<br />

tHANKS,<br />


The next week I<br />

went to my sister’s.<br />

It was great!<br />

I joined the gym<br />

and began losing<br />

weight and feeling<br />

better for it...<br />



MY HEAD TOO!<br />

I wanted to drink, but<br />

with the support I could<br />

resist drinking and even<br />

gave up smoking too!<br />

And I was accepted...<br />

things were really<br />

beginning to look<br />

up for me!<br />

I took a chance and<br />

applied for University...<br />

Or so I wanted to<br />

believe...and for<br />

others to believe!

It felt good that the people around<br />

me thought I was doing well...<br />

but in the shadows the<br />

old habits were starting<br />

to take hold of me...<br />

I tried to fight it...<br />

but I couldn't...<br />

Even when questioned, I didn't<br />

want people to think I was<br />

slipping into the old habits so I<br />

started to lie and punish myself...<br />

I slowly began drinking a lot<br />

again, and smoking and stopped<br />

going to the gym and to<br />

university... I just wanted to<br />

forget all my worries...<br />

Hey, Kieran,<br />

what a nice<br />

surprise,<br />

you calling<br />

round.<br />

How’s it<br />

going? Are you<br />

still going to<br />

the gym,<br />

Kieran?<br />

Sure,<br />

just one<br />

drink...<br />

Yeah,<br />

twice a<br />

week...<br />

Would<br />

you like some<br />

potatoes,<br />

Kieran... you're<br />

not eating<br />

anything?<br />

no thanks,<br />

I ate earlier...<br />

trying to keep<br />

my weight<br />

down!<br />

I would even call around to dinner<br />

just to watch people eat a nice big<br />

dinner and lie that I had eaten... but<br />

I hadn't... I was punishing myself...<br />

Everyone thought<br />

everything was okay...<br />

...but i was<br />

getting worse...<br />

...worse than ever<br />


I really started to think it would<br />

be best if I wasn’t around. Better<br />

for everyone... I considered and<br />

came close to hanging myself...<br />

I remembered my father. he did<br />

the same. I never wanted anyone<br />

to find me like they found him.<br />

That's not how I wanted to leave!<br />

So I thought it would be best to<br />

pass away in a quieter manner, so<br />

I started to stockpile meds...<br />

I didn’t want to burden<br />

anyone with the cost of my<br />

funeral so I began putting<br />

money away, I knew the<br />

Credit Union would pay out<br />

double and that would cover<br />

the cost of the funeral.<br />

I was just waiting for<br />

the right time to do it...<br />

I had given up... I lost<br />

my grip on reality...<br />

Everything spiraled<br />

out of control!

Things just kept<br />

getting worse for me<br />

over the next few<br />

months...<br />

alot of<br />

drinking and<br />

smoking...<br />

Self-loathing<br />

and punishment...<br />

Laziness<br />

and lies...<br />

Only when it was<br />

going okay did I<br />

lose control...<br />

I did’t know<br />

what to do...<br />

And I was<br />

all alone...<br />

Pain and<br />

self harm...<br />

Maybe it’s<br />

actually better<br />

for me to not<br />

exist at all...<br />

I was thinking very bad<br />

thoughts, and thats when<br />

all the villains showed up!

Then you guys<br />

showed up...<br />

Kieran,<br />

that’s awful.<br />

You’ve had so<br />

much to deal<br />

with!<br />

but...<br />

there's always<br />

time to make<br />

it better... and<br />

that's how<br />

the <strong>Uberheroes</strong><br />

can help! All<br />

of us!<br />

But<br />

how did<br />

you know?<br />

Because of me!<br />

Qoholeth found me,<br />

he told me he could<br />

help and gave me<br />

this alerter!<br />

Anna?<br />

So, you really<br />

meant it, you<br />

do care!<br />

Of course!<br />

You're my<br />

brother and I<br />

care a lot!!<br />

We shouldn't<br />

waste anymore time!<br />

First thing we need to do<br />

is defeat the villains that have<br />

been haunting you your whole<br />

life... then you can begin to<br />

heal, so you can help<br />

yourself get better!<br />

<strong>Uberheroes</strong><br />

Unite!!<br />

Let’s<br />

go!<br />

Ready?<br />

I’m so<br />

proud of you<br />

for sharing<br />

your story!<br />

Yeah, I'm<br />


Not so big<br />

now, Forty!<br />

Just<br />

tying up a<br />

few split<br />

ends!<br />

Have a<br />

read of<br />

this!!!<br />

I think<br />

you’ll find I<br />

am big enough<br />

for you!<br />

Oh no -<br />

im on my own!<br />

Bye , ube rs!!<br />

ThE<br />

bigger they<br />


I think<br />

i’ll take the<br />

lead here,<br />

Sharmeful.<br />

I’ve<br />

got your<br />

back!<br />

This<br />

party is<br />

over!<br />

- it’s<br />

working. he’s<br />

losing his grip<br />

on Kieran!!<br />

Your<br />

grief has troubled<br />

Kieran from day 1,<br />

enough is enough<br />

Lamenter.<br />

Time<br />

to say<br />


Are<br />

we all<br />

clear?<br />

Yeah,<br />

I think<br />

so!<br />

But you<br />

defeated the<br />

villains, didn’t<br />

you?<br />

Why do<br />

you think<br />

there is still<br />

a problem,<br />

Veritas?<br />

No, I<br />

don’t<br />

think we<br />

are!<br />

lOOK...<br />

Look into<br />

the shield, See<br />

the ...<br />

...only<br />

then will<br />

you face your<br />

strongest<br />

enemy!<br />

It's...<br />

it’s...<br />

...It's<br />

ME??<br />

Well a<br />

version of you...<br />

a version of<br />


...Your<br />

worst<br />

self!<br />

-?-<br />

You<br />

are...<br />

...THE<br />

Saboteur!<br />

you all<br />

have them inside<br />

you... it’s simply a<br />

matter of who<br />

is in control...<br />

And I<br />

am the one in<br />

control! And I<br />

will be the ruin<br />

of Kieran!!<br />

And me!<br />

You'll<br />

have to go<br />

through me if<br />

you want to<br />

hurt Kieran!.<br />

And me!<br />

And me!<br />

And me!<br />

no one<br />

can hurt me!<br />

I am Kieran...<br />

just his worst<br />

self!<br />

I am<br />

the one who<br />

makes him<br />

feel pain...<br />

I am the<br />

one who makes<br />

him want to<br />

fall back into<br />

addictions...<br />

punish<br />

himself...<br />

hurt himself...<br />

feel like a<br />

failure.<br />

If I’m<br />

right...<br />

...there’s only<br />

one person who<br />

can change all<br />

this, who can<br />

defeat you...<br />

...IT’S<br />

me...<br />

...MY<br />

better<br />


yES...<br />

The truth is...<br />

only you can<br />

defeat the<br />

Saboteur!<br />

bUT DON’T<br />

FORGET... you<br />

don’t have to do<br />

it all on your Finding<br />

own! your own way<br />

to defeat him, but<br />

with the support<br />

of others is<br />

the key!<br />

there is a<br />

saboteur in all<br />

of us that we must<br />

battle daily, and<br />

sometimes he wins and<br />

we end up hurting<br />

ourselves...<br />

You<br />

have all<br />

of us!<br />

aND<br />

yOU HAVE ME<br />

AND sHAUNA<br />

TOO!<br />

yOU DON’T<br />


REALLY... yOU’RE<br />


FAILURE!<br />

I've been<br />

through enough<br />

bad times... I could<br />

blame others but<br />

taking responsibility<br />

for my own life,<br />

and trying<br />

to better it is<br />

what you took<br />

from me...<br />

but I'm<br />

taking it<br />

back.<br />

I'm not<br />

afraid of you!<br />

I can defeat you.<br />

I will look after<br />

myself and defeat<br />

you... me and my<br />

friends!!<br />

You can't...<br />

I'll stop<br />

you...<br />

I have the power.<br />

I am the only one<br />

with the power to<br />

defeat you. I'll fight<br />

you every day, until I<br />

am in control<br />

again!<br />

You<br />

did it!<br />

Noooooo!<br />

What is this<br />

new strength?<br />

who have you<br />

become??<br />

Well done,<br />


Months later... first<br />

day of Counselling...<br />

6 months later... 12 months later...<br />

...Then my<br />

father committed<br />

suicide and I was<br />

on a downward<br />

spiral...<br />

I realise<br />

I was sabotaging<br />

myself. That’s why<br />

I’m thinking I<br />

could help other<br />

people.<br />

You’re<br />

doing so<br />

well!<br />

Whenever<br />

you’re ready<br />

to talk,<br />

Kieran...<br />

Go on...<br />

I feel so<br />

much better just<br />

talking to someone.<br />

If it wasn’t for<br />

PIPS counselling I<br />

wouldn’t be<br />

here! It inspired<br />

me to change<br />

my uni course<br />

to do what<br />

they do!<br />

3 years later...<br />

And yeah<br />

I'm back at<br />

University, in my<br />

Final year of my<br />

counselling<br />

degree now and<br />

loving it.<br />

And I have<br />

to thank these two -<br />

Anna and Shauna. They've<br />

helped me stay off<br />

drinking and smoking and<br />

actually helped me<br />

start back at the<br />

gym again!<br />

No need to<br />

thank me... I'm your sis!<br />

But there is something I<br />

want to say to you! I'm<br />

sorry for how we treated<br />

you as a kid... I never would<br />

have called you names...<br />

it was just...<br />

Dont<br />

worry, I<br />

forgive you!!<br />

That’s<br />

great,<br />

Kieran!!<br />

They<br />

convinced me<br />

to go and talk to<br />

someone about it all,<br />

too, which has been<br />

a great help...<br />

It wasn’t<br />

the best situation<br />

we grew up in... but<br />

I'm glad I have you in<br />

my life now! Both of<br />

you help me fight<br />

my inner demons<br />

every day.<br />

You’re lucky<br />

to have them... and<br />

lucky to be where you<br />

are now after all thats<br />

happened! You know you'll<br />

need them at some point...<br />

you may have defeated your<br />

Saboteur once, but he is<br />

in you... so he never<br />

goes away!<br />

Confidence.<br />

Strong Relationships.<br />

Strength of mind.<br />

and many more!<br />

Oh I know.<br />

I'm building up the<br />

skillset to defeat<br />

him if he ever does<br />

show up again...<br />

It’s great<br />

to hear that life<br />

is going well for<br />

you. make sure to<br />

try and stay that<br />

way just...<br />

Oh I will...<br />

As long as<br />

i’ve got these two<br />

eejits beside me i’ll<br />

be able to face<br />

whatever life<br />

throws<br />

at me!

Further information<br />

Like the characters in the comic you may feel that these stories have connected with you, or<br />

that the content of the stories has given you a lot to think about!<br />

You might want to know more about what help is available, or maybe you’re concerned<br />

about a friend and want to know what practical help you can offer. Alternatively you might<br />

want to speak to your parents or guardians but you’re nervous about how they might react.<br />

The <strong>Uberheroes</strong> comic is a great stepping-stone to start these conversations with an adult<br />

you trust about your fears, worries or concerns.<br />

Whatever the situation, listed below are some of the many resources available in<br />

Northern Ireland, Ireland and the UK :-<br />

Support Services<br />

Hope 4 Life NI – www.hope4lifeni.org.uk<br />

Mental Health & Wellbeing programmes for Children, Young People and Adults<br />

<strong>Uberheroes</strong> – www.uberheroes.co.uk<br />

Ask an Uberhero a question is an online support service for you to connect<br />

with one of our team if you are worried or concerned about anything; this is<br />

a great way to ask our heroes for their advice and support.<br />

PIPS<br />

For 1-2-1 Counselling Call 028 9080 5850<br />

Helpline number call 0800 088 6042<br />

Email: info@pipscharity.com<br />

Call in for a chat – 281 Antrim Road,<br />

Belfast, BT15 2HE<br />

Childline<br />

For 1-2-1 Counselling Call: 0800 1111<br />

For info and advice go to:<br />

www.childline.org.uk<br />

Samaritans<br />

Samaritans helpline Call: 0845 790 9090<br />

Helpline Email: jo@samaritans.org<br />

Helpline Numbers<br />

Child Abuse Investigation<br />

Unit Emergency line<br />

0845 600 8000 or 999<br />

National Association for People<br />

Abused in childhood National Support helpline:<br />

0800 085 3330<br />

Includes database with UK wide Support organisations.<br />

NSPCC<br />

24 hour Child Protection Helpline Call:<br />

0808 800 5000<br />

Lifeline<br />

Free Phone Lifeline: Call 0808 808 8000<br />

Helpline Email: www.lifelinehelplineinfo.com<br />

Talking to your friends, members of your family and teachers can help you start to better understand<br />

what you’re going through; you may be surprised to find that others have had similar experiences and<br />

are willing to share their experiences with you. Your friends or family may know of someone who they<br />

trust, who would be willing to listen and offer you safe advice, having external support will help you to<br />

see you’re not alone in thinking or feeling the way you do, it will also help rebuild your confidence,<br />

self-belief and self-worth, which is the first step in healing and recovery.<br />

Come follow us on our social media sites too...<br />

<strong>Uberheroes</strong>NI<br />



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