73 Amateur radio -julio 1975

ER: Photo provided by Alan Bridges WB4VXP, 2881 S. Main, Kennesaw GA 30144, w ho has Bxl C c opies availa ble f or $3 (or 20 I Res). Order from Alan , but make c hecks payable to AMSAT, which gets the proceeds. 16 Caveat Emptor 44 Hamburgl ar 134 Circuits 143 Circuits 146 New Produc ts 150 Social Events 154 Circu its 166 Grrreen 170 Circuits 192 A dver t iser Index 192 Propagation 2 Never Say Die 3 Hotline Headlines 4 Be My Guest 5 MORE Hotline Headlines 6 Ancient Aviator 7 AMSAT 8 Loo king West 9 New Pro duct 10 Repeater Update 12 Letters 13 Correct io ns Rare DX via Oscar? Antennas for Oscar - What Reall y Works? An Oscar Preamp that Works Wonders Shoot Oscar with a Satellabe Oscar - A Certificate Hunter's Paradise Where's Oscar? Oscar RTTY Converter . How You Can Take Oscar's Temperature Reall y Zap Oscar with t his Helic al Automating Sate ll ite Reception Eskimo Pie FM Alignment Oscill ator Master Sync Generator The Audio Synthesizer for RTTY, SSTV and whatever Ham Radio in the Arctic - 1925 Pack Rat Moonbouncing Gee, What's a Zepp? How Gates Work - A TTL Primer Bargain Audio Frequency Source Ve rtical Antennas for the Novice Do Textboo ks PREVENT Learning? A Visit to the CB Store Preventing Regula to r Carnage The Ultimate in Vari able Selec tivity Phone Patchin g - A Public Se rv ice An Svmete r for your Swan-250

ER: Photo provided by Alan
Bridges WB4VXP, 2881 S. Main,
Kennesaw GA 30144, w ho has
Bxl C c opies availa ble f or $3 (or
20 I Res). Order from Alan , but
make c hecks payable to AMSAT,
which gets the proceeds.
16 Caveat Emptor
44 Hamburgl ar
134 Circuits
143 Circuits
146 New Produc ts
150 Social Events
154 Circu its
166 Grrreen
170 Circuits
192 A dver t iser Index
192 Propagation
2 Never Say Die
3 Hotline Headlines
4 Be My Guest
5 MORE Hotline Headlines
6 Ancient Aviator
8 Loo king West
9 New Pro duct
10 Repeater Update
12 Letters
13 Correct io ns
Rare DX via Oscar?
Antennas for Oscar - What Reall y Works?
An Oscar Preamp that Works Wonders
Shoot Oscar with a Satellabe
Oscar - A Certificate Hunter's Paradise
Where's Oscar?
Oscar RTTY Converter
. How You Can Take Oscar's Temperature
Reall y Zap Oscar with t his Helic al
Automating Sate ll ite Reception
Eskimo Pie
FM Alignment Oscill ator
Master Sync Generator
The Audio Synthesizer
for RTTY, SSTV and whatever
Ham Radio in the Arctic - 1925
Pack Rat Moonbouncing
Gee, What's a Zepp?
How Gates Work - A TTL Primer
Bargain Audio Frequency Source
Ve rtical Antennas for the Novice
Do Textboo ks PREVENT Learning?
A Visit to the CB Store
Preventing Regula to r Carnage
The Ultimate in Vari able Selec tivity
Phone Patchin g - A Public Se rv ice
An Svmete r for your Swan-250


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