commanding vibration all

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Emotional <strong>vibration</strong>

The Emotional Vibration<br />

energy healing chart<br />

Discouragement<br />

Powerlessness<br />

Despair<br />

Fear<br />

Grief<br />

Guilt<br />

Insecurity<br />

Ascension<br />

Peaceful<br />

Jealousy<br />

Unworthiness<br />

Joyful<br />

Loved<br />

Hatred<br />

Excited<br />

Anger<br />

Harmony<br />

Empowered<br />

Revenge<br />

Blame<br />

Worry<br />

The<br />

Emotional<br />

Vibration<br />

chart<br />

Progression<br />

Passionate<br />

Carefree<br />

Happy<br />

Doubt<br />

Enthusiastic<br />

Disappointment<br />

Overwhelm<br />

Energised<br />

Vibrant<br />

Frustration<br />

Irritation<br />

Annoyance<br />

Impatience<br />

Pessimism<br />

Boredom<br />

Disillusioned<br />

Content<br />

Hopeful<br />

Dreamy<br />

Expectant<br />

Focused<br />

Optimistic<br />

Freedom<br />

PAGE 1<br />


Rules<br />

The Guide to Using a Pendulum<br />

for emotional healing and well-being<br />

The rules are simple. Always obtain permission before dowsing for another person and send them the medical disclaimer.<br />

Use discernment, if a command or idea doesn't feel right to you do not do it, always trust your own intuition first.<br />

Complete the pre-client dowsing checklist of 20 questions to clear the energy before the session.<br />

Drink some water. Clear non-beneficial energy to zero. Bless the space you are working in.<br />

Connect to higher self for the session/source or any other positive energy like a guide or your healing team.<br />

Using a pendulum<br />

Using a pendulum is easy and anyone can do it effectively to clear non-beneficial energy/emotions/fears/beliefs for themselves<br />

or another as long as you have received permission or signed consent. It is a distant healing energy technique which means<br />

you can send healing any distance in a second <strong>all</strong> over the world. Pendulum healing should not be limited to people, you can<br />

use it for food/houses/mother earth/elements/chemicals etc.<br />

Combing pendulum healing with chart work makes for a very powerful healing session as you can be very specific in<br />

connecting to the subconscious/stuck energy to clear it. This guide will focus on emotional energy clearing but you can clear<br />

spaces/thoughts/beliefs/traumas - any energy or frequency in any dimension in the universe.<br />

The pendulum is also brilliant when combined with other healing modalities such as reiki, emotional freedom technique,<br />

crystals or colours. Use your imagination and be playful. You can always undo what you have done.<br />

You can send commands out at a specific programmed time if you have completed a session and ask if it needs to be<br />

repeated for additional effectiveness you can ask the same commands to be sent out at the same time over a week for<br />

example.<br />

How to use the pendulum for healing<br />

A counterclockwise command<br />

will clear or remove energy<br />

A clockwise command<br />

will inst<strong>all</strong> energy<br />

Your words are the keys to effective energy healing and said in the form of a command<br />

to the pendulum directly or in your mind. A command is a constructed sentence that is<br />

used with the pendulum for clearing energy or healing.<br />

If you want to first practice how the pendulum responds to words for healing write love and hate on a piece of<br />

paper and ask the pendulum to access the energetic frequency of the word and see which way it spins.<br />

PAGE 2<br />


The Guide to Using a Pendulum<br />

for emotional healing and well-being<br />

Example<br />

A simple clearing command will be constructed like this:<br />

"Connect to and clear <strong>all</strong> non-beneficial energy from my healing space/words/commands/timeline now for my highest good".<br />

The pendulum will spin counterclockwise to clear this energy from whatever area/space you request it to be cleared from.<br />

Wait for the pendulum to complete the spin and then use a 0 - 100% chart to test how much of the original energy is left and<br />

still to clear.<br />

Points to remember:<br />

Always clear non-beneficial energy before starting healing and check accuracy rate.<br />

You can connect to the person's highest self to assist with the healing.<br />

Healing the physical body is only done through the etheric subtle energy body which stores a blueprint of the physical.<br />

Any command can be reversed if necessary.<br />

Always ask that the command is done for the highest good or well-being of the client/animal/space.<br />

Bless the energy of the session beforehand.<br />

You can ask for permanency or longevity using a chart.<br />

You can send energy healing out at certain times of the day to run automatic<strong>all</strong>y.<br />

You can spin commands into water and drink them.<br />

You can use cryst<strong>all</strong>ine energy with a pendulum for extra power.<br />

Disconnect from a session when finished and say thankyou.<br />

Disclaimer:<br />

This document does not, provide medical advice. All Content (“content”), including text, graphics, images and information<br />

available on or through this document are for general informational purposes only.<br />

The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard<br />

professional medical advice, or delay In seeking it, because of something you have read here. Never rely on the<br />

information here in place of seeking professional medical advice.<br />

Creating Conscious Change is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis Or any other<br />

information, services or products that you obtain from CCC.<br />

PAGE 3<br />


The Emotional Vibration<br />

client protocol<br />

Pre dowsing Protocol - Use the pre client dowsing checklist for a detailed protocol<br />

Always obtain conscious permission/consent before you dowse another person/client<br />

Check the percentage you are in your body and grounded.<br />

If not at 100% raise.<br />

Check the % you are connected to your higher self and raise to 100%<br />

Clear <strong>all</strong> non-beneficial energy from the session/your timeline/client's timeline<br />

Affirm that the pendulum only listens to your voice<br />

Raise accuracy rates to maximum<br />

Clear <strong>all</strong> secondary gain blocks from the client<br />

Affirm that <strong>all</strong> root causes will be found and cleared in one session.<br />

Emotional Vibration Healing Protocol<br />

Affirm the client you are working with and connect to their energy with a clockwise spin.<br />

Wait for the pendulum to stop moving and then ask the % you are connected to their etheric energy blueprint for healing.<br />

Use the chart and ask to "show me which non-beneficial subconscious emotional energy do I have affecting my/client's<br />

cellular energy/memory system now?<br />

Ask to connect to the non-beneficial stored emotional energy and clear to zero <strong>all</strong> aspects of trauma affecting me/client<br />

now in this lifetime or past lifetimes. Use the pendulum and spin counterclockwise. Wait until the pendulum stops spinning.<br />

Connect to and clear to zero from this life/past lives/future lives around the emotional energy of ______________.<br />

Use the word you found from the dowsing chart.<br />

Wait until the pendulum stops spinning counterclockwise.<br />

Request to connect to the root energetic cause of the original belief/issue/memory/energy and clear to zero<br />

Wait until the pendulum stops spinning counterclockwise<br />

Do I have other harmful/negative emotions from self/other affecting my energy today? YES.NO<br />

Clear to zero.<br />

Dowse which energy to inst<strong>all</strong> to replace the cleared negative emotional energy.<br />

Connect to and activate __________ emotional frequency in my energy and memory system now for my/client's highest<br />

health and well-being.<br />

Affirm that you will see a positive energetic healing result immediately.<br />

Ask if there is another energy to inst<strong>all</strong>, if yes inst<strong>all</strong> it. If no disconnect from session/client's energy.<br />

Thank the universe and your pendulum.<br />

PAGE 4<br />


The Emotional Vibration Questionnaire<br />

Use this checklist to dowse the energy and keep notes regarding the emotional well-being of yourself or a client.<br />

Always remember to obtain permission before dowsing for another.<br />

Name:<br />

Date:<br />

Session:<br />

What % does the cellular energy/memory system hold<br />

the energy of ….<br />

1 Grief<br />

2 Fear<br />

3 Despair<br />

4 Powerlessness<br />

5 Insecurity<br />

6 Guilt<br />

7 Unworthiness<br />

8 Jealous<br />

9 Hatred<br />

10 Anger<br />

11 Revenge<br />

12 Discouragement<br />

13 Blame<br />

14 Worry<br />

15 Doubt<br />

16 Disappointment<br />

17 Overwhelm<br />

18 Frustration<br />

19 Irritation<br />

20 Annoyance<br />

21 Impatience<br />

22 Pessimism<br />

23 Boredom<br />

24 Disillusioned<br />

Self<br />

Client<br />

Before After Before After<br />

Commands<br />

Connect to and clear the cellular emotional frequency<br />

of _______ energy from my energy & memory body<br />

now.<br />

Release <strong>all</strong> emotional trauma from cells/tissues/<br />

organs/DNA/chemical processes.<br />

Flood my enegy system with the frequency of<br />

love/joy/peace/wonder.<br />

Harmonise <strong>all</strong> energetic interference coming in from<br />

others affecting my physiology and neurological<br />

energy system.<br />

Encourage unrestricted flow of energy in chakras/<br />

auric field/meridians.<br />

Release <strong>all</strong> sadness/melancholy/fear from energy<br />

and memory system now.<br />

Release <strong>all</strong> emotional overwhelm affecting me in<br />

this present moment now.<br />

Allow me to step forwards into my power and see<br />

the beautiful soul that I am.<br />

Allow me to easily transmute wounds of the past<br />

into lighter healing energy that enables me to<br />

integrate life lessons as learnt.<br />

Enable me to transmute hidden subconscious<br />

fears from the past causing stress in my present day<br />

life.<br />

Inst<strong>all</strong> peace, love, harmony and balance into my field<br />

of awareness and life now.<br />

Remember to connect to the cellular body blueprint in the etheric to do any pendulum healing commands.<br />

Use counterclockwise commands to remove energy & clockwise to inst<strong>all</strong> energy.<br />

Notes/Commands to do around emotional healing:<br />

Keep Clearing<br />


Pendulum Healing - Pre dowsing checklist<br />

Use this checklist to check the energy of yourself and a client before starting a pendulum healing and dowsing session.<br />

Always remember to work in a safe energetic space blessed with a high frequency such as love.<br />

Name:<br />

Dowsing on behalf of:<br />

Date:<br />

Have I obtained permission to dowse:<br />

Session:<br />

Pre Session Dowsing Questions - check for self and client<br />

1 What % am I clear of <strong>all</strong> non beneficial energy affecting this dowsing session?<br />

Self<br />

Client<br />

Before After Before After<br />

2 What % am I grounded and anchored to the earth?<br />

3 What % am I hydrated and fully present?<br />

4 What % is my polarity in balance?<br />

5 What % am I connected to my higher self?<br />

6 What % is my dowsing accurate and free of non beneficial energy for myself/client?<br />

7 What % is the energy between myself and the client blessed and free from negative charges?<br />

8 What % is the energy between myself and the client free from past life restrictions?<br />

9 What % is my healing space blessed and conducive to healing?<br />

10 What % am I free of <strong>all</strong> fears around dowsing for myself/client?<br />

11 What % is the client emotion<strong>all</strong>y ready for pendulum healing?<br />

12 What % is the client psychologic<strong>all</strong>y ready for pendulum healing?<br />

13 What % is the client ment<strong>all</strong>y ready for pendulum healing?<br />

14 What % is there any resistance to the pendulum healing process from self?<br />

15 What % is there any resistance to the pendulum healing process from client?<br />

16 What % does the client have secondary gain blocks affecting the session?<br />

17 What % does the client hold any self beliefs that might adversely affect the energy healing?<br />

18 What % will this healing session enable blocks to be overcome?<br />

19 What % is the presenting issue a symptom of a deeper issue?<br />

20 What % can I connect to the root cause in this session?<br />

Notes:<br />

cleared<br />

still energy<br />

to clear

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