2018 Campaign Brochure

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“fully developed within & without, fully alive in Christ.”<br />

Ephesians 4:13b (The Message)

hello<br />

Have you ever imagined how the disciples of Jesus felt on Saturday? He died on Friday and took<br />

their dreams and their hopes to the tomb with him. He was dead. Some of them even saw him cry<br />

out with his last breath and then slump over a lifeless corpse when only a second before he was the<br />

living hope of Israel. How would you describe their feelings in that moment if you were to put it into<br />

words? Sadness, despair, lost, numb, hopeless and numerous other words would probably come<br />

close to describing what they were feeling.<br />

Today in Western Honduras where we live and work there are countless lives that could be described<br />

with the same words that you might choose as descriptors of what the disciples were feeling back<br />

in the first century. Although here in Western Honduras the words hopeless, lost, and numb could<br />

easily be combined with other word descriptors like hungry, dirty, and worried about the future. Do<br />

you think that the disciples, viewing the dead body of Jesus would have described themselves as living<br />

life to the fullest in that moment? Probably not. But how would they have felt on Sunday when<br />

he rose from the grave? When Mary saw him in the garden do you think that she felt fully alive?<br />

In the same way that Mary and the other disciples surely felt fully alive when they encountered<br />

the risen Savior; God’s plan is that each and every person experience that feeling in Christ. MUR<br />

is working among the poor in Western Honduras to fulfill the desire of the Father that everyone<br />

come to repentance so that he can receive them as sons and daughters. In other words, as sons and<br />

daughters of the God of Heaven each and every person is rich beyond measure.<br />

Here at MUR the programs that are transforming lives and communities depend on donations from<br />

you and others like you. Over half of our annual cost of operations is typically given in our year-end,<br />

annual giving campaign.<br />

Would you please help by giving now? On the back of this brochure you will find several options of<br />

how to give. We try to make it as easy as possible for you to donate and help men and women and<br />

boys and girls to experience “being fully alive” for the first time in their lives. Read the options on<br />

the back cover and choose the one that is most convenient for you. And please take a moment to<br />

read through the stories that we have included in this year’s brochure. The lives of these people are<br />

typical of lives that are being changed through the power of the Gospel. You can make a difference.<br />

You can be a part of transforming a life.<br />

Thank you for your support of this life changing mission.<br />

Dios bendiga,<br />

Phil Waldron<br />

CEO<br />

Mission UpReach, Inc.<br />

P.S. The sooner you make a donation the sooner we can report to others on our success in reaching<br />

the goal. People are motivated to give when they know we are closing in on the goal. Please give<br />

now in order to help us succeed.

Evelin Yojana Barrientos<br />

Evelin, a 10-year-old from a<br />

village outside of Rosario, is<br />

part of our DESEO program<br />

and receives values and<br />

morals classes once a week.<br />

She is also involved in<br />

our after-school tutoring<br />

program. Evelin has trouble<br />

in school and has been slowly<br />

improving thanks to our<br />

tutoring teachers.<br />

More impressive than<br />

her progress however, is the<br />

commitment she has shown<br />

over the past few months.<br />

Evelin walks over four hours<br />

every day that she attends<br />

Tutoring. She lives an hour’s<br />

walk from the school where<br />

our bus picks up the kids for<br />

tutoring. This means that she<br />

gets up at 4:30 a.m. each day<br />

to eat breakfast and get ready<br />

to leave by 5:30, walks one<br />

hour to get to school and one<br />

hour to get home after school<br />

to eat and change. Then she<br />

makes that same walk back<br />

to school to wait for the bus<br />

in the afternoon. Then, once<br />

again, she walks an hour back<br />

to her house after tutoring,<br />

arriving at her house around<br />

5:30 p.m. When visiting<br />

Evelin, we realized that she<br />

lives at the bottom of a deep<br />

valley. So two of those hours<br />

are spent climbing a steep,<br />

non-stop incline.<br />

Evelin lives with her<br />

Mom and two other workers<br />

who are taking care of the<br />

coffee, tilapia, and livestock<br />

for a wealthy businessman<br />

from Santa Rosa. This<br />

type of arrangement is not<br />

uncommon in Honduras, but<br />

often the families working<br />

the land are taken advantage<br />

of and remain poor and<br />

oppressed. From the looks<br />

of it, this is not the case with<br />

Evelin and her family. They<br />

have been living on the land<br />

for over 9 years and have full<br />

access to the many fruit trees,<br />

chickens, and swimming pool<br />

in exchange for their work.<br />

Most children in Evelin’s<br />

situation would not pursue<br />

their education due to a<br />

push from the family to stay<br />

and help work, or a lack of<br />

motivation to get to school<br />

from such a rural area.<br />

Evelin’s mother, however,<br />

recognizes the importance<br />

of education and encourages<br />

Evelin to continue through<br />

the repeated story of how<br />

when she was a little girl,<br />

she walked over six hours<br />

a day for school. This level<br />

of commitment shows the<br />

value that Evelin puts on her<br />

education and the importance<br />

of DESEO’s tutoring program.

Martha Leocadia Bernandez Barrios<br />

Martha is a first year student<br />

in our school for the deaf<br />

(ESPERO). Martha is 37 years<br />

old and a single mother to a<br />

21 year old son. Martha grew<br />

up in a home with a single<br />

mom and her 5 siblings. She<br />

was born deaf into a hearing<br />

family.<br />

Martha went to school<br />

up through the second grade<br />

but didn’t learn anything<br />

because there were no<br />

accommodations for the deaf.<br />

In fact, no one in Martha’s<br />

family nor any of her friends<br />

nor her own son know any<br />

sign language. Martha has<br />

only just begun to learn sign<br />

language, having used crude<br />

gestures her entire life to<br />

communicate what she could<br />

manage. After the second<br />

grade Martha was forced to<br />

leave school to take care of<br />

household chores while her<br />

mother worked to make ends<br />

meet.<br />

Martha describes her<br />

life (up till now) as boring,<br />

stuck without a means to<br />

communicate. Martha was<br />

only 16 when she got pregnant<br />

with her son and worked to<br />

feed him by cleaning houses<br />

and braiding hair. She is from<br />

La Ceiba, a northern coastal<br />

city of Honduras. A year ago<br />

Martha found out about a job<br />

opportunity in Santa Rosa<br />

de Copán as a nanny and<br />

housekeeper. She says she<br />

is teaching the children she<br />

cares for sign language so that<br />

she can communicate better<br />

with them.<br />

Watching Martha<br />

communicate with the<br />

new signs she has learned<br />

since starting school is<br />

like watching a caged bird<br />

fly for the first time. She<br />

is expressive, vibrant,<br />

hardworking, intelligent,<br />

independent, and now<br />

extremely communicative.

Alex Oswaldo Ruiz Lopez<br />

Alex, 17, first came to The<br />

Moses Project in 2016. Alex<br />

was living with his Mother and<br />

little brother in a small village<br />

called San Andres Minas. A<br />

neighbor was participating in<br />

The Moses Project and started<br />

telling Alex about all the<br />

opportunities this program<br />

had to offer. Out of all of<br />

them, what caught Alex’s<br />

attention was the chance to<br />

finish High School. In the<br />

village where Alex is from,<br />

school only goes up to 9th<br />

grade. In order to finish his<br />

schooling, Alex would have<br />

had to pay to ride an hour<br />

and a half on a bus each day,<br />

which his family could not<br />

afford. Alex’s true passion is<br />

soccer and he dreamed of one<br />

day becoming a professional<br />

soccer player, but he also<br />

realized the importance of<br />

having a career; “a plan B”.<br />

As a result, Alex decided to<br />

interview at The Moses Project<br />

and was accepted into the<br />

program. He says that coming<br />

to the project was, “far greater<br />

than I had imagined”. On top<br />

of being able to finish High<br />

School, he was now learning<br />

about coffee, agriculture, and<br />

the Bible. Alex comes from a<br />

Catholic family but says that<br />

they would only go to mass,<br />

“maybe once or twice a year”.<br />

After a few months of daily<br />

bible studies with the rest of<br />

the boys at The Moses Project,<br />

Alex decided to commit his<br />

life to Christ. Only a few<br />

weeks later, disaster struck.<br />

Alex received the difficult<br />

news that his (then pregnant)<br />

mother had ovarian cancer.<br />

Alex made the tough<br />

decision to leave The Moses<br />

Project and move back home<br />

to help take care of his mother<br />

and provide for his family. In<br />

his mind, the goal of finishing<br />

school was now unattainable.<br />

Instead, he would now be<br />

responsible for the wellbeing<br />

of his family for the<br />

foreseeable future. After<br />

almost a year of working odd<br />

jobs and helping take care of<br />

his Mom and little brother,<br />

his mom started feeling better<br />

and was able to do more<br />

around the house. There are<br />

thousands of kids who never<br />

even make it to High School<br />

because it’s better financially<br />

for the family to send him to<br />

work instead of pay for their<br />

schooling. However, with<br />

newfound energy, Alex’s mom<br />

recognized the opportunities<br />

that higher education can<br />

bring and began encouraging<br />

him to try and return to The<br />

Moses Project.<br />

Alex started coming to<br />

The Moses Project on the<br />

weekends so that he could<br />

attend the local church with<br />

the rest of his friends from<br />

the project. Eventually, he<br />

talked to Jon Stacy, who gladly<br />

let him rejoin the ranks and<br />

continue his education. Alex<br />

is now working specifically<br />

with the Tilapia and is more<br />

than happy to be back out at<br />

the project. He says, “Without<br />

The Moses Project, I would<br />

probably be in San Pedro or<br />

in my home town just trying<br />

to get by. I wouldn’t have the<br />

knowledge or the relationship<br />

with God that I have now. I<br />

don’t know what I want to<br />

do after I finish here at the<br />

project. I still would love to be<br />

a professional soccer player<br />

but I am focusing more on<br />

my schooling. Right now I’m<br />

studying Accounting and<br />

Finance. I would love the<br />

opportunity to stay on at The<br />

Moses Project as an employee<br />

when I graduate next year.”

Give before December 31st. Giving<br />

sooner rather than later is better<br />

because every dollar given gets us<br />

closer to the goal which inspires<br />

even more people to give.<br />

q Yes, I/we will help. Enclosed is my gift in the<br />

amount of $__________ to do more kingdom work.<br />

q Yes, I/we will help on a monthly basis in the<br />

amount of $____________ per month.<br />

q Yes, I/we will help by making a campaign pledge.<br />

Enclosed is: $___________ as partial fulfillment<br />

$___________ my full pledge amount.<br />

Name: _________________________________<br />

Email: _________________________________<br />

Phone: _________________________________<br />

Address: ________________________________<br />

City: ___________________________________<br />

State: __________ Zip: _____________________<br />

Mail this form with a check to:<br />

Mission UpReach, Inc.<br />

3221 Dundee Road<br />

Longview, TX 75604<br />

To give online, go to<br />

www.missionupreach.org and click DONATE.<br />

Or text GIVE to<br />

706-350-6800 & follow the prompts.<br />

Or make a donation via venmo at<br />

Phil Waldron@mission upreach so that<br />

your money goes directly into the Mission<br />

UpReach checking account.<br />

Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Contributions are solicited<br />

with the understanding that the donee organization has complete<br />

discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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