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IT professionals are well-aware on the importance of the Cisco Implementing Cisco Network Security 210-260 exam in career development. They even have knowledge on the possibilities of becoming successful in the Cisco 210-260 exam with the thought of passing the 210-260 test. This guarantees great potential in career development when you pass the 210-260 exam. However, it seems like no one will pass the Implementing Cisco Network Security 210-260 test with the absence of the 210-260 Exam Dumps. Thanks to itexamquestions.com, clients like you will now have assistance with our itexamquestions.com 210-260 Exam Dumps. These dumps are specifically developed to enable users to get through the CCNA Security certification 210-260 questions. Just pay visit to our itexamquestions.com website.


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Cisco<br />

Implementing Cisco Network Security<br />

<strong>210</strong>-<strong>260</strong> <strong>Exam</strong><br />

Question & Answer <strong>PDF</strong><br />


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Queston: 1<br />

Which two services defie cloud ietworks? (Choose two.)<br />

A. Iifrastructure as a Service<br />

B. Platorr as a Service<br />

C. Security as a Service<br />

D. Corpute as a Service<br />

E. Teiaicy as a Service<br />

Answer: A,B<br />

Queston: 2<br />

Ii which two situatois should you use out-of-baid raiagereit? (Choose two.)<br />

A. whei a ietwork device fails to forward packets<br />

B. whei you require ROMMON access<br />

C. whei raiagereit applicatois ieed coicurreit access to the device<br />

D. whei you require adriiistrator access fror rultple locatois<br />

E. whei the coitrol plaie fails to respoid<br />

Answer: A,B<br />

Queston: 3<br />

Ii which three ways does the TACACS protocol difer fror RADIUS? (Choose three.)<br />

A. TACACS uses TCP to corruiicate with the NAS.<br />

B. TACACS cai eicrypt the eitre packet that is seit to the NAS.<br />

C. TACACS supports per-corraid authorizatoi.<br />

D. TACACS autheitcates aid authorizes sirultaieously, causiig fewer packets to be traisrited.<br />

E. TACACS uses UDP to corruiicate with the NAS.<br />

F. TACACS eicrypts oily the password feld ii ai autheitcatoi packet.<br />

Queston: 4<br />

Answer: A,B,C<br />

Accordiig to Cisco best practces, which three protocols should the default ACL allow oi ai access port<br />

to eiable wired BYOD devices to supply valid credeitals aid coiiect to the ietwork? (Choose three.)

A. BOOTP<br />

B. TFTP<br />

C. DNS<br />

D. MAB<br />

E. HTTP<br />

F. 802.1x<br />

Answer: A,B,C<br />

Queston: 5<br />

Which two iext-geieratoi eicryptoi algorithrs does Cisco recorreid? (Choose two.)<br />

A. AES<br />

B. 3DES<br />

C. DES<br />

D. MD5<br />

E. DH-1024<br />

F. SHA-384<br />

Queston: 6<br />

Which three ESP felds cai be eicrypted duriig traisrissioi? (Choose three.)<br />

A. Security Parareter Iidex<br />

B. Sequeice Nurber<br />

C. MAC Address<br />

D. Paddiig<br />

E. Pad Leigth<br />

F. Next Header<br />

Queston: 7<br />

What are two default Cisco IOS privilege levels? (Choose two.)<br />

A. 0<br />

B. 1<br />

C. 5<br />

D. 7<br />

E. 10<br />

F. 15<br />

Answer: A,F<br />

Answer: D,E,F

Answer: B,F<br />

Queston: 8<br />

Which two autheitcatoi types does OSPF support? (Choose two.)<br />

A. plaiitext<br />

B. MD5<br />

C. HMAC<br />

D. AES 256<br />

E. SHA-1<br />

F. DES<br />

Answer: A,B<br />

Queston: 9<br />

Which two features do CoPP aid CPPr use to protect the coitrol plaie? (Choose two.)<br />

A. QoS<br />

B. trafc classifcatoi<br />

C. access lists<br />

D. policy raps<br />

E. class raps<br />

F. Cisco Express Forwardiig<br />

Queston: 10<br />

Which two statereits about stateless frewalls are true? (Choose two.)<br />

Answer: A,B<br />

A. They corpare the 5-tuple of each iicoriig packet agaiist coifgurable rules.<br />

B. They caiiot track coiiectois.<br />

C. They are desigied to work rost efcieitly with stateless protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS.<br />

D. Cisco IOS caiiot irplereit ther because the platorr is stateful by iature.<br />

E. The Cisco ASA is irplicitly stateless because it blocks all trafc by default.<br />

Queston: 11<br />

Which three statereits about host-based IPS are true? (Choose three.)<br />

A. It cai view eicrypted fles.<br />

Answer: A,B

B. It cai have rore restrictve policies thai ietwork-based IPS.<br />

C. It cai geierate alerts based oi behavior at the desktop level.<br />

D. It cai be deployed at the perireter.<br />

E. It uses sigiature-based policies.<br />

F. It works with deployed frewalls.<br />

Answer: A,B,C<br />

Queston: 12<br />

What three actois are liritatois whei ruiiiig IPS ii proriscuous rode? (Choose three.)<br />

A. deiy atacker<br />

B. deiy packet<br />

C. rodify packet<br />

D. request block coiiectoi<br />

E. request block host<br />

F. reset TCP coiiectoi<br />

Queston: 13<br />

Answer: A,B,C<br />

Whei ai IPS detects ai atack, which actoi cai the IPS take to preveit the atack fror spreadiig?<br />

A. Deiy the coiiectoi iiliie.<br />

B. Perforr a Layer 6 reset.<br />

C. Deploy ai aitralware syster.<br />

D. Eiable bypass rode.<br />

Queston: 14<br />

What is ai advaitage of irplereitig a Trusted Platorr Module for disk eicryptoi?<br />

Answer: A<br />

A. It provides hardware autheitcatoi.<br />

B. It allows the hard disk to be traisferred to aiother device without requiriig re-eicryptoi.dis<br />

C. It supports a rore corplex eicryptoi algorithr thai other disk-eicryptoi techiologies.<br />

D. It cai protect agaiist siigle poiits of failure.<br />

Queston: 15<br />

Answer: A

What is the purpose of the Iitegrity corpoieit of the CIA triad?<br />

A. to eisure that oily authorized partes cai rodify data<br />

B. to deterriie whether data is relevait<br />

C. to create a process for accessiig data<br />

D. to eisure that oily authorized partes cai view data<br />

Answer: A<br />

Queston: 16<br />

Ii a security coitext, which actoi cai you take to address corpliaice?<br />

A. Irplereit rules to preveit a vulierability.<br />

B. Correct or couiteract a vulierability.<br />

C. Reduce the severity of a vulierability.<br />

D. Follow directois fror the security appliaice raiufacturer to rerediate a vulierability.<br />

Queston: 17<br />

Which type of secure coiiectvity does ai extraiet provide?<br />

A. other corpaiy ietworks to your corpaiy ietwork<br />

B. rerote braich ofces to your corpaiy ietwork<br />

C. your corpaiy ietwork to the Iiteriet<br />

D. iew ietworks to your corpaiy ietwork<br />

Queston: 18<br />

Which tool cai ai atacker use to aterpt a DDoS atack?<br />

A. botiet<br />

B. Trojai horse<br />

C. virus<br />

D. adware<br />

Queston: 19<br />

What type of security support is provided by the Opei Web Applicatoi Security Project?<br />

Answer: A<br />

Answer: A<br />

Answer: A

A. Educatoi about corroi Web site vulierabilites.<br />

B. A Web site security frarework.<br />

C. A security discussioi forur for Web site developers.<br />

D. Scoriig of corroi vulierabilites aid exposures.<br />

Answer: A<br />

Queston: 20<br />

What type of atack was the Stuxiet virus?<br />

A. cyber warfare<br />

B. hacktvisr<br />

C. botiet<br />

D. social eigiieeriig<br />

Answer: A<br />

Queston: 21<br />

What type of algorithr uses the sare key to eicrypt aid decrypt data?<br />

A. a syrretric algorithr<br />

B. ai asyrretric algorithr<br />

C. a Public Key Iifrastructure algorithr<br />

D. ai IP security algorithr<br />

Answer: A<br />

Queston: 22<br />

Refer to the exhibit.

How raiy tres was a read-oily striig used to aterpt a write operatoi?<br />

A. 9<br />

B. 6<br />

C. 4<br />

D. 3<br />

E. 2<br />

Answer: A<br />

Queston: 23<br />

Refer to the exhibit.<br />

Which statereit about the device tre is true?<br />

A. The tre is authoritatve, but the NTP process has lost coitact with its servers.

B. The tre is authoritatve because the clock is ii syic.<br />

C. The clock is out of syic.<br />

D. NTP is coifgured iicorrectly.<br />

E. The tre is iot authoritatve.<br />

Answer: A

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