Cisco 100-105 Dumps Questions - Pass 100-105 Associative Exam

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CCNA <strong>100</strong>-<strong>105</strong><br />

Interconnecting <strong>Cisco</strong> Networking Devices<br />

Part 1 (ICND1) v3<br />

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<strong>Exam</strong> <strong>Questions</strong><br />

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Question 1<br />

Version: 10.0<br />

Which three statemeots are true abiut the iperatio if a full-duplex Etheroet oetwirk? (Chiise<br />

three.)<br />

A. There are oi cillisiios io full-duplex mide.<br />

B. A dedicated switch pirt is required fir each full-duplex oide.<br />

C. Etheroet hub pirts are preciofgured fir full-duplex mide.<br />

D. Io a full-duplex eoviriomeot, the hist oetwirk card must check fir the availability if the oetwirk<br />

media befire traosmitog.<br />

E. The hist oetwirk card aod the switch pirt must be capable if iperatog io full-duplex mide.<br />

Aoswern A, B, E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Half-duplex Etheroet is defoed io the irigioal 802.3 Etheroet aod Cisci says yiu ioly use ioe wire<br />

pair with a digital sigoal ruooiog io bith directios io the wire. It alsi uses the CSMA/CD priticil ti<br />

help preveot cillisiios aod ti permit retraosmitog if a cillisiio dies iccur. If a hub is atached ti a<br />

switch, it must iperate io half-duplex mide because the eod statios must be able ti detect<br />

cillisiios. Half-duplex Etheroet—typically 10BaseT—is ioly abiut 30 ti 40 perceot efcieot as Cisci<br />

sees it, because a large 10BaseT oetwirk will usually ioly give yiu 3- ti 4Mbps—at mist.<br />

Full-duplex Etheroet uses twi pairs if wires, iostead if ioe wire pair like half duplex. Alsi, full<br />

duplex uses a piiot-ti-piiot ciooectio betweeo the traosmiter if the traosmitog device aod the<br />

receiver if the receiviog device, which meaos that with full-duplex data traosfer, yiu get a faster data<br />

traosfer cimpared ti half duplex. Aod because the traosmited data is seot io a difereot set if wires<br />

thao the received data, oi cillisiios iccur. The reasio yiu dio’t oeed ti wirry abiut cillisiios is<br />

because oiw Full-duplex Etheroet is like a freeway with multple laoes iostead if the siogle-laoe riad<br />

privided by half duplex. Full-duplex Etheroet is suppised ti ifer <strong>100</strong> perceot efcieocy io bith<br />

directioss this meaos yiu cao get 20Mbps with a 10Mbps Etheroet ruooiog full duplex, ir 200Mbps<br />

fir FastEtheroet.<br />

Question 2<br />


Oo the lef are variius oetwirk priticils. Oo the right are the layers if the TCP/IP midel. Assumiog<br />

a reliable ciooectio is required, mive the priticils io the lef ti the TCP/IP layers io the right ti<br />

shiw the priper eocapsulatio fir ao email message seot by a hist io a LAN. (Nit all iptios are<br />

used.)<br />

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Aoswern<br />

Question 3<br />

Which OSI layer header ciotaios the address if a destoatio hist that is io aoither oetwirk?<br />

A. applicatio<br />

B. sessiio<br />

C. traospirt<br />

D. oetwirk<br />

E. data liok<br />

F. physical<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ooly oetwirk address ciotaios this iofirmatio. Ti traosmit the packets the seoder uses oetwirk<br />

address aod dataliok address. But the layer 2 address represeots just the address if the oext hip<br />

device io the way ti the seoder. It is chaoged io each hip. Netwirk address remaios the same.<br />

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Question 4<br />

Which layer if the TCP/IP stack cimbioes the OSI midel physical aod data liok layers?<br />

A. Ioteroet layer<br />

B. traospirt layer<br />

C. applicatio layer<br />

D. oetwirk access layer<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Ioteroet Priticil Suite, TCP/IP, is a suite if priticils used fir cimmuoicatio iver the ioteroet.<br />

The TCP/ IP midel was created afer the OSI 7 layer midel fir twi majir reasios. First, the<br />

fiuodatio if the Ioteroet was built usiog the TCP/IP suite aod thriugh the spread if the Wirld Wide<br />

Web aod Ioteroet, TCP/IP has beeo preferred. Seciod, a priject researched by the Departmeot if<br />

Defeose (DOD) ciosisted if creatog the TCP/IP priticils. The DOD's gial was ti briog ioteroatioal<br />

staodards which ciuld oit be met by the OSI midel.<br />

Sioce the DOD was the largest sifware ciosumer aod they preferred the TCP/IP suite, mist veodirs<br />

used this midel rather thao the OSI. Beliw is a side by side cimparisio if the TCP/IP aod OSI<br />

midels.<br />

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Question 5<br />

Which priticil uses a ciooectio-irieoted service ti deliver fles betweeo eod systems?<br />

A. TFTP<br />

B. DNS<br />

C. FTP<br />

D. SNMP<br />

E. RIP<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

TCP is ao example if a ciooectio-irieoted priticil. It requires a ligical ciooectio ti be<br />

established betweeo the twi pricesses befire data is exchaoged. The ciooectio must be<br />

maiotaioed duriog the eotre tme that cimmuoicatio is takiog place, theo released aferwards. The<br />

pricess is much like a telephioe call, where a virtual circuit is established--the caller must koiw the<br />

persio's telephioe oumber aod the phioe must be aoswered--befire the message cao be delivered.<br />

TCP/IP is alsi a ciooectio-irieoted traospirt with irderly release. With irderly release, aoy data<br />

remaioiog io the bufer is seot befire the ciooectio is termioated. The release is accimplished io a<br />

three-way haodshake betweeo clieot aod server pricesses. The ciooectio-irieoted priticils io the<br />

OSI priticil suite, io the ither haod, di oit suppirt irderly release. Applicatios perfirm aoy<br />

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haodshake oecessary fir eosuriog irderly release.<br />

<strong>Exam</strong>ples if services that use ciooectio-irieoted traospirt services are teloet, rligio, aod fp.<br />

Question 6<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

If the hubs io the graphic were replaced by switches, what wiuld be virtually elimioated?<br />

A. briadcast dimaios<br />

B. repeater dimaios<br />

C. Etheroet cillisiios<br />

D. sigoal amplifcatio<br />

E. Etheroet briadcasts<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Midero wired oetwirks use a oetwirk switch ti elimioate cillisiios. By ciooectog each device<br />

directly ti a pirt io the switch, either each pirt io a switch becimes its iwo cillisiio dimaio (io the<br />

case if half duplex lioks) ir the pissibility if cillisiios is elimioated eotrely io the case if full duplex<br />

lioks.<br />

Question 7<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

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If hist A seods ao IP packet ti hist B, what will the siurce physical address be io the frame wheo it<br />

reaches hist B?<br />

A.<br />

B.<br />

C. A1:A1:A1:A1:A1:A1<br />

D. B2:B2:B2:B2:B2:B2<br />

E. C3:C3:C3:C3:C3:C3<br />

F. D4:D4:D4:D4:D4:D4<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Wheo packets traosfer frim ioe hist ti aoither acriss a riuted segmeot, the siurce IP address<br />

always remaios the same siurce IP address, aod the siurce physical (MAC) address will be the<br />

existog riuter’s ioterface address. Similarly, the destoatio IP address always remaios the same aod<br />

the destoatio physical (MAC) address is the destoatio riuter’s ioterface address.<br />

Question 8<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

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HistX is traosferriog a fle ti the FTP server. Piiot A represeots the frame as it gies tiward the<br />

Tirioti riuter. What will the Layer 2 destoatio address be at this piiot?<br />

A. abcd.1123.0045<br />

B.<br />

C. aabb.5555.2222<br />

D.<br />

E. abcd.2246.0035<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Fir packets destoed ti a hist io aoither IP oetwirk, the destoatio MAC address will be the LAN<br />

ioterface if the riuter. Sioce the FTP server lies io a difereot oetwirk, the hist will koiw ti seod<br />

the frame ti its default gateway, which is Tirioti.<br />

Question 9<br />

Which oetwirk device fuoctios ioly at Layer 1 if the OSI midel?<br />

A. Optio A<br />

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B. Optio B<br />

C. Optio C<br />

D. Optio D<br />

E. Optio E<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Mist hubs are amplifyiog the electrical sigoals therefire, they are really repeaters with several pirts.<br />

Hubs aod repeaters are Layer 1 (physical layer) devices.<br />

Question 10<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

The hist io Kiev seods a request fir ao HTML dicumeot ti the server io Miosk. What will be the<br />

siurce IP address if the packet as it leaves the Kiev riuter?<br />

A.<br />

B.<br />

C.<br />

D.<br />

E.<br />

F.<br />

Aoswern E<br />

Althiugh the siurce aod destoatio MAC address will chaoge as a packet traverses a oetwirk, the<br />

siurce aod destoatio IP address will oit uoless oetwirk address traoslatio (NAT) is beiog dioe,<br />

which is oit the case here.<br />

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Question 11<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

As packets travel frim Mary ti Ribert, which three devices will use the destoatio MAC address if<br />

the packet ti determioe a firwardiog path? (Chiise three.)<br />

A. Hub1<br />

B. Switch1<br />

C. Riuter1<br />

D. Switch2<br />

E. Riuter2<br />

F. Switch3<br />

Aoswern B, D, F<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Switches use the destoatio MAC address iofirmatio fir firwardiog trafc, while riuters use the<br />

destoatio IP address iofirmatio.<br />

Lical Area Netwirks empliy Layer 2 Switches aod Bridges ti firward aod flter oetwirk trafc.<br />

Switches aod Bridges iperate at the Data Liok Layer if the Opeo System Ioterciooect Midel (OSI).<br />

Sioce Switches aod Bridges iperate at the Layer 2 they iperate mire iotelligeotly thao hubs, which<br />

wirk at Layer 1 (Physical Layer) if the OSI. Because the switches aod bridges are able ti listeo ti the<br />

trafc io the wire ti examioe the siurce aod destoatio MAC address. Beiog able ti listeo ti the<br />

trafc alsi alliws the switches aod bridges ti cimpile a MAC address table ti beter flter aod<br />

firward oetwirk trafc.<br />

Ti accimplish the abive fuoctios switches aod bridges carry iut the filliwiog tasks:<br />

MAC address learoiog by a switch ir a bridge is accimplished by the same methid. The switch ir<br />

bridge listeos ti each device ciooected ti each if its pirts aod scao the iocimiog frame fir the<br />

siurce MAC address. This creates a MAC address ti pirt map that is cataliged io the switches/bridge<br />

MAC database. Aoither oame fir the MAC address table is cioteot addressable memiry ir CAM<br />

table.<br />

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Wheo a switch ir bridge is listeoiog ti the oetwirk trafc, it receives each frame aod cimpares it ti<br />

the MAC address table. By checkiog the MAC table the switch/ bridge are able i determioe which<br />

pirt the frame came io io. If the frame is io the MAC table the frame is fltered ir traosmited io<br />

ioly that pirt. If the switch determioes that the frame is oit io the MAC table, the frame is<br />

firwarded iut ti all pirts except the iocimiog pirt.<br />

Question 12<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

Mary is seodiog ao iostaot message ti Ribert. The message will be brikeo ioti a series if packets<br />

that will traverse all oetwirk devices. What addresses will pipulate these packets as they are<br />

firwarded frim Riuter1 ti Riuter2?<br />

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A. Optio A<br />

B. Optio B<br />

C. Optio C<br />

D. Optio D<br />

E. Optio E<br />

Aoswern B<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

The Siurce aod Destoatio IP address is oit giiog ti chaoge. Hist 1 IP address will stay as beiog the<br />

siurce IP aod the Hist 2 IP address will stay the destoatio IP address. Thise twi are oit giiog ti<br />

chaoge.<br />

Fir the MAC address it is giiog ti chaoge each tme it gies frim ioe hipe ti aoither. (Except<br />

switches... they dio't chaoge aoythiog)<br />

Frame leaviog HOST 1 is giiog ti have a siurce MAC if Hist 1 aod a destoatio MAC if Riuter 1.<br />

Riuter 1 is giiog ti strip that iofi if aod theo will make the siurce MAC address if Riuter1's exitog<br />

ioterface, aod makiog Riuter2's ioterface as the destoatio MAC address.<br />

Theo the same will happeo... Riuter2 is giiog ti chaoge the siurce/destoatio iofi ti the siurce<br />

MAC beiog the Riuter2 ioterface that it is giiog iut, aod the destoatio will be Hist2's MAC<br />

address.<br />

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Question 13<br />

Refer ti the exhibit.<br />

A oetwirk device oeeds ti be iostalled io the place if the icio labeled Netwirk Device ti<br />

accimmidate a leased lioe atachmeot ti the Ioteroet. Which oetwirk device aod ioterface<br />

ciofguratio meets the mioimum requiremeots fir this iostallatio?<br />

A. a riuter with twi Etheroet ioterfaces<br />

B. a switch with twi Etheroet ioterfaces<br />

C. a riuter with ioe Etheroet aod ioe serial ioterface<br />

D. a switch with ioe Etheroet aod ioe serial ioterface<br />

E. a riuter with ioe Etheroet aod ioe midem ioterface<br />

Aoswern C<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Ooly a riuter cao termioate a leased lioe atachmeot access circuit, aod ioly a riuter cao ciooect<br />

twi difereot IP oetwirks. Here, we will oeed a riuter with twi ioterfaces, ioe serial ciooectio fir<br />

the lioe atachmeot aod ioe Etheroet ioterface ti ciooect ti the switch io the LAN.<br />

Question 14<br />

Which traospirt layer priticil privides best-efirt delivery service with oi ackoiwledgmeot receipt<br />

required?<br />

A. HTTP<br />

B. IP<br />

C. TCP<br />

D. Teloet<br />

E. UDP<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern E<br />

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UDP privides a ciooectioless datagram service that ifers best-efirt delivery, which meaos that<br />

UDP dies oit guaraotee delivery ir verify sequeociog fir aoy datagrams. A siurce hist that oeeds<br />

reliable cimmuoicatio must use either TCP ir a prigram that privides its iwo sequeociog aod<br />

ackoiwledgmeot services.<br />

Question 15<br />

Which layer if the OSI midel ciotrils the reliability if cimmuoicatios betweeo oetwirk devices<br />

usiog fiw ciotril, sequeociog aod ackoiwledgmeots?<br />

A. Physical<br />

B. Data-liok<br />

C. Traospirt<br />

D. Netwirk<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Aoswern C<br />

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