FOREX Magazine

IBP Finance I

IBP Finance I


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This final project helped me to realize that there are many concepts usually used in the financial<br />

area which is an important area to study because of my career and my special interests, so I<br />

learned how many of these Financial concepts are used in real life, like news, where we noticed<br />

the importance of knowing how to read this type of texts. Financial terms help us a lot in our future<br />

to bring us a large financial language, concepts like liquidity, financial ratios, things that seems<br />

to be very simply and obvious are principal terms of our area that we must know.<br />

Also concepts like “credit” in general, are used a lot, every credit term and credit hold that<br />

conform a type of credit management in a corporation is very specific, also I learned that in the<br />

U.S enterprises have a score of their credit, talking about the amount of days they`re late, if they<br />

follow the terms, and other factors contribute to give them a grade of creditworthiness. We also<br />

investigated about the Duns & Bradstreet platform and the bog impact that has nowadays<br />

bringing such information of every business, this gave other enterprises the opportunity to analyze<br />

each business at his credit history, using scores, data, preventing risk and providing strategic<br />

financial services.<br />

It is considered that the analysis of financial statements is a method, which applied to any<br />

company allows you to accurately assess your financial situation allowing you to know in what<br />

condition is, make the right decisions and observe the changes in the organization through time.<br />

We also view concepts like lockbox which is a process of payment, and also its types of<br />

businesses, then we talked about the different types of payment method, including transfers,<br />

ATM`s, debit cards, checks, etc. If we want to have a nice job, or an own business, we must know<br />

these financial terms and how to interprete them.<br />

In addition, it is important to mention that the most important process of a business is the decisionmaking<br />

process, which requires knowing the information and all the tools that the different<br />

organizations, enterprises or banks of data bring us to have a financial analysis that should be<br />

used to determine the best way to act.<br />

In order to understand and implement the best way to improve a business know we have learned<br />

this term, applying the right control of payment, preventing a harmful risk for the company,<br />

determining if an inversion or a credit loan are optimal options or not, and calculating liquidity,<br />

solvency, and performance.<br />


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