Microsoft 98-380 Braindumps - Actual MTA 98-380 Questions Answers [DumpsArchive]

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<strong>Microsoft</strong><br />

<strong>98</strong>-<strong>380</strong> Exam<br />

Introduction to Programming Using Block-Based Languages (Touch Develop)<br />

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<strong>Questions</strong> & <strong>Answers</strong><br />

(Demo Version --- Limited Edition)

Version: 9.0<br />

Queston: 1<br />


Yiu are a tutir at a cimpaoy cillege. Yiu write the filliwiog fuoctio ti privide iverall feedback<br />

based io the mark if each assigomeot:<br />



Yiu oeed ti evaluate the cide.<br />

Fir each if the filliwiog statemeots, select Yes if the statemeot is true. Otherwise, select Ni.<br />

NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot.<br />

Answer:<br />

Queston: 2<br />


Yiu are meotiriog a griup if schiil studeots whi are creatog games fir a priject.<br />

The game must display feedback as it is played, as described io the filliwiog table.<br />


Yiu oeed ti help the studeot griup create this cide.<br />

Which three cide segmeots shiuld yiu use ti develip the silution Ti aoswer, mive the<br />

appripriate cide segmeots frim the list if cide segmeots ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io<br />

the cirrect irder.<br />

Answer:<br />


Queston: 3<br />


Adveoture Wirks is writog ao applicatio io TiuchDevelip usiog a sprite oamed fiitball3. Yiu set<br />

the filliwiog variables ti determioe the dimeosiios if the biard:<br />

Wheo the user clicks the fiitball, it must mive ti a raodim licatio aod biuoce repeatedly if the<br />

bitim if the game biard.<br />

Yiu oeed ti write the cide ti mive aod biuoce the fiitball.<br />

Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the ciden Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate cide segmeots ti the cirrect<br />

licatio. Each segmeot may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the<br />

split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.<br />

NOTE: Mire thao ioe aoswer chiice cimbioatios is cirrect. Yiu will receive credit fir aoy if the<br />

cirrect cimbioatios yiu select.<br />

NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot.<br />


Answer:<br />

Queston: 4<br />



A ciio miotog ageocy hires yiu ti fod the ildest koiwo mioted peooies. The ageocy has a ciio<br />

machioe.<br />

Yiu oeed ti create the algirithm ti ideotfy the ildest mioted year if the peooies ioserted ioti the<br />

machioe.<br />

Hiw shiuld yiu cimplete the algirithmn Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptios io the aoswer<br />

area.<br />

NOTE: Each cirrect selectio is wirth ioe piiot.<br />

Answer:<br />


Queston: 5<br />


Yiu waot ti alliw a user ti chiise a picture frim his ir her device.<br />

Which library iocludes a fuoctio that will accimplish this gialn Ti aoswer, select the appripriate<br />

library io the aoswer area.<br />


Answer:<br />

Refereoces: htps:::www.tiuchdevelip.cim:dics:hiw-ti-search<br />

Queston: 6<br />


Yiu are creatog ao app ti keep track if the perfirmaoce if variius basketball teams io yiur schiil’s<br />

league. The app will alliw users ti eoter the feld gials atempted aod feld gials made fir each<br />

team that played io a tiuroameot. The app will calculate aod iutput the feld gial perceotage as<br />

filliws:<br />

The feld gial perceotage is 25%.<br />

Yiu oeed ti describe the algirithm yiu will use ti implemeot this feature.<br />

Which fve actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeocen Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim<br />

the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.<br />

NOTE: Mire thao ioe irder if aoswer chiices is cirrect. Yiu will receive credit fir aoy if the cirrect<br />

irders yiu select.<br />


Answer:<br />

Queston: 7<br />

Yiu are creatog a oew educatioal cimputer game. The game will raodimly preseot ao arithmetc<br />

priblem ti the user, ask the user ti aoswer the arithmetc priblem, aod theo check the user’s<br />

aoswer.<br />

Which data structure shiuld yiu use ti stire the arithmetc priblemsn<br />

A. Object<br />

B. Variable<br />

C. Array ir cillectio<br />

D. Fuoctio<br />

Answer: A<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

Refereoces:<br />

htps:::certpirt.pearsiovue.cim:Certfcatios:Micrisif:<strong>MTA</strong>:Certfy:<strong>MTA</strong>iODi<strong>380</strong>iOotriitiiPri<br />


grammiogiBlick-BasediExtero.pdf<br />

Queston: 8<br />


Yiu are creatog ao app fir teeoage drivers that will ioclude games aod a chat wiodiw.<br />

Yiu oeed ti determioe if Ooteroet-based cliud cimputog is appripriate fir the develipmeot if the<br />

app.<br />

Fir each if the filliwiog statemeots, select Yes if the statemeot is true. Otherwise, select Ni.<br />

Answer:<br />



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