MAXD Update 10-18

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A Timely Microcap Opportunity<br />

The publicly available information up through the current period lays out a considerable short squeeze opportunity, a<br />

major mobile event in Hong Kong beginning on <strong>10</strong>-22-<strong>18</strong> http://4g5gsummit.qualcomm.com that features one of the<br />

Company’s technologies built for chips used in Android devices http://4g5gsummit.qualcomm.com/expo Then, see –<br />

https://developer.qualcomm.com/case-study/max-d-complex-hardware-upgrade-becomes-simple-software-upgrade<br />

<strong>MAXD</strong> also has Intellectual Property lawsuits against one of the world’s top tech giants that could result in lucrative longterm<br />

licenses not only in the pending legal matters but with <strong>10</strong>73 other potential infringers as well that have profited<br />

billions of dollars as a result of being able to stream video 33 times faster and more cost efficiently since 20<strong>10</strong>.<br />

The current bull market has plenty of investor confidence and <strong>MAXD</strong>’s main message from the call was that “The<br />

Company is ready to go” and that “the investors are mobilizing” With that, I also received two helpful topics that explain<br />

the success strategy being deployed by <strong>MAXD</strong> shareholders.<br />

The Network Connection – Helping Us Prosper!<br />

By sharing the powerful <strong>MAXD</strong> opportunity with everyone we know in our network of family, friends and business<br />

contacts, we are exponentially increasing positive value and helping the people we care about to prosper and profit in<br />

the stock market. Call, or text everyone in your network this same information at this time, whether they have a position<br />

already or may just want to follow <strong>MAXD</strong>. Nobody should be left out because the potential gains could be significant<br />

and we should all do our part to increase prosperity for ourselves and everyone else that really matters in our network.<br />

The Company made a video of the current state of things, which should help anyone understand why this could be a<br />

great opportunity and will help to restore The Great American Dream that has been pirated by Wall Street’s totally<br />

corrupt Market Makers. https://vimeo.com/2908<strong>18</strong>915 Tell your friends and family, so they have the chance to profit as<br />

well. http://maxd.audio<br />

Rules of the Road for Emotionally Positive Long Trading!<br />

The following is what astute investors do to be successful when investing in Microcaps. This is not any kind of advice or<br />

recommendation whatsoever on investing or trading so it cannot be relied on and doesn’t require any disclaimer. It is<br />

however sensible information used by those who understand the power of positive emotion when trading Microcaps.<br />

Stock Market Investing is driven mostly by positive and negative emotions, more so in Microcaps than other stocks.<br />

When a stock is moving up in price and volume, people tend to chase it once they decide that there’s a good reason<br />

that people are investing in that particular stock. When there’s a sell-off or profit-taking people often panic sell or sell<br />

when it may not be the best time.<br />

The first rule of emotionally positive long trading is that good bidding is always welcome. Good bidding means that the<br />

bids are always the high bids and are rarely the low bids or bids below the high ones. The low bids are often referred to<br />

as bottom feeding, in essence whatever the price is of the bids, a bottom feeder is any bid below the high bid.<br />

The investor who bottom feeds naturally feels better about buying at the low price of the day, but the problem is that<br />

naked short sellers love bottom feeders because it gives them a target to hit that helps them quickly lower any<br />

Microcaps that they are intentionally attacking and depressing. So the lesson here with Microcaps is to not bottom feed<br />

or low bid.<br />

The second rule of emotionally positive long trading is to be a high bid or the highest bid because this shows strength of<br />

support but be prepared to buy at that price when a market maker is naked short selling or when a stock gaps up<br />

(moves up quickly) from a short squeeze because there will be profit takers.<br />

The third rule of emotionally positive long trading is to buy the low offer whenever possible. When you buy the low offer,<br />

and enough people are also buying the low offer, the offer will move up, because no seller wants to keep selling to<br />

somebody that wants to keep buying at the low offer because it makes sellers feel like they are selling too low. If several<br />

people buy the offer, it shows confidence that the price that people are trying to sell at is a good deal and it will move

up. When the offer goes up and somebody buys at the new higher offer price soon thereafter, more confidence in the<br />

stocks strength will usually occur generating more positive long buying.<br />

If you’re investing long in a Microcap, and you’re buying on the offer, and it starts to show strength by moving up, it’s<br />

good to take whatever you want to buy in planned amounts. For example, if a person had five thousand dollars to<br />

spend, they would demonstrate better support and confidence for the stock they were investing in if they bought a<br />

thousand dollars of that purchase over a period of five or ten trades over two or three or four days.<br />

It’s important to invest in things that you have confidence in. That would seem very obvious and in Microcaps you might<br />

have heard something good about a particular company and think it’s a good investment. However the fundamental rule<br />

of Microcaps and all stocks, but more so Microcaps, is that if the stock goes up, then you’ll be happy and generally think<br />

that was a great move and the managers of the company must be brilliant but if it goes down, you may very well think<br />

you were ill-advised and you made a bad decision plus you may think that the company must be doing something<br />

wrong.<br />

Microcaps, especially sub-pennies, are being shorted today more than ever and that becomes a detriment most<br />

companies have suffered but in the case of some it becomes a huge opportunity for a short squeeze, which can create a<br />

lot of increase quickly in the amount of money you can make if you are in at the right time and and you stay with it. After<br />

you invest in a Microcap stock, it’s important to understand, support and have confidence in the company and the<br />

managers working there and know that they’re going to work hard to succeed because its really their only option.<br />

If you don’t stay die hard to that positive attitude, you’ll probably have the wrong emotional state and that can hurt your<br />

trading approach and chances of making higher profits. Only go with it if you believe that the storyline, the timeline and<br />

the opportunity are consistent with something that’s going to provide a big increase for you.<br />

A lot of Microcap investors are good at getting excited and buying in but they’re not good at selling. It’s critical that you<br />

sell when the stock goes up. First sell and get your cost basis back. For the first couple waves of increase, astute<br />

investors have preprogrammed trades to sell. That could be done on any stock platform. Just simple good till cancelled<br />

orders. If you have <strong>10</strong>0,000 shares, you program <strong>10</strong>,000 shares at such and such price and then subsequently at higher<br />

prices for the next blocks of <strong>10</strong>,000. You program the trades until whatever it takes to get all your money back as soon<br />

as possible and sell enough additional shares to take a profit. Then, if you decide to hold any balance of shares, your<br />

cost basis on those shares is zero. Let’s say the 20-30% of the shares you’re still holding are going to be there just for a<br />

rainy day. You hold that because you might make another windfall if you believe in the company. In summary, you preprogram<br />

your trades and you let the market drive through them in reasonable amounts over a period of time and you<br />

don’t watch them anymore at that point. You just check to see if anything’s been sold from time to time and if it’s gone<br />

up you could have another windfall.

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