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<strong>SCCC</strong> BUSINESS PAGES 3 THRU 20<br />



PASTA & MORE…<br />









SOON<br />





US 760-705-4626<br />



PICTURES &<br />


Menifee’s Road Slurry<br />

Sealant map schedule<br />

If you are out and about and driving<br />

around town, this schedule may be<br />

helpful to avoid delays.<br />

The<br />

CHECK<br />

next three<br />

OUT THE<br />

pages<br />

NEXT TWO<br />

show<br />

PAGES<br />

you<br />

FOR<br />

maps<br />

MAPS<br />

of the<br />

road maintenance schedules. Pg 1 of 4<br />

*Please note that email correspondence with the City of Menifee, along with attachments, may be subject to the<br />

California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. The City of Menifee<br />

shall not be responsible for any claims, losses or damages resulting from the use of digital data that may be contained<br />

in this email.




By Renée Mollan-Masters<br />

One day I was driving home from town when I got so angry, I<br />

had to pull my car over to the side of the road because I<br />

couldn’t see straight. I was furious at my sick husband because<br />

I felt I had not signed up for what I was about to face. I felt like<br />

he was putting me in a position that was completely<br />

unreasonable and unfair. About three days later, I had another<br />

realization that changed everything. I remembered that my<br />

husband was my best friend, and that he had always stood by<br />

me no matter what, and in that moment, I decided that I just<br />

couldn’t abandon him in his darkest hour. And I knew he would<br />

have done the same for me.<br />

The moment I just described was three years into a ten-year<br />

journey with my husband, who had vascular dementia which is<br />

very similar to Alzheimer’s. I survived that experience, and I<br />

hope that what I share will inspire you and make your journey<br />

easier.<br />


I met a caregiver, towards the end of the time I cared of my<br />

husband, who told me something I should have learned in the<br />

for someone in this condition. I concur. As wife wanting to be a<br />

good wife and friend,<br />

I took care of Jerry by myself much longer than I<br />

should have. Everyone has to find their own<br />

timing. When you place a loved one in a<br />

beautiful place that honors them, you are giving<br />

them a better life then you can give them on<br />

your own. It’s difficult to hear this, I know, but it’s<br />

important. You may not be your husband’s or<br />

wife’s best caregiver.beginning years. This<br />

caregiver told me that caring for a patient with<br />

any kind of dementia is not a job for one person.<br />

It takes many people to care for someone in this<br />

condition. I concur. As a wife wanting to be a<br />

good wife and friend, I took care of Jerry by<br />

myself much longer than I should have.<br />

Everyone has to find their own timing. When you<br />

place a loved one in a beautiful place that<br />

honors them, you are giving them a better life<br />

then you can give them on your own. It’s difficult<br />

to hear this, I know, but it’s important. You may<br />

not be your husband’s or wife’s best caregiver.<br />

Early on in our journey, I heard a statistic that<br />

most caregivers die before the person they are<br />

caring for dies. Why? Because the stress is<br />

tremendous. I made a commitment to myself<br />

that that wasn’t going to happen to me. So I<br />

looked for ways to support myself. Every<br />

morning I got up before my husband Jerry, and I<br />

spent no less than an hour with spirit. I wrote in<br />

my journal, I meditated, I listened to spirit and it<br />

fed me for the day. I also ended each day with<br />

spirit and I am convinced that this one thing<br />

made all the difference.<br />



At the beginning, when Jerry began to lose his<br />

memory and his ability to think, he was terrified.<br />

He paced from his office to the kitchen and back<br />

again all day long. No matter how I tried, I could<br />

not comfort him. A nurse friend told me about a<br />

drug that would help this challenge. I got some<br />

of that med for him, and within days he was<br />

peaceful, joyful, and just plain okay. It was a<br />

miracle! That medication changed everything. It<br />

made it possible for me to care for him much<br />

longer in our home.<br />

As Jerry’s memory deteriorated, he began to<br />

perseverate. He would ask the same question<br />

again and again and again and would not<br />

remember the answer I had just given him. For<br />

example, in the morning he would greet me with,<br />

“What are we going to do today?” I would<br />

answer him and then a few seconds

later he would ask again. I think this would<br />

have driven even a saint crazy. I learned to<br />

redirect him. I would give him something to<br />

eat, or I would put on a TV show that I knew<br />

he would enjoy. Sometimes I would fix him a<br />

cup of coffee and we would sit outside<br />

looking n our deck over looking our forest. It<br />

didn’t really matter what I did. I just had to<br />

redirect his mind and he would stop.<br />



I took several trips without Jerry in order to<br />

give myself a break. I always left him with<br />

someone, which he resisted completely<br />

when I was around, but kindly accepted<br />

when I was not there. I did what I had to do<br />

to keep my husband safe, despite his<br />

protests. Don’t be surprised if your family<br />

members don’t understand what you are<br />

going through. They just can’t. They are not<br />

being insensitive, but unless you are in this<br />

experience or have had this experience, you<br />

can’t understand what it is really like. To lose<br />

the love of your life, inch-by-inch, is<br />

heart-wrenching. Towards the end, Jerry got<br />

Sundowners. I would describe Sundowners<br />

as hell. It begins at sundown and it makes<br />

the person act completely crazy. He would<br />

come into our bedroom at 3:00 a.m. in the<br />

morning and turn on the light and yell at me<br />

and ask why I was still in bed. I had to put a<br />

child gate at the foot of the stairs of our<br />

two-story home so that I could get some<br />

sleep. He would stand down below and yell<br />

up to me. If I ignored him, he would leave.<br />

He would take all the pots and pans out of<br />

every cupboard in the kitchen. He would tear<br />

his bed apart. He would move our furniture<br />

and plants around wildly and it usually took<br />

an hour each morning to get our house back<br />

in order.<br />

Jerry with his granddaughter<br />

Jerry was just starting to lose his memory




For inspiration, I took a Bene Brown class and she<br />

asked the question that if we died tomorrow what would<br />

we feel badly about that we had not done in our<br />

lifetimes. I knew what it was immediately. I knew that I<br />

wanted to write and produce films that inspired<br />

greatness in people. So I began writing a story called,<br />

“Peace Train, A Love Story.” The book has now been<br />

published internationally and a film is in the process of<br />

being produced. It is a story of old for all ages.<br />

Remember how we used to go to films and we would<br />

come out singing and dancing when it was over? Well<br />

this story will do just that for you. It was written to<br />

inspire, to leave you uplifted and hopeful. I hope you<br />

will read it and let me know if I was successful.<br />


Fortunately, today there is a drug available that helps<br />

get rid of Sundowners.<br />


Things had to get pretty bad for me before I would<br />

consider placing my husband in a home. One night he<br />

tried to throw me out of the house because he thought<br />

I was a burglar. He was going to the bathroom<br />

anywhere and everywhere. And one night I said to<br />

myself ‘this is not a way to live life.’<br />

I found a wonderful foster home that was like a man<br />

cave for my husband. The man running the home was<br />

an angel. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven<br />

finding such a wonderful place for Jerry. It was the<br />

best of everything. I visited Jerry every day for the first<br />

month and then less often later. The last time I took<br />

him out to a movie, he had forgotten how to sit. I<br />

almost didn’t get him in the seat in the theatre, and<br />

when we went back to the car he didn’t know how to<br />

get into the car. Fortunately, a wonderful couple came<br />

over to help me and the man picked Jerry up and put<br />

him in the car. I know that spirit was watching over us.<br />


Jerry died peacefully nine months after I placed him in<br />

the man cave. I was happy for him when he passed. I<br />

was so glad he was out of that sickly mind and body.<br />

After he died, I decided that I was not going to sit<br />

around and wait for death. I had too much life left and<br />

I was going to live it fully.<br />

Some of you may think that my experience of taking<br />

care of Jerry was horrible. It was difficult, but that<br />

challenge grew me. It forced me to find my peace<br />

within. It also forced me to ask for help, and I learned<br />

that help is always there when I ask for it.<br />

About six weeks before he passed away, I was sitting<br />

visiting with Jerry in his man cave bedroom, and I<br />

asked him if he loved me. He turned and looked at me<br />

and smiled and said, “I love you. And it isn’t even hard<br />

to do.” I will cherish this comment for the rest of my life.<br />

I know that love is greater than pain, and I feel honored<br />

to have taken this journey with the man I will love<br />

forever.<br />

Renee Today<br />


Renée Mollan-Masters was married to her husband<br />

Jerry for 30 years. Jerry was sick for over one-third of<br />

their marriage. Renée is the best-selling author of the<br />

non-fiction book, “You Are Smarter Than You Think.”<br />

She has authored a new book, “Peace Train, A Love<br />

Story” and has written the movie, Peace Train. Renée<br />

will produce and co-direct her film in the coming year.<br />

www.PeaceTrainMovie.com. You can find out more<br />

about Author/Producer/Director Renée Mollan-Masters<br />

on social media @PeaceTrainMovie or contact her via<br />

email at: yastyt@mind.net.


By Nellie Hathorn Owner of Acciptier Marketing & Social Media Company<br />

SOURCE: Lifetime<br />

Have you received random friend requests on<br />

Facebook from someone you don't recognize<br />

but their picture appears to look relatively<br />

harmless, possibly an attractive photo. You<br />

reach back into your brain trying to remember<br />

their name or place their face. Or have you<br />

received a duplicate friend request from a<br />

friend and you think to yourself, "Wait a<br />

minute, I'm already friends with them." Well,<br />

Facebook is plagued with this problem right<br />

now so here is what could be happening and a<br />

few things to do to protect your online<br />

privacy.<br />

You may receive a fake Facebook friend<br />

request for any number of reasons — some<br />

harmless, some malicious. The different types<br />

of people who send fake or malicious friend<br />

requests include: "Scammers" who might try<br />

accessing your friend list or your news feed. It<br />

could be an ex-spouse, ex-boyfriend,<br />

ex-girlfriend, or current spouse,... you get the<br />

idea. They could be testing your fidelity or<br />

checking to see if you respond to an attractive<br />

post. It could be a "catfisher." Someone<br />

posing behind an attractive profile looking for<br />

a love or friend connection. Facebookers<br />

beware.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Did you receive a second request<br />

from someone you are already<br />

friends with? First thing, double check<br />

that you are indeed friends already. If<br />

so, then you know this second request<br />

is a fake profile. Now you can respond<br />

to the friend request. You can report<br />

the profile as a fake account. Click the<br />

3 little dots next to "message" on their<br />

profile page then click "Give feedback<br />

or report this profile." You can click<br />

"Fake Profile" or 'Pretending to be<br />

someone else." Whichever one<br />

coincides.<br />

Do you know the requester or have<br />

any friends in common? If your<br />

answer is "no," you have your first<br />

clue. If you can't recall meeting the<br />

person in real life or meeting through<br />

any mutual friends, then the friend<br />

request may have been sent to you<br />

under false pretenses. Check the<br />

person's friends list if it's viewable and<br />

click the mutual list to see if there is<br />

anyone you both know. If not, more<br />

than likely it's a scammer.

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Is the friend request from an attractive<br />

person of the opposite sex that you<br />

don't know? A guy who gets a random<br />

friend request from a beautiful woman he<br />

doesn't know should suspect a ruse. The<br />

same holds true for the ladies. A friend<br />

request with a picture of an attractive<br />

person posing provocatively is the bait<br />

often used by people who create fake<br />

friend requests. Many times I have seen<br />

men posing with a child, to look like<br />

single parent. They will have a child in a<br />

few of the minimal pictures that they<br />

post. This is to make them appear non<br />

threatening. Don't fall for this.<br />

Does the request come from a person<br />

with a limited Facebook<br />

history? Check out their Facebook<br />

timeline and history. If the person joined<br />

Facebook just a short time ago, this is<br />

another clue that the friend request is<br />

bogus. Most legitimate Facebook users<br />

have a long history on their timeline<br />

dating back several years. Fake profiles<br />

are often created hastily, and most<br />

profiles indicate when the person joined<br />

Facebook. If the requesters Facebook<br />

account and timeline were created<br />

recently, then the person is most likely<br />

trying to scam you.<br />

Does the person have an unusually<br />

small or large number of friends and<br />

are they all the same sex? Fictitious<br />

profiles may have an extremely small or<br />

impossibly large number of friends on<br />

their friends list. The reason? They have<br />

likely spent little effort setting up the<br />

fake profile, or they spammed a ton of<br />

friend requests out and received a ton of<br />

responses. Another clue is the sex of<br />

those on their friends list. Depending on<br />

who the person behind the fake profile is<br />

www.accipitermarketing.com<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

targeting, you will likely see friends<br />

that are predominantly of the opposite<br />

sex of the requester since that is likely<br />

who the person is targeting with the<br />

fake friend requests. If the request is<br />

from a lady targeting men, expect<br />

almost all men in the friends list,<br />

instead of a mix of men and women<br />

like you would expect from a real<br />

person. Sometimes these scammers are<br />

targeting the opposite for online<br />

relationships that may lead to<br />

scamming for money.<br />

Is there little personal content on<br />

their timeline? You likely won't see a<br />

lot of day-to-day activity on a fake<br />

profile because of the effort required<br />

to generate "real" content. You may<br />

see some pictures, perhaps some links,<br />

but you probably won't see a lot of<br />

location check-ins or status updates.<br />

This may or may not be true for<br />

scammers of the catfishing type, as<br />

they may spend a lot of time and effort<br />

making their online persona seem as<br />

real as possible.<br />

Next time you receive a random friend<br />

request, ask yourself these questions<br />

and use your answers to determine<br />

whether you have just spotted a fake<br />

friend request. Avoid the pitfalls, so<br />

when in doubt, the best action is not to<br />

accept the request.<br />

1. Perform a small privacy setting checkup.<br />

Start by setting the privacy of your friend list<br />

to either 'Private" or "Friends Only." Another<br />

recommended setting is also under Facebook<br />

privacy settings. Under "Who can send you<br />

friend requests?" set it "Friend of friends."<br />

This should help alleviate random requests.<br />

While under your privacy settings, I also<br />

recommend that you change your other<br />

settings to either "Only me," "Friends," or<br />

'Friends of friends." I don't recommend<br />

Public. This privacy setting tune up should<br />

help eliminate a lot of unwanted requests.





Nellie Hathorn<br />

Social Media Expert<br />

Accipiter Marketing<br />

915-487-6423<br />

Temecula, CA<br />

We hope you find this information helpful. Have a great day!


What do you think of the whole domain of raising<br />

money to support an organization, a cause, a vision? Do<br />

you think it’s a world only available to a select few with<br />

certain credentials and experience who charge a lot of<br />

money to help you raise funds? Do you think there are<br />

secret keys or certain unknowable things you must do<br />

in order to raise money? Do you think that the<br />

knowledge of these things is locked away in the brains<br />

of others, not you? And even if you know something<br />

about raising money, do you think you have what it<br />

takes to be successful at it?<br />

What if I were to tell you that there are a few<br />

important things to know about raising money or fund<br />

raising and being good at it, they are not secrets and<br />

are available to anyone with a passion for a cause.<br />

The first thing is to know what you want. Specifically,<br />

what do you need money for? Is it to support long-term<br />

growth of your organization or group? Do you want to<br />

launch a new program or project? Do you want ongoing<br />

funding to keep the lights and air conditioning on? Be<br />

specific on how much money you need and what you<br />

need it for. You also want to review what funds are<br />

already coming in and where they are coming from.<br />

Once you have this information you can create a<br />

fund-raising budget or the income part of an overall<br />

organization budget. For example, your overall income<br />

from various sources may be budgeted at $50,000 per<br />

year, and the new fund-raising budget for a specific<br />

program or project may be budgeted at $5,000 giving<br />

you a total income budget of $55,000.<br />

The second thing is to find out where you are going to<br />

look for this money.<br />

The first place you want to look is at your existing<br />

resources. Do you have regular donors who support<br />

your organization or group? Do you have regular<br />

membership fees that you can count on? Do you have<br />

board members and volunteers who are dependable to<br />

provide funds as needed? Have you already received<br />

grants from service clubs or civic organizations or<br />

foundations? Do you have corporate sponsors for<br />

special events? Do you dig into your own pockets<br />

from time to time to bridge the gaps between<br />

income and expenses? Do you receive in-kind<br />

resources such as publicity, printing or goods or<br />

services specific to a program or project?<br />

The second place you want to look is into your<br />

community. What service clubs or organizations are<br />

in your community that don’t know about you yet or<br />

that you haven’t talked to in a while? What funds<br />

are available from your local city or county such as<br />

block grants or community improvement<br />

designation funds? Who do you know that works for<br />

a local company or corporation? What organizations<br />

have a similar mission to yours that you could<br />

collaborate with? Who in your community is raising<br />

funds successfully that you could talk to? Who are<br />

your community leaders and movers?<br />

Then what you want to do, once you’ve identified<br />

people and groups, is to talk to those people and<br />

groups. Why are they successful at what they do?<br />

Who do they know? What could we do together<br />

that would expand our community outreach and<br />

resource development? Polish up your public<br />

presentations to be brief, compelling and concise,<br />

and make appointments to present to groups. The<br />

most important aspect of these conversations and<br />

presentations is to say what you want and what it’s<br />

for and to be passionate about your organization’s<br />

vision and mission.

If you haven’t reviewed and updated your organization’s<br />

vision and mission statement in a while, do that. Be sure<br />

you can speak powerfully about who your organization<br />

represents, what it provides to your community and why<br />

it is unique in what it provides.<br />

I’m going to say a few things about grants, an area that<br />

many perceive as full of secrets, mysteries and hidden<br />

dangers. What you need to know about grants is simple:<br />

Follow the directions exactly as written. That includes<br />

making sure that you qualify for the specific grant for<br />

which you are applying. Some grantors will only grant<br />

funds to 501 (c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organizations. If<br />

you are not one of those, don’t apply. Some want you to<br />

be in a specific geographic area or provide services to<br />

specific groups of people such as homeless or students.<br />

Some want to see certain financial records. Some want<br />

you to explain who else in the community you<br />

collaborate with or ask how you will evaluate results by<br />

making them specific and measurable. Be sure to follow<br />

all directions and criteria as presented by the grantor<br />

and if they say they want a narrative double spaced<br />

typed in 12-point Calibri of no more than 500 words, be<br />

sure and do that! You also want to be sure that the<br />

grantor meets your organization’s criteria in terms of<br />

what they fund and what they want in return. Grant<br />

research is so much easier now online than having to go<br />

to the special grants library to leaf through numerous<br />

volumes to find grants that meet your organization’s<br />

criteria.<br />

Many organizations utilize special events to raise<br />

funds.Think of the Alzheimer’s Walk, the UNICEF<br />

Masquerade Ball and any number of running and/or<br />

walking events, bake sales, special dinners, charity<br />

auctions, raffles, golf tournaments, rummage sales<br />

and so on. Here is what there is to know about<br />

special event fundraising. It takes a long time and a<br />

lot of staff/volunteer time to plan and execute a<br />

successful special event. Unless you have corporate<br />

and/or in-kind sponsorships for some of the<br />

expenses, special event expenses can end up cutting<br />

significantly into expected income. The advantages<br />

of special events are that they can generate<br />

publicity, reinvigorate or re-inspire people who<br />

formerly were affiliated with your organization and<br />

introduce new people to your organization. That is<br />

why they are also called “friend raisers.”<br />

In summary, don’t be afraid to raise money. Be<br />

visible and active in your community. Talk to<br />

people. Be passionate about what your organization<br />

does. If you do hire an expert to write a grant or put<br />

on a special event, learn from them. Ask them for<br />

tips so you can take on doing it yourself in the<br />

future. And, as with personal finance, diversify.<br />

Don’t depend on one or two income sources.<br />

Develop other resources. Collaborate. Think outside<br />

the box. Look at raising funds as resource<br />

development and find out all the wonderful<br />

available resources that there are in your<br />

community for you to find and utilize.<br />


Cecilia Burch holds a master’s degree in public<br />

health education and over 25 years’ experience in<br />

nonprofit organization management, including<br />

managing volunteers, team building and community<br />

collaboration, putting on special events and writing<br />

grants. She is passionate about writing, gardening<br />

and her three grandsons.

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