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6<br />

No.48 SEPTEMBER 27, 2018<br />

CLOSE UP<br />


By Mariia PROKOPENKO,<br />

photos by Ruslan KANIUKA, The Day<br />

It is a coincidence that Dmytro and<br />

I are speaking on September 10, on<br />

the 10th anniversary of the<br />

launching of the Large Hadron<br />

Collider (LHC), the world’s largest<br />

accelerator of elementary particles,<br />

which is particularly supposed to shed<br />

light on the nature of dark matter. In<br />

essence, this problem is being tackled,<br />

albeit by different methods, at the Niels<br />

Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark,<br />

where PhD (Physics and Mathematics)<br />

Dmytro YAKUBOVSKYI has been<br />

working for two and a half years as<br />

postdoctoral fellow. At the same time, he<br />

remains a higher doctorate seeker at the<br />

Mykola Boholiubov Institute of<br />

Theoretical Physics in Kyiv and<br />

regularly comes to Kyiv to research<br />

dark matter and deliver lectures to both<br />

students and the public. We met during<br />

one of these visits. We discussed the<br />

current information about dark matter<br />

and approaches to scientific research in<br />

Denmark and Ukraine. We began with<br />

the “birthday boy,” i.e., the LHC.<br />



“In essence, all detectors of the Large<br />

Hadron Collider probe different characteristics<br />

of various elementary particles, including<br />

the well-known ones and the Higgs<br />

boson which was first detected there.<br />

Small detectors ATLAS and CMS and the<br />

detector LHCb are used in this research,<br />

while ALICE is mostly used to explore the<br />

quark-gluon plasma [the so-called “liquid”<br />

form of matter which supposedly exists<br />

in a short period of time immediately<br />

after the Big Bang – Author].<br />

“Almost all the LHC detectors are also<br />

searching for the traces of still unknown<br />

particles that may form dark matter.<br />

They have detected no new particles so<br />

far, which affords ground for developing<br />

alternative models, including the one I<br />

work with. If the LHC fails to find even one<br />

dark matter particle, it will be very probable<br />

that the model we are developing and<br />

watching now, as well as certain experimental<br />

consequences of it, is correct.”<br />


“Our group in Denmark explores the<br />

neutrino minimal extension of the Standard<br />

Model (often abbreviated as vMSM) of particle<br />

physics. The point is that the Standard<br />

Model has particles called neutrinos which<br />

differ from all the other by their properties.<br />

Moreover, these are in fact the only particles<br />

which the Standard Model does not explain<br />

fully. In particular, it does not explain<br />

a phenomenon discovered about 25 years<br />

ago, for the discovery of which the Nobel<br />

Prize in Physic was awarded in 2015 [to<br />

Takaaki Kajita and Arthur McDonald – Author].<br />

It is neutrino oscillations. Imagine<br />

that one type of neutrino turns into another<br />

and vice versa just during the motion.<br />

This process can be explained, for example,<br />

by means of quantum mechanics, but,<br />

from the viewpoint of oscillation observations<br />

in particle physics, it is a very rare and<br />

unexpected phenomenon. Moreover, these<br />

phenomena of oscillation cannot be explained<br />

by the Standard Model which became<br />

the cornerstone of elementary particle<br />

physics when the Higgs boson was discovered<br />

[in 2012].<br />

“Nobody doubts now that the Standard<br />

Model of particle physics excellently<br />

explains electromagnetic and strong interactions,<br />

i.e. how nucleons, individual<br />

particles in nuclei, interact with one another<br />

and why they keep together, as<br />

well as weak interaction which is responsible<br />

for beta-decay and thermonuclear fusion<br />

in the Sun – in fact the source of life.<br />

Even in outer space, we can see no serious<br />

deviations from the Standard Model, except<br />

for a few ones.<br />

“The aim of the model I work with is to<br />

describe the observed deviations, introducing<br />

as few additional entities as possible.<br />

It is like Occam’s razor – the principle<br />

that the simplest solution tends to be the<br />

right one. Some models introduce a lot of<br />

additional entities, such as supersymmetry.<br />

This is a good model. It was even glorified<br />

by Vakarchuk and others [the rock<br />

group Okean Elzy produced an album,<br />

Dark matter and where to look for it<br />

‘Supersymmetry,’ in 2003 – Author], but<br />

the problem is that this model needs twice<br />

as many particles as we know at the present<br />

moment. We know dozens of elementary<br />

particles now, and each of them needs<br />

a ‘superpartner.’ But we can see none of<br />

them. If the Large Hadron Collider fails to<br />

find traces of supersymmetric particles,<br />

this will mean that the phenomena that occur<br />

outside the Standard Model, such as<br />

neutrino oscillations, need a different solution.”<br />



“The goal of elementary particle<br />

physics researchers is to construct a complete,<br />

closed, and self-consistent model.<br />

Ideally, it should describe all the phenomena<br />

we can see. All of its forecasts should<br />

be checked and all the new particles should<br />

be found. And this model should be free of<br />

internal contradictions.<br />

“It took the Standard Model of particle<br />

physics a long time to emerge – perhaps<br />

from the early 20th century, and this created<br />

a lot of problems, such as non-selfconsistency.<br />

As is known, the sum of probabilities<br />

should be equal to unity. But it<br />

turned out that the model, which described<br />

for the first time the interaction of neutrinos,<br />

beta-decay, and thermonuclear fusion<br />

in the Sun, stipulated that, oddly<br />

enough, the probability of high-energy<br />

processes should exceed unity. It’s nice that<br />

it describes processes very well at low energies,<br />

shows good coincidences with the<br />

experiment, and gives less-than-unity<br />

probabilities, so let it go on working. But<br />

it must be replaced where it gives absurd<br />

answers.<br />

“Actually, why were Weinberg, Salam,<br />

and Glashow awarded the Nobel Prize [in<br />

1979]? Because they were the first to formulate<br />

this model. It is a very complex construction.<br />

The researchers used Einstein’s<br />

idea that not only gravitation, but also other<br />

types of interaction can be connected<br />

with symmetries in a certain variety of<br />

space. This all was very well developed and<br />

resulted in the Standard Model. Now we<br />

can see that the Standard Models works almost<br />

flawlessly, but the question of neutrino<br />

oscillation, and not only this, still remains.”<br />



“There are more problems with the<br />

Standard Model in outer space. Firstly, it<br />

is the problem of dark matter. From the<br />

viewpoint of gravitational interaction or<br />

dynamics, one fourth of our Universe consists<br />

of dark matter and only 5 percent of<br />

conventional substance. There is much<br />

more dark matter. We don’t know what it<br />

is, and there is a hypothesis that it consists<br />

of particles. If so, it’s not the particles we<br />

know – not electrons, protons, photons, or<br />

even common neutrinos. And the problem<br />

is how to find these particles.<br />

“There are dozens of hypotheses about<br />

what dark matter may consist of. Researchers<br />

are seeking for the manifestations<br />

of these particles in very diverse experiments<br />

and not only – for example, in<br />

radiation from space objects. There are<br />

even special detectors that can allegedly<br />

find dark matter particles colliding with<br />

conventional substance underground. This<br />

means we won’t see dark matter but will detect<br />

this ‘kick.’ Accordingly, there are<br />

many competing models because we don’t<br />

know the truth.<br />

“Another problem is antimatter. For<br />

instance, you and I consist of matter, of<br />

particles, but it has been known since the<br />

1930s that there are also antiparticles<br />

that very much resemble ‘ours.’ If you take<br />

a particle and an antiparticle and bring<br />

An interview with<br />

physicist Dmytro<br />

Yakubovskyi who<br />

conducts research<br />

in Denmark and Ukraine<br />

them closely together, they will annihilate<br />

each other and produce a lot of matter. In<br />

fact, according to the formula E = mc2, antiparticles<br />

are the most effective source of<br />

energy. There are very few antiparticles,<br />

for otherwise, in all likelihood, we would<br />

not exist – there would have only remained<br />

cosmic microwave background,<br />

i.e. photons that would have formed as a result<br />

of annihilation. But we see our world<br />

without any major traces of antimatter.<br />

Antimatter may exist in cosmic rays – one<br />

particle per hundred or thousand. This is<br />

good enough, but we can see neither clusters<br />

of antimatter, nor galaxies that consist<br />

of it. This poses a problem because the<br />

Standard Model envisions a very close<br />

quantity of matter and antimatter.<br />

“The model I explore allows explaining<br />

all these puzzles in theory within the<br />

framework of the Standard Model – in theory<br />

because we have seen so far only a probable<br />

signal of dark matter decay which can<br />

be explained by these very particles or,<br />

maybe, by many others. We still have a long<br />

way to go.”<br />



“It is known for sure that dark matter<br />

exists because there is a mass excess in the<br />

Universe. We observe an effect and know<br />

that it is impossible to explain all that we<br />

can see without it.<br />

“I go on speaking in the descending order<br />

of truth. Mass is measured in astronomy<br />

by the laws of gravitation. Therefore,<br />

you can always explain mass excess not by<br />

new particles but by your attempts to<br />

change the law of gravitation. This is possible<br />

hypothetically, and there are models<br />

that use it. For example, the Erik Verlinde<br />

model, or the model of modified Newtonian<br />

dynamics, describes very well the observation<br />

of certain objects or their classes,<br />

for example, galaxies. But if you look<br />

at the whole array of the gained data, you<br />

will see that these models describe, for example,<br />

clusters of galaxies not so well and<br />

need to be at least modified. Introducing a<br />

new substance – dark matter – will explain<br />

the observation better.<br />

“What is still less known, dark matter<br />

consists of particles outside the Standard<br />




Model – 95 percent or more of them are the<br />

particles we don’t know. Common neutrinos<br />

may account for not more than 5 percent<br />

of dark matter. It is a challenge for<br />

particle physics to search for these new particles.<br />

“What do we know about new particles?<br />

One of the main characteristics of a<br />

particle is mass, and the difference between<br />

the lightest and the heaviest dark matter<br />

candidate particle is about 10 in the 40th<br />

power. These hypothetical particles may be<br />

very large – they are called wimpzillas (a<br />

blend of WIMP – weakly interacting massive<br />

particles – and Godzilla – Author].<br />

They may have a mass that corresponds to<br />

a rest energy of dozens of joules. It is very<br />

much from the viewpoint of elementary<br />

particles. The decay of these particles can<br />

form cosmic rays that have the energy of<br />

tens of joules. It is approximately like<br />

throwing half a brick with the speed of<br />

10 meters a second – this is the highest energy<br />

of a cosmic body detected on Earth,<br />

which is billions of times as high as the energy<br />

of the particles the LHC can produce.<br />

Or it may be so light particles that their de<br />

Broglie wave should be the size of the<br />

smallest galaxies.”<br />


“There is also dark energy of which we<br />

know almost nothing [hypothetically, it accounts<br />

for three fourths of the Universe –<br />

Author]. We only know that it ‘behaves’<br />

like antigravitation. Roughly speaking,<br />

people saw that our Universe is not simply<br />

expanding but expanding with acceleration.<br />

If you toss up an apple or a stone, it<br />

will be moving away from Earth and slowing<br />

down. Conversely, the Universe expands<br />

as a whole, accelerating instead of<br />

slowing down. The interactions we know<br />

cannot explain this.<br />

“If the well-known equation of state of<br />

dark energy is anything to go by, the Universe<br />

will, unfortunately, be expanding<br />

eternally, and galaxies, their components,<br />

and maybe even atoms will fly away.”<br />



“Everything depends on the model, but<br />

use is usually made of both theoretical calculation,<br />

including a computer-assisted<br />

analysis, and the analysis of a very large<br />

number of observation data. For example,<br />

the LHC generates hundreds of petabytes<br />

of data in a year (one petabyte = 2 in the<br />

50th power bytes – Author]. It is very<br />

much even at present, but it was unprecedentedly<br />

much 10 years ago. For this reason,<br />

a system of ramified calculations was<br />

specially invented because not a single,<br />

even the largest, computer cluster cannot<br />

process these data in real time.<br />

“The LHC is not important for our<br />

group, as far as searching for dark matter<br />

is concerned, but we need to examine X-ray<br />

spectrums of the galaxies observed by<br />

space telescopes – it is a couple of terabytes<br />

of data on the whole. Although these telescopes<br />

cost hundreds of millions of dollars,<br />

most of their observation data are available<br />

free of charge to anybody who wishes to<br />

process them. Of particular interest for us<br />

are, above all, observations of the Andromeda<br />

Galaxy or our galaxy. There is a<br />

lot of dark matter there because a galaxy<br />

needs it in order to form. We know the way<br />

dark matter is distributed across the sky,<br />

examine various areas, estimate how much<br />

dark matter should be there, compare observations,<br />

and check whether there are interesting<br />

signals.<br />

“One of the signals we are looking for<br />

is the so-called emission line. In 2014 our<br />

team, concurrently with a US group, detected<br />

for the first time a signal from this<br />

emission line with the energy of 3.5 kiloelectronvolts,<br />

which may be an explanation<br />

of dark matter decay. A corresponding particle<br />

of dark matter should be approximately<br />

70 times lighter than an electron<br />

and thousands of times heavier than a<br />

common neutrino – it is called sterile or<br />

right-handed neutrino, or heavy neutral<br />

lepton, depending on the field you work in.<br />

“As our research requires huge groups,<br />

we hope we will be the best-shooting battalion.<br />

It is a maxim that battles are won<br />

by best-shooting, not best-manned, battalions.”<br />

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