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DAY AFTER DAY No.48 SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 3<br />

ratively speaking, if Boiko becomes president<br />

tomorrow, nothing will prevent them<br />

from revising constitutional changes. I<br />

think NATO is also very well aware of this.<br />

Therefore, by all accounts, this decision<br />

carries nothing but the president’s declarations.”<br />



Vitalii BALA, director, Situations Modeling<br />

Agency:<br />

“The speech was rather short – up to an<br />

hour, which is good for perception. It is also<br />

positive that the president spoke about<br />

his shortcomings because others usually<br />

emphasize their achievements. By all accounts,<br />

the clear-cut statements we can see<br />

on billboards – ‘Army, Language, Faith’ –<br />

also occurred in the speech, which shows<br />

accents in the domestic policy. On the<br />

whole, I appraise this message positively. I<br />

feared that the speech would be the beginning<br />

of the president’s election campaign,<br />

but this did not happen. And this is good.”<br />

● “ON THE WHOLE, I AM<br />





Serhii HARMASH, editor-in-chief,<br />

online publication OstroV (facebook.com):<br />

“I heard the president’s address to parliament.<br />

Where are the promised surprises?<br />

It’s one of the many pre-election<br />

speeches of a presidential candidate in<br />

front of the TV and radio audience with<br />

subtle jibes against other presidential candidates.<br />

Nothing new – just a list of his<br />

own achievements and general words about<br />

long-term strategic goals! Everything has<br />

been said hundreds of times. Even the figures<br />

of speech are the same. There are neither<br />

concrete things about the Donbas (except<br />

for the claim that there is no alternative,<br />

as before, to Minsk) nor any prospects<br />

for the liberation of Crimea. But there is a<br />

warning that UN peacekeepers should be<br />

stationed throughout Ukraine.<br />

“There are also some alarming tendencies.<br />

He speaks of democracy, but, judging<br />

by the number of times he mentioned the<br />

Tomos, the impression is that those who do<br />

not go to church (any church) will soon be<br />

pronounced agents of Moscow. The same<br />

applies to those who speak Russian. It’s a<br />

clear misconception of patriotism and nationalism.<br />

I favor the official status of the<br />

Ukrainian language and autocephaly of the<br />

Ukrainian church, for Ukraine will not exist<br />

without this. But if the state puts the<br />

factors that differentiate us from other<br />

countries and peoples above the economic<br />

wellbeing of people and common human<br />

values, this state is doomed to self-isolation<br />

and self-destruction. The point is that<br />

this works in wartime, but you can’t possibly<br />

fight eternally. People get tired of a<br />

war that has no prospects of victory. But<br />

we are talking about war but not even striving<br />

for victory – neither in the Donbas nor<br />

in the economic battles with Russia. This is<br />

why the military do not see the reason why<br />

they are stationed there, while trade<br />

turnover with the aggressor is growing.<br />

“The Opposition Bloc and Poroshenko<br />

are telling us about peace without victory<br />

and war without victory, respectively. Not<br />

exactly rosy prospects… This is why people<br />

are leaving this country. ‘Do the oxen bellow,<br />

when their mangers are full?’ Those<br />

old women in Luhansk and Crimea wouldn’t<br />

be running about with Russian flags in<br />

hand, if pensions in Ukraine were higher<br />

than in Russia. But we, instead of ‘filling<br />

the mangers,’ are adorning them with patriotic<br />

slogans. On the whole, I am disappointed.<br />

Poroshenko is perhaps not the<br />

worst president. He must have done very<br />

much. But he could and was to have done<br />

much more if he were a president, not a<br />

businessman in the office of president.”<br />

Learning to think business<br />

UF Incubator helps teenagers’ innovative ideas come true<br />

By Mariia PROKOPENKO,<br />

photos by Mykola TYMCHENKO, The Day<br />

want a compliment or the<br />

truth?” asked an expert after the<br />

launch of another project in the<br />

All-Ukrainian School UF Incubator<br />

StartUp Week Finals. “You<br />

In fact, experts and potential investors were<br />

frank and friendly. Ten teams of senior high school<br />

students had spent a week working on inventions before<br />

submitting them to the jury – a board of experts.<br />

The event took place at the UNIT.City Park of Innovations<br />

in Kyiv. Below are brief interviews with<br />

some of the contestants and members of the jury.<br />


A total of 27 senior high school students<br />

were selected for the first government-run business<br />

school known as UF Incubator, based on the<br />

Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The organizing<br />

committee selected most interesting<br />

and practical innovative projects dealing with<br />

the economy. The contestants were divided into<br />

teams, each made up of the author of the project,<br />

a financier, and a marketologist.<br />

The first challenge was to quickly put together<br />

an effective team, considering that its members<br />

were total stranger. Business trainers, scholars,<br />

and market experts spent a week coaching the<br />

teenagers. Their main task was to teach them lean<br />

production [a systematic method for waste minimization<br />

– aka Muda – within a manufacturing<br />

system without sacrificing productivity – Ed.].<br />

Vitalii LISOVYI, Project UF Incubator Coordinator:<br />

“The kids met within the project’s limited<br />

time frame. They prepared their startups, using<br />

their projects. Today, we have prototypes, I mean<br />

effective solutions. Our children don’t make scholarly<br />

presentations like during an inter-college intellectual<br />

competition. They submit their projects<br />

to the potential investor. Our emphasis is on teaching<br />

them to think business, to sell and defend their<br />

ideas. Among our tutors was an expert on intellectual<br />

property rights. Our project isn’t about<br />

scholarly projects. It’s about starting in business,<br />

being prepared at an early stage. Expert opinions<br />

during the finals will help some upgrade their projects<br />

or work out new ones. Each team has been invited<br />

to take part in the international forum Innovation<br />

Market.”<br />


Viktor DOLGOPIATOV, Everest Group of<br />

Companies, was very impressed by the three high<br />

school students’ Project Explore Your Mind in<br />

the UF Incubator StartUp Finals. Its neural network<br />

selects music for videos and even generates<br />

a new track: “The whole idea is really great!”<br />

Nazar PONOCHEVNYI, author of the project<br />

(the other two team members are Mykola LY-<br />

SENKO and Yulia SALII, both from Konotop, a town<br />

in Sumy oblast): “On the first day of the competition,<br />

each author of the project submits it. The financiers<br />

and marketologists who like it raise their hands and<br />

tell what they could do to help the project. Then the<br />

author of the project selects his team.”<br />

His team members are into music. Nazar<br />

plays the piano and composes electronic music.<br />

Mykola plays the ordinary and button accordion,<br />

and is learning to play the guitar. Yulia is attending<br />

a music school, majoring in the guitar.<br />

Mykola Lysenko: “A number of project authors<br />

have upgraded their ideas this week. Our<br />

Project Explore Your Mind was first meant for<br />

scientists, but then it occurred to us that it could<br />

be used by bloggers in the first place. Just imagine<br />

them using and advertising it! We could become<br />

as popular as a first class TV show!”<br />

Nazar adds that the idea was conceived a<br />

long time ago, when he started thinking about<br />

the kind of music that would best reflect his sentiments<br />

and his attitude to what was happening<br />

around him. Then he shelved it – until there appeared<br />

music-composing programs. It was then<br />

he realized he had to keep working on his project,<br />

upgrading it, including his own audio or<br />

video track.<br />

Mykola Lysenko doesn’t hide his enthusiasm:<br />

“Our product has no analogs and it can be<br />

implemented technologically. If we don’t do this<br />

now, someone else will do it, in six or twelve<br />

months.”<br />

Yulia Salii, the team’s marketologist, says<br />

that the blogger’s profession is a product of the<br />

21st century and that their project will help it: “I<br />

once helped a blogger, editing his videos. It was<br />

really tough. The music would be good, but the<br />

lyrics would be way behind, or the other way<br />

around. Also, I couldn’t use my playlist. I had to<br />

make do with what was considered a top hit that<br />

best fitted the video.”<br />

Nazar says there are lots of similar programs<br />

and that all it takes is reconfiguring them a bit,<br />

unifying them, and producing the final neuro<br />

network model that will integrate all music and<br />

video characteristics, ending up in harmony.<br />

Probably the biggest project would be one with a<br />

database with top commercials, music, and characteristics<br />

analysis. Nazar wants freelancers and<br />

teenagers for his project.<br />


Anatolii KHRAMCHENKO, Shostka, Sumy<br />

oblast, demonstrates a WI rotor wind turbine<br />

model. It can be used on modern highways. The<br />

way it works is simple: the speeding cars create a<br />

wind stream, the generator rotates, and the mechanical<br />

energy is converted into electricity. Anatolii<br />

proposed a generator made of vinyl plastics,<br />

but after the launch and after hearing experts say<br />

that it would be a long time before his device paid<br />

off, he will most likely look for other options.<br />

In his own words, “alternative power engineering<br />

is quite popular. The wind turbines are<br />

expensive and what I propose is a relatively inexpensive<br />

analog. The government could install<br />

such rotor wind turbines alongside highways.<br />

Private home owners could have several such<br />

turbines on the roof and this would save them<br />

money in terms of electricity bills. One such turbine<br />

mounted by a highway could generate electricity<br />

enough for a home, depending on the<br />

traffic, of course.”<br />

When working on an innovative project, team<br />

work is about as important as the innovative idea.<br />

According to Viktor Dolgopiatov, “the idea may turn<br />

out to be not so good, but the team will remain topnotch.<br />

If you can keep this team working in the right<br />

direction, the result will be rewarding. There are also<br />

cases when the idea is as bad as the team working<br />

on it, yet the people are determined to achieve<br />

some results. In such cases you have to figure out<br />

what has brought these people together, what’s making<br />

them work on their startup. Take a look around.<br />

Same economic dislocation. Nothing has practically<br />

changed behind the official, outwardly attractive,<br />

facade over the years. What will happen in 20 years<br />

if we don’t start investing in our future now? Half<br />

the people on this planet are talking Mars, and we<br />

keep talking street market potatoes, that the price<br />

is up today, compared to yesterday. We have to start<br />

paying serious attention to such issues now, because<br />

we’ll have no time for this later.”<br />



Oksen LISOVYI, Director, Small Academy of<br />

Sciences of Ukraine, says UF Incubator is in possession<br />

of the former Movie Theater Yerevan on<br />

Chokolivskyi Blvd., that paperwork is in<br />

progress, aimed at revitalizing the premises,<br />

that repair is underway and is expected to be<br />

completed before September 2019. Also, there is<br />

hope for receiving funds from the state: “This is<br />

a state-budget-financed project. We’re waiting<br />

for the 2019 budget bill [to be passed by parliament].<br />

We hope that it will be financed by the<br />

state. We’ve done all the legally required paperwork<br />

and we have our Prime Minister’s support.”<br />

A total of 32 teams of high school students<br />

are expected to be handled by UF Incubator on<br />

Chokolivskyi Blvd. this year.<br />

Oksen Lisovyi: “The younger generation,<br />

properly trained, is the main purpose of the Small<br />

Academy and UF Incubator. This project is aimed<br />

at producing individuals with a higher IQ. The<br />

current event is being held in a friendly atmosphere,<br />

but we’re making our priorities clear; we<br />

need the kind of experience our children will need<br />

in order to implement their ideas. Our children<br />

can receive this experience in high school, before<br />

enrolling in college/university, before receiving<br />

their academic degrees and embarking on their<br />

first startups, aged 25-27, and confronting unfriendly<br />

investors. In other words, our children<br />

stand a chance of winning success much earlier<br />

than their peers outside our project.”

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