Devonshire's East Devon magazine September October 2018

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It was really marvellous here, such a variety<br />

of scenery and colour. The heather and ferns<br />

covering the sides of the famous valley, which<br />

is quite enclosed by steep hills, were really<br />

beyond description.<br />

We then proceeded in our coach to the<br />

Church at Oare where Lorna Doone was shot.<br />

Stayed here 10 minutes. Then ascended to the<br />

coast road which runs to Lynton. Wonderful<br />

view here, on the right the steep rugged cliffs<br />

and the Bristol Channel, and on the left a panoramic<br />

view of miles of North <strong>Devon</strong>, trees, hills<br />

and valleys, and Watersmeet just below. A mile<br />

or two of this and we descended the famous and<br />

steep Countisbury Hill (1-4) to Lynton & Lynmouth,<br />

passing through which, we ran through<br />

the valley to Myrtlebury. Here we all got out<br />

and walked along under the trees beside the<br />

river Lynn to Watersmeet where we had tea.<br />

Up to the road again and entered the<br />

coach for home. Arrived back at 6-30 and had<br />

dinner 7p.m. after which, it being a glorious<br />

evening, we walked down to the harbour which<br />

is very quaint. By the time we had got there it<br />

was dark, but it was a clear moonlight night,<br />

and warm, so we stayed out until 11p.m. then<br />

home to bed.<br />

The next day dawned, rather dull but fine. We<br />

decided to spend the day at Lee, an old fishing<br />

village on the other side of Ilfracombe. We took<br />

the bus to Ilfracombe and from here ascended<br />

the cliff road to Lee. It was very windy and<br />

started to rain, but we kept on and about 12-30<br />

descended onto the hidden and sheltered old<br />

world of Lee, also called Fuschia. Passed the<br />

cottage of the Three Old Maids of Lee and so to<br />

the waters edge. We had dinner on the cliffs,<br />

then, as a slight drizzle persisted, we returned<br />

to Ilfracombe where we eventually caught<br />

the bus back to Combe Martin, arriving home<br />

in time for 7 o’clock dinner. The evening was<br />

spent sorting out each other’s snaps. There<br />

were 5 cameras in the party and between us<br />

over 200 photos. We settled our bills with the<br />

landlady and made the various collections for<br />

tips for the maids. At 10p.m. we set out for a<br />

village tour by the light of our torches, and<br />

finished by taking coffee at a small café at the<br />

harbour. We got back to bed at 11-45.<br />

A bright sunny day and the last for all but<br />

4 of us. After breakfast group photos were taken<br />

in the garden of the whole party and the last<br />

packing done by those who had to go. About 10<br />

new visitors arrived to replace those who had<br />

gone. They were a queer lot and we 4, who had<br />

a table to ourselves, were much amused at the<br />

things they said. About 8 o’clock we strolled<br />

up to the farm and stayed to well after dark<br />

talking to the farmer out in the farmyard. He<br />

was a fine fellow and the third generation on<br />

the same farm. We went down to bed at 10-20<br />

as there was a good bit of packing to do and we<br />

had to get up earlier in the morning.<br />

Up at 7-30 for breakfast at 8-30. Bade our<br />

fairwells to all and left C.M. on the 9-40 bus<br />

to catch the 10-35 train from Ilfracombe. The<br />

day was fine and warm. We had sandwiches<br />

at about 1 o’clock and liquid refreshment in<br />

the dining car later. Arrived at Waterloo at<br />

4-30, 25 minutes late. Dorrie & I then took<br />

the Underground to Mark Lane and thence to<br />

Fenchurch Street. After a wait of 30 minutes<br />

we caught the 5-56 which was a fast train to<br />

Westcliff where we arrived at 6-50, and were in<br />

home by 7p.m.<br />

It is interesting that Mark Lane underground station no longer<br />

exists. In 1946 its name was changed from Mark Lane to<br />

Tower Hill. Huge passenger numbers and limited space for<br />

expansion led to its closure in 1967 and replacement by the<br />

present Tower Hill station.<br />

Thus ended the most enjoyable holiday<br />

that any of the party had ever had. There was<br />

a wonderful spirit in the party the whole time<br />

It was really remarkable that everyone was<br />

out, not only to have a good time themselves,<br />

but to do their best to give the others a good<br />

time.<br />

Needless to say everyone came home<br />

“broke”. It’s amazing where the money goes,<br />

what with <strong>Devon</strong>shire teas, films and photos,<br />

postcards etc. But our board was cheap, 35/-<br />

per head per week which was the party rate.<br />

The food was good and although they might<br />

have had a little more variety, they gave us<br />

plenty, especially when we took our meals out<br />

for the day. The hot dinners they gave us when<br />

we got back at night were good and the men<br />

were always served first, for some reason or<br />

other, and given nearly twice as much as the<br />

ladies.<br />

This record of our doings in <strong>Devon</strong> is<br />

brief, but it gives an idea of what we did.<br />

Our holiday in the footsteps of our parents was a great<br />

success. I think they would have been delighted with our<br />

efforts. We concluded that public transport facilities in 85<br />

years may have changed, though not always for the worse,<br />

that the towns and villages have gained a few more houses<br />

whilst maintaining their character, and the North <strong>Devon</strong><br />

coastline and countryside remain essentially timeless in their<br />

accessibility and beauty - Alan Parsons.<br />

1933 Watersmeet<br />

hubcast<br />

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What’s on in <strong>Devon</strong><br />


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