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Alphabetic list - Inra

Alphabetic list - Inra


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Sanglier S, Van DA, Padilla A, Labesse G, and Blanc S. 2001. Biochemical<br />

characterization of the helper component of Cauliflower mosaic virus. Journal of<br />

Virology 75: 8538-8546.<br />

Hébrard E, Froissart R, Louis C, and Blanc S. 1999. Les modes de transmission<br />

de virus phytopathogènes par vecteurs. Virologie 3: 35-48.<br />

Heddi A. 2002. The weevil's symbiocosm and its four intracellular genomes. In:<br />

Legakis A, Sfenthourakis S, Polymeni R and Thessalou-Legaki M, eds. The new<br />

Panorama of animal Evolution. Sofia-Moscow: Pensoft Publishers. in press.<br />

Heddi A. 2003. Endosymbiosis in the weevil of the genus Sitophilus: genetic,<br />

physiological, and molecular interactions among associated genomes. In:<br />

Bourtzis K and Miller T, eds. Insect symbiosis. Boca Raton, USA: CRC Press<br />

LLC. 69-84.<br />

Heddi A, Charles H, and Khatchadourian C. 2001. Intracellular bacterial symbiosis<br />

in the genus Sitophilus : the "Biological Individual" concept revisited. Research<br />

in Microbiology 152: 431-437.<br />

Heddi A, Charles H, Khatchadourian C, Bonnot G, and Nardon P. 1998.<br />

Molecular characterization of the principal symbiotic bacteria of the weevil<br />

Sitophilus oryzae: a peculiar G + C content of an endocytobiotic DNA. Journal of<br />

Molecular Evolution 47: 52-61.<br />

Heddi A, Charles H, and Rahbé Y. 1999. Comparative and phylogenetic aspects of<br />

two insect endocytobioses : aphids and weevils. In: Boemare N, Richardson P<br />

and Coudert F, eds. Taxonomy, phylogeny and gnotobiological studies of<br />

entomopathogenic nematode bacterium complexes. 37-44.<br />

Heddi A, Grenier AM, Khatchadourian C, Charles H, and Nardon P. 1999. Four<br />

intracellular genomes direct weevil biology : nuclear, mitochondrial, principal<br />

endosymbiont, and Wolbachia. Proceedings of the National Academy of<br />

Sciences of the U.S.A. 96: 6814-6819.<br />

Heddi A, Stepien G, Benke PJ, and Wallace DC. 1999. Coordinate induction of<br />

energy gene expression in tissues of mitochondrial disease patients. Journal of<br />

Biological Chemistry 274: 22968-22976.<br />

Hélias C, Vazeille-Falcoz M, Le Goff F, Abalain-Colloc ML, Rodhain F, Carle P,<br />

Whitcomb RF, Williamson DL, Tully JG, Bové JM, and Chastel C. 1998.<br />

Spiroplasma turonicum sp. nov. from Haematopota horse flies (Diptera:<br />

Tabanidae) in France. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 48: 457-<br />

461.<br />

Hélias V. 1999. Mise au point d'outils de caractérisation et de détection d'Erwinia<br />

carotovora subsp. atroseptica agent de la jambe noire et de la pourriture molle<br />

de la pomme de terre. Application à l'étude de la transmission de la bactérie du<br />

tubercule mère vers les tubercules fils via la plante, en cours de culture Thèse<br />

ENSAR. Rennes: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Agronomie.<br />

Hélias V, Andrivon D, and Jouan B. 2000. Development of symptoms caused by<br />

Erwinia carotovora ssp. atroseptica under field conditions : their effect on the<br />

yield of individual potato plants. Plant Pathology 49: 23-32.<br />

Hélias V, Andrivon D, and Jouan B. 2000. Internal colonisation pathways of potato<br />

plants by Erwinia carotovora ssp. Atroseptica. Plant Pathology 49: 33-42.<br />

Hélias V, Jouan B, and Andrivon D. 1999. Les Erwinia agents de pourritures<br />

molles. I. Symptômes et transmission. La Pomme de Terre Française 513: 40-<br />

43.<br />

Hélias V, Jouan B, and Andrivon D. 1999. Les Erwinia agents de pourritures<br />

molles. II. Espèces impliquées et outils de détection. La Pomme de Terre

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