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Alphabetic list - Inra


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Sugarcane Technologists vol. II: 410-411.<br />

Gilg O. 2002. The summer decline of the collared lemming, Dicrostonyx<br />

groenlandicus, in high arctic Grennland. Oikos 99: 499-510.<br />

Gilg O. 2002. Fluctuations cycliques du lemming à collier (Dicrostonyx<br />

groenlandicus) au Groenland : un modèle paramétrique pour les interactions<br />

prédateur-proie. Besançon: Université de Franche-Comté. 166.<br />

Gillon Y. 2000. Artificialisation et anthropisation. In: Gillon Y, Chaboud C, Boutrais J<br />

and Mullon C, eds. Du bon usage des ressources renouvelables. Paris: IRD<br />

Editions. 471.<br />

Gillon Y, Chaboud C, Boutrais J, and Mullon C. 2000. Du bon usage des<br />

ressources renouvelables. IRD Editions, Paris.<br />

Girard C. 1998. Evaluation de l'impact de colzas transgéniques exprimant des<br />

inhibiteurs de protéases sur des insectes ravageurs et sur l'abeille. Paris-<br />

Grignon: Institut National Agronomique. 126.<br />

Girard C. 1999. Etude de l'expression, de la maturation et de l'autoassemblage de la<br />

région structurale du virus de l'hépatite C en système hétérologue baculovirus -<br />

cellules d'insecte. Biologie Cellulaire: 151.<br />

Girard C, Bonade-Bottino M, Pham-Delegue MH, and Jouanin L. 1998. Two<br />

strains of cabbage seed weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) exhibit differential<br />

susceptibility to a transgenic oilseed rape expressing oryzacystatin I. Journal of<br />

Insect Physiology 44: 569-577.<br />

Girard C, Le Metayer M, Bonade-Bottino M, Pham-Delegue MH, and Jouanin L.<br />

1998. High level of resistance to proteinase inhibitors may be conferred by<br />

proteolytic cleavage in beetle larvae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology<br />

28: 229-37.<br />

Girard C, Le Metayer M, Zaccomer B, Bartlet E, Williams I, Bonade-Bottino M,<br />

Pham-Delegue MH, and Jouanin L. 1998. Growth stimulation of beetle larvae<br />

reared on a transgenic oilseed rape expressing a cysteine proteinase inhibitor.<br />

Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 263-270.<br />

Girard C, Picard-Nizou AL, Grallien E, Zaccomer B, Jouanin L, and Pham-<br />

Delegue MH. 1998. Effects of proteinase inhibitor ingestion on survival, learning<br />

abilities and digestive proteinases of the honeybee. Transgenic Research 7:<br />

239-246.<br />

Girard J-C, and Rott P. 2000. Pineapple disease. In: Rott P, Bailey RA, Comstock<br />

JC, Croft BJ and Saumtally AS, eds. A guide to sugarcane diseases.<br />

Montpellier, France: CIRAD/ISSC. 131-135.<br />

Giraud E, Champailler A, Moulard S, and Raimbault M. 1998. Development of a<br />

miniaturized selective counting strategy of lactic acid bacteria for evaluation of<br />

mixed started in a model cassava fermentation. Journal of Applied Microbiology<br />

84: 444-450.<br />

Giraud E, Fardoux L, Fourrier N, Hannibal L, Genty B, Bouyer P, Dreyfus B, and<br />

Vermeglio A. 2002. Bacteriophytochrome controls photosystem synthesis in<br />

anoxygenic bacteria. Nature 417: 202-205.<br />

Giraud E, Hannibal L, Chaintreuil C, Lorquin J, Molouba F, Mylovsky S, Hurard<br />

C, Boivin C, and Dreyfus B. 2000. Photosynthesis in Aeschynomene<br />

Bradyrhizobium sp. ORS 278: genetic analysis and role in symbiosis. In: al. Pe,<br />

ed. Nitrogen fixation: from molecules to crop productivity. 145-146.<br />

Giraud E, Hannibal L, Fardoux J, Vermeglio A, and Dreyfus B. 2000. Effect of<br />

Bradyrhizobium photosynthesis on stem nodulation of Aeschynomene sensitiva.<br />

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 97: 14795-

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